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Possible expansion of Pakistan

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And yet have the strong proponents of the idea in this thread. Is it the hashish or something else?
too much sugar in overcooked milky tea.
nothing else. bless them.
they got the hard on since Taliban occupied Kabul.
at this rate I am worried that sugar rush might compel them to go on world conquest. they already got the easy recepie from Turkish period drama series Ertugrul .. eat roasted lamb and swing the swords chanting
حق ہے اللہ سچ ہے واللہ
too much sugar in overcooked milky tea.
nothing else. bless them.
they got the hard on since Taliban occupied Kabul.
at this rate I am worried that sugar rush might compel them to go on world conquest. they already got the easy recepie from Turkish period drama series Ertugrul .. eat roasted lamb and swing the swords chanting
حق ہے اللہ سچ ہے واللہ

Overcooked milky tea, yes. But with hashish bisskutts, surely. Tea on its own cannot do this. :D
The reason why the Hazaras and Tajiks are locked in a constant struggle with Taliban is the Taliban's uncompromising religious view. The Taliban do not want any form of government that involves public voting. What makes you think that they will be okay with an Indonesian type of democracy?

It is more likely for Pakistan's semi conservative community to see reason in Taliban's argument for an emirate, than Taliban accepting a republic. While this argument is sorted out, blood will spill on street.

It all depends on their new constitution. If it’s clear then regardless of who is the candidate or elected member, he or she will have to follow it. I don’t think Taliban as the group is afraid of general election and public voting.
The idea behind posting this thread is coming from many directions:

The prediction part:
As per Naimatullah Wali, the attack on Pakistan by India will be stopped at river attock. Why river Attock? The only reason I have is that by that time, a considerable part of Afghanistan will be part of Pakistan.
Allah knows better.
Here is another part by Dr Israr, in which he clearly said some 12 years ago something that is pointing towards this very thing. Maybe not direct annexation, but very strong bonding with Afghanistan(15:15):

The security situation:
Following the map of Indian roads from Chahbahar to Delaram:

Secondly, the Baloch terrorist camps are also running along the western line of control(I don't have an exact location).
Thirdly, the Durand line issue.

If these regions come under the Pakistani territory, then we can kill all of these issues quite efficiently. Durand line will become a non-issue. Baloch terrorists will be pushed out of the region and Indian investments will fall directly into Pakistani hands.

Let's not do the same mistake as we did in 1962, where we had a clear chance of taking Kashmir back, and we even didn't try(Thank you Ayub Khan for that).
How about we just live and let live. They have their country and culture and we have ours. Let's all be happy about that.
It's a good idea, but trust me, our enemy will compel us anyway.
It all depends on their new constitution. If it’s clear then regardless of who is the candidate or elected member, he or she will have to follow it. I don’t think Taliban as the group is afraid of general election and public voting.
Taliban have always claimed that they will not follow a democratic setup. The Afghan gov. already tried to offer them that option.
Any merger should be done on realistic grounds not emotional sentiments. This cannot be rushed. Conditions needs to be right as well. It will have to be multi-decade approach where we build connectivity politically, militarily, economically & socially. Pros & Cons need to determined for both sides & there needs to be a plan to address the downsides.

1) Conditions

Politcally, under Taliban, it's difficult b/c of our western democratic system. Quite frankly, its our political system that needs to be reformed to make it islamic. Simply calling ourselves islamic & putting islamic clauses in constitution but then acting like a secular democracy is not going to work. Pak has done a good job in general of integrating different ethnicities so I don't think adding more would be too difficult.
Economically, connectivity will improve with stability. Efforts need to be taken by Pak to promote investment in A-stan. Right now A-stan is going through a high degree of uncertainty since their foreign paid salaries have dried up. We should allow tax free imports for a yr from them. Work on a FTA & a Schengen like system in the meanwhile.
Military, we can offer them training for all of their officers. We can integrate their units into our army for joint ops. We can even allow their units to be deployed on LoC. A nations armed forces are always a sense of pride for the common citizen. If their army has good relations w/ ours this will influence the larger society.
Socially, address the anti-pak propaganda. Build more linkages b/w ppl especially Pashtuns & Punjabis. Emphasize our COMMON traits, goals & interests. Utilize the media & academia for this. Control any anti-afghan sentiments among ourselves as well.

