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PMLN badmash armed wing.

Dude, they just don't have these...... they are the bankrollers of Sipah-e-Sahaba/Lashkar-e-Jhangvi..... etc etc....... in fact any proscribed armed organization you can think of, they are the funders and accountants of it.......

Let's not forget the WHOLE of Punjab Police! :D



I was trying to point out that secterian killings rarely happen in punjab considirng 55% of population live there. Check this report

Secterian killings per province in last 5 years.

Fata 867
Balochistan 737
Sindh 252
Punjab 104
G-B 103
K-P 22

Sectarian violence: Over 2,000 people killed in 5 years, Interior Ministry tells Senate – The Express Tribune

Do you know couple of days ago 7 Shia IDPs were killed by gunmen? I posted thread on ttp war section. And as you can clearly see Punjab and KPK are least effected by this menance on per person basis.

104 killed in last 5 years, still to much. But people tend to overhype Punjab secterian violence while ignoring areas where this is pretty normal.
lol again KPK and PTI is back ... shameless way to divert the topic and killing by Mr shahbaz sharif

Imran khan name also should be ilzaam khan
one more PLMN slave is here to defend #GULLUBUTT ...shame on u ... u r trying to divert the attention from terrorism done by PMLN
one more PLMN slave is here to defend #GULLUBUTT ...shame on u ... u r trying to divert the attention from terrorism done by PMLN
IK love loyal dogs like you. Keep barking to other political party and their supporters :D
On balochistan you are not really an authority, I have many friends from different parts of balochistan such as quetta, pishin, harnai , sibbi etc. , I confirmed from them and they told me there are tons of afghan pashtuns living in their areas but they are probably from southern durrani/ghilzai clans which are indistinguishable in their life style and dialects from indigenous pashtuns living in balochistan.
I admitt i am not an authority on balochistan, i was talking about Quetta. One of my relative is wakeel in chaman and another is teacher is zhob, our accent is similar to people of zhob and sherani.
Achakzais, kakars, nasars etc also live on other side of durand. And if you look at the accent, traditional dress, food, music, customs etc of pashtuns of balochistan, they are similar to pashtuns of southren afghanistan. They are infact more typical and traditional pashtuns then pakhtuns of peshawer valley.
IK love loyal dogs like you. Keep barking to other political party and their supporters :D
awww u r just acting like GulluButt now ... im not barking .. im just exposing ur slavery ..even on that day when whole word is saying that Shahbaz sharif ordered to kill protesters shameless are here to defend hoo .. just one thing come in my mind for slaves like u "MUTMAIN BAGARAT"
And Sharifs love dog like u silking there foot to get laptop
they sell their zameer for laptops ...

they sell their zameer for laptops ...
yaar aik kaam ha ..i couldnt find a video .. express news exposed how police is supporting GULLUBUTT .. the FIR they registered .. they all charged him for FIR, which are irreverent and there is almost no punishment on them .. he will get bail .. now i couldn't find it on zemtv ... please try to find FIR copy so i can show that sharif family slave the reality of their God Father
awww u r just acting like GulluButt now ... im not barking .. im just exposing ur slavery ..even on that day when whole word is saying that Shahbaz sharif ordered to kill protesters shameless are here to defend hoo .. just one thing come in my mind for slaves like u "MUTMAIN BAGARAT"
You are most idiot slave of PTI here who cannot even make proper argument and behave like emotional kid. You think people are slave of others if they dont support Ilzaam khan ? Slaves of khan can bad mouths others as much as they want and their loyalty with their party and leader is not slavery..at least have same standard for yourself and others :D

And Sharifs love dog like u silking there foot to get laptop
another mr 420..your nick suit you and your party

You are most idiot slave of PTI here who cannot even make proper argument and behave like emotional kid. You think people are slave of others if they dont support Ilzaam khan ? Slaves of khan can bad mouths others as much as they want and their loyalty with their party and leader is not slavery..at least have same standard for yourself and others :D
we bad mouth bcoz u r defending the killer of innocent people ... how shahbaz used police aspets .. use them to take political revenge.. u didnt utter a word against them .. that is what makes u a slave .. we have said alot against IK on this forum ...this whole day show me a post where u condemed the police or gullubutt or even plmn ... that is why u r slave ...when NS and SS are gone u will be slave of hamza and mariyan ..then ur childern will be slaves of their grand childern ... shameless morans ...electing them 6 times and they brought this country on this stage
we bad mouth bcoz u r defending the killer of innocent people ... how shahbaz used police aspets .. use them to take political revenge.. u didnt utter a word against them .. that is what makes u a slave .. we have said alot against IK on this forum ...this whole day show me a post where u condemed the police or gullubutt or even plmn ... that is why u r slave ...when NS and SS are gone u will be slave of hamza and mariyan ..then ur childern will be slaves of their grand childern ... shameless morans ...electing them 6 times and they brought this country on this stage
blah blah blah look at topic in political section of this forums. It show who is obsessed with whom and who is slave