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PNS Mehran attackers buried

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Unknown assailants: After 10 months, PNS Mehran attackers buried
By Salman Siddiqui
Published: March 26, 2012

KARACHI: The bodies of four terrorists involved in a brazen attack on Pakistan Navy’s main aviation base on May 22, 2011 have been finally buried in unmarked graves for the unknown.
The dramatic siege on the PNS Mehran base in Karachi lasted 17 hours, leaving at least 10 security personnel dead and destroying two P3C Orion reconnaissance aircraft.
The bodies had been languishing at an Edhi morgue in the months since, but were eventually buried after painstaking intelligence surveillance work went in vain. The authorities had hoped that relatives of the dead would come forward to claim the bodies, but none did.
The bodies were kept at the Edhi morgue after the attack with the express orders from authorities that, unless they give the go-ahead, they should not be laid to rest.
“We finally got the go-ahead a few weeks ago and now they’ve been buried in one of our graveyards for the unknown,” the welfare organisation Edhi’s representative Anwar Kazmi said.
A number of DNA samples were collected from the mutilated bodies during the time the bodies were at the morgue, but despite many tests no conclusive results of their identity could be ascertained. Even matches from the database of NADRA were inconclusive.
Sources close to the investigation revealed that the intelligence agencies were hoping that some of the relatives of the dead would eventually come forward to claim the bodies.
“This has happened in the past and we were able to track down associates of terrorists when their families came forward to claim their dead,” a senior intelligence official said.
However, the authorities remained unlucky with the remains of the PNS Mehran attackers and ordered their bodies to be disposed of.
Published in The Express Tribune, March 26th, 2012.
The authorities had hoped that relatives of the dead would come forward to claim the bodies, but none did.

How can authority hope such things???? And more over what ISI was doing??? can't they find the origin of the attackers.

ISI is known as best spy agency in world, how come they don't know who were those guys???

These attackers cost dearer for Pakistan
10 lives, 2 PC3 Orion and Pakistani izzat.
How can authority hope such things???? And more over what ISI was doing??? can't they find the origin of the attackers.

ISI is known as best spy agency in world, how come they don't know who were those guys???

These attackers cost dearer for Pakistan
10 lives, 2 PC3 Orion and Pakistani izzat.

well they did find out who did it, two traitors were caught, two brothers who were in army but they where kicked out for some reason, so they helped terrorists to take revenge from the army i guess.
How can authority hope such things???? And more over what ISI was doing??? can't they find the origin of the attackers.

ISI is known as best spy agency in world, how come they don't know who were those guys???

These attackers cost dearer for Pakistan
10 lives, 2 PC3 Orion and Pakistani izzat.


intel vs security.

ISI is intelligence based and it gives off warnings to the civil and military based on its reports. now how the civil or military leadership in a certain base or building takes care of its security is beyond the ISI. ISI is not responsible for base defence. its the responsibility of the base commander to ensure it is properly policed and its parameters are secured.

the Mehran base attacks was not due to fault or weakness in the intelligence. but it was the fault of the bad security setup and the response. the ease with which the attackers came and left while some goons on purpose stayed and killed themselves while the more important attackers made their escape.
We should have been able to stop the attacks before they took place. We have to be able to stop incidences of terrorism from happening. Its seriously denting the peoples confidence in everything about this war. If we couldn't win the war why did we blunder into it on USA's behest in the first place. Now we have suffered $64 Billion in losses and have war losses of 40000 civilians and soldiers. Amazing isn't it... the stupidity of our policy makers.
Good riddance, but IMO these people had no right to be buried in the soil they betrayed, throw them into the sea. Let the fish enjoy them.
Good riddance, but IMO these people had no right to be buried in the soil they betrayed, throw them into the sea. Let the fish enjoy them.
U r a country, not any terrorist org..
Every country, should show humanity with friends and even with enemies. See what US did with OBL..
U r a country, not any terrorist org..
Every country, should show humanity with friends and even with enemies. See what US did with OBL..

Yeh They Threw Him Into the Sea Where i am sure he is enjoying Dinner with mermaid? .. . . . quite the humanitarian they are .
Good time for the suckers to rest in hell forsure ...later cowards.
Good riddance, but IMO these people had no right to be buried in the soil they betrayed, throw them into the sea. Let the fish enjoy them.

There were some strong reports that the attackers were of foreign origin, NADRA couldn't locate them in its database. I can be wrong.
I say , ISI has genius People On-board who are surely looking forward to sink the Ship " ISI " lolx .... keep it up
How can authority hope such things???? And more over what ISI was doing??? can't they find the origin of the attackers.

ISI is known as best spy agency in world, how come they don't know who were those guys???

These attackers cost dearer for Pakistan
10 lives, 2 PC3 Orion and Pakistani izzat.

dude these were real attackers, not fake mumbai attackers who carried their IDs, Passports, made in Pakistan biscuits with them and some chit chat on network with their supposed buddies in Pakistan.
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