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PMLN badmash armed wing.

Imran khan name also should be ilzaam khan

IK has done a hell of a lot more for Pakistan - at least socially speaking -than any of these other crooks, or old-timers

but i condemn all of them for even being remotely affiliated with "armed wings"...
Yes I also noticed that, The accent of balochistan pashtuns is same as that of the dominant pashtun accent in afghanistan but it is not surprising because my Tareen friend from Harnai told me that major tribe of southern pashtuns Durranis/Abdalis are part of greater Tareen tribe namely Spin tareen, The balochistan Tareen are Tor Tareen, the other major tribe of balochistan pashtuns is Kakar which is also a major tribe in durrani areas of neighboring afghanistan. Basically Pashtuns of balochistan have similar life style and traditions like that of Durranis and Kakars. The only difference I noted was that pashtuns from balochistan were darker in complexion compared to Durranis and Kakars of Afghanistan. My friends from sibbi and harnai are Tareen which is the dominant tribe in their areas.
Spin and tor, these are two factions of tareen tribe and both live in balochistan. We marwats also had two factions in the past, spin and tor (white and black) and they spilled each other blood for a century and half.
Tareens, durranis, yousafzais , mohmands, shinwari, kasi and some other tribes are related to each other and are called sarbans. They proudly call themeselves true pashtuns. Beside sarbans, the other four groups of pashtuns are ghurghust, ghilzai, karlanri and lodhi.
Spin and tor, these are two factions of tareen tribe and both live in balochistan. We marwats also had two factions in the past, spin and tor (white and black) and they spilled each other blood for a century and half.
Tareens, durranis, yousafzais , mohmands, shinwari, kasi and some other tribes are related to each other and are called sarbans. They proudly call themeselves true pashtuns. Beside sarbans, the other four groups of pashtuns are ghurghust, ghilzai, karlanri and lodhi.

The relation between Tareen and Durranis is different than other tribes mentioned by you because Durranis/Abdalis are part of Tareen tribe as told by my tareen friend from harnai.
@Abu Zolfiqar , there is no hatred against hazaras due to mongol factor in Afghanistan (Afghans were not even aware that hazaras were mongolia related people untill modren researches came out), but yest tajiks and pashtuns look down upon them just like rajas and chauhdries look down upon kammis in punjab. Its uzbeks, not hazaras, who inherited the legacy of mongol hordes. Hazaras were unknown, small in population and insignificant untill 18th and 19th century.
Now uzbeks , despite of having mongol background, are not considered inferior, uzbeks are hanafi muslims. Hazaras are persio-mongols and shias, its their sect which makes them unique in afghanistan, not chinky eyes.
IK has done a hell of a lot more for Pakistan - at least socially speaking -than any of these other crooks, or old-timers

but i condemn all of them for even being remotely affiliated with "armed wings"...
what is that " hell of a lot" beside building shakuat khatum hospital on charity/chanda of Pakistani people..

I dont have anything against IK/PTI. I only hate this double standard of patians who wish right/freedom of abusing others because they dont support PTI. I am more holy because i am slave of ik, you are evil because you dont love pti. My leader/party is saint. You belong to badmash people/party

I agree with your last part but look here ..can we blame Ik for this?

@Abu Zolfiqar , there is no hatred against hazaras due to mongol factor in Afghanistan (Afghans were not even aware that hazaras were mongolia related people untill modren researches came out), but yest tajiks and pashtuns look down upon them just like rajas and chauhdries look down upon kammis in punjab. Its uzbeks, not hazaras, who inherited the legacy of mongol hordes. Hazaras were unknown, small in population and insignificant untill 18th and 19th century.
Now uzbeks , despite of having mongol background, are not considered inferior, uzbeks are hanafi muslims. Hazaras are persio-mongols and shias, its their sect which makes them unique in afghanistan, not chinky eyes.


avoid using term "chinky" dear. But you bring interesting points. My impression was different. The Hazaras were SEEN as having links to invaders. But obviously this is a historical thing I'd have to look further into. Sect plays a role, but I dont think initially it did.

my main point was that it was hatred in afghanistan that dragged over to Pakistan side; hazaras have been in Pakistan for a long time. Even in my native Kurram we have Hazara community. My fathers mother village is known as Badama (Upper Kurram) and you have a small couple Hazara areas there.

pretty good rifle marksmen and hunters if i may say, interacted with many of them
The relation between Tareen and Durranis is different than other tribes mentioned by you because Durranis/Abdalis are part of Tareen tribe as told by my tareen friend from harnai.
In the shajra tareen is indeed ancestor of Abdal, but both are separate tribes. Forexample mehsud is grandson of wazir (whose descendents are wazirs) but both mehsuds and wazirs are separate tribes. In shajra, Niazi is descendent of lodhi, but both are functioning as separate tribes.

The relation between Tareen and Durranis is different than other tribes mentioned by you because Durranis/Abdalis are part of Tareen tribe as told by my tareen friend from harnai.
In the shajra tareen is indeed ancestor of Abdal, but both are separate tribes. Forexample mehsud is grandson of wazir (whose descendents are wazirs) but both mehsuds and wazirs are separate tribes. In shajra, Niazi is descendent of lodhi, but both are functioning as separate tribes.
what is that " hell of a lot" beside building shakuat khatum hospital on charity/chanda of Pakistani people

Shaukat Khanum hospital network has done HUGE service to Pakistan...that in and of itself

I dont have anything against IK/PTI. I only hate this double standard of patians who wish right/freedom of abusing others because they dont support PTI. I am more holy because i am slave of ik, you are evil because you dont love pti. My leader/party is saint. You belong to badmash people/party

this whole you are right and i am wrong mentality is something i hate too....ive seen some PTI activists who were absolute hooligans. So im not absolving them of anything. My only point was that PTI is no worse than any of the other miserable political parties afflicting this country

at least IK himself isnt corrupt, unlike these other crooks some confused Pakistanis keep electing

I agree with your last part but look here ..can we blame Ik for this?


i see people in a picture, one of them wearing some goofy looking topi with a logo :laugh:

am i missing something here?

avoid using term "chinky" dear. But you bring interesting points. My impression was different. The Hazaras were SEEN as having links to invaders. But obviously this is a historical thing I'd have to look further into. Sect plays a role, but I dont think initially it did.

my main point was that it was hatred in afghanistan that dragged over to Pakistan side; hazaras have been in Pakistan for a long time. Even in my native Kurram we have Hazara community. My fathers mother village is known as Badama (Upper Kurram) and you have a small couple Hazara areas there.

pretty good rifle marksmen and hunters if i may say, interacted with many of them
Nope, the hatred is not very ancient. In 1890s, hazaras rose in rebellion against amir abdul rehman, possibly on encouragement from british. Amir abdul rehman brutally suppressed the rebellion (thats why he is called iron amir). After crushing of this rebellion, some hazaras fled to british administered areas like Quetta. The presence of hazaras in pakistan is not ancient, they settled here in times of amir abdul rehman. And hazaras have resentments against pashtuns, mostly due to amir abdul rehman.
And then we talk about MQM!!!

How much more proof does one need?

i see people in a picture, one of them wearing some goofy looking topi with a logo :laugh:

am i missing something here?
yea you are missing the gun they are holding..my point was if some PML(N) supporters holding gun make PMl(N) badmash party then this pic make pti same party
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