2) Pros

For Pak:
-We double our territory: more natural resources, bigger population, less fear of India taking half our territory in war
-direct access to Central Asia --> useful for trade & even further mergers
-no longer have to worry about India or anyone else using A-stan against us
-all terrorist org (if any exist at the time) are now in pak territory so now we can go after them by ourselves
-no more invasions of A-stan
-durand line no longer an issue
-dilutes the perception & accusations of supposed Punjabi control of Pak
-more leverage against world powers for deals since A-stan is a crucial trade & energy corridor (remember no permanent friends & allies)

For A-stan
-they also technically double their territory & gain a massive population
-they also gain more leverage against world powers
-direct influence on pak state policy as citizens
-unrestricted access to ocean
-don't have to worry about being invaded again
-border controls no longer an issue
-A-stan minorities no longer have to worry about Pashtun dominance
-Pashtuns will have more influence in pak due to larger population

3) Cons

For Pak
-potentially unstable country --> although I'd assume we'd wait if that's the case
-terrorist groups may target other countries for propaganda against us if pak isn't able to get them under control
-unreconcilable nationalists will attempt to destabilize
-have to put in effort & resources to integrate the new population

For A-stan
-Pashtun no longer the dominant group
-loss of influence for minorities due to merging w/ a larger population
-national pride takes a hit since they're no longer an independent state
-may not want to be part of a state that will likely be in a war against India

I believe all the cons can be addressed wholly or to an extent but it will take time
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Taliban have always claimed that they will not follow a democratic setup. The Afghan gov. already tried to offer them that option.

We will have to wait and see how much they will adopt from previous democratic government. I believe local body system will be similar.
I think they might go with Islamic Shura system (5 to 7 members) and democratic government under that.
Always for Expansion like Turkey is nowadays !!!

Pakistan should always look for expansion period!!!!
Well, guys, I am already ready for getting trolled for this. But so be it.

I am hearing some noises from Pakistan and from Afghanistan that few parts of Afghanistan that they want to join Pakistan. And if this happens, then there dies the idea of Durand line, automatically.
My question is if almost half of Afghanistan wants to join Pakistan, then will we welcome it? This also has the potential to end the endless wars in Afghanistan. Although demographics in Pakistan will be changed, but then we will also be more of a central asian nation, than South Asian.

Your views, please.

@ghazi52 @Mentee @Irfan Baloch @newb3e @PaklovesTurkiye @MastanKhan
I will personally support this idea.
Yes we should welcome it.

It will improve our economy. We will have a larger population. More talent will be in the country.

We will be a stronger force.
I voted yes.
The idea behind posting this thread is coming from many directions:

The prediction part:
As per Naimatullah Wali, the attack on Pakistan by India will be stopped at river attock. Why river Attock? The only reason I have is that by that time, a considerable part of Afghanistan will be part of Pakistan.
Allah knows better.
Here is another part by Dr Israr, in which he clearly said some 12 years ago something that is pointing towards this very thing. Maybe not direct annexation, but very strong bonding with Afghanistan(15:15):

The security situation:
Following the map of Indian roads from Chahbahar to Delaram:

Secondly, the Baloch terrorist camps are also running along the western line of control(I don't have an exact location).
Thirdly, the Durand line issue.

If these regions come under the Pakistani territory, then we can kill all of these issues quite efficiently. Durand line will become a non-issue. Baloch terrorists will be pushed out of the region and Indian investments will fall directly into Pakistani hands.

Let's not do the same mistake as we did in 1962, where we had a clear chance of taking Kashmir back, and we even didn't try(Thank you Ayub Khan for that).

It's a good idea, but trust me, our enemy will compel us anyway.
Shias don't believe in these predictions related to khurasan and Pakistan, Iran will come supreme as per their understanding. Hence they are rejecting the formula
Shias don't believe in these predictions related to khurasan and Pakistan, Iran will come supreme as per their understanding. Hence they are rejecting the formula
Oh. I didn't think about this aspect. But in any case we should proceed with our interests in the region.
Well, guys, I am already ready for getting trolled for this. But so be it.

I am hearing some noises from Pakistan and from Afghanistan that few parts of Afghanistan that they want to join Pakistan. And if this happens, then there dies the idea of Durand line, automatically.
My question is if almost half of Afghanistan wants to join Pakistan, then will we welcome it? This also has the potential to end the endless wars in Afghanistan. Although demographics in Pakistan will be changed, but then we will also be more of a central asian nation, than South Asian.

Your views, please.

@ghazi52 @Mentee @Irfan Baloch @newb3e @PaklovesTurkiye @MastanKhan
I will personally support this idea.
Maybe some teritorial trades to secure the border like Wakhan for some tribal areas or something. Not really expansion.
Now we are at stragetic partnership which is key with Afghanistan because we need them in 2 cases and I won't go in depth with it now. If there was Islamic sharia state in Pakistan we could converge naturally were both parties are willing to make the converging a reality but it has to be something that comes mutually on both parts but if our interests keeps converging were both parties seek the converging and that can only come if they sit together and think you know what lets make a bigger and stronger state together but it has to be mutually and it could come in times were it is beneficial for both parties
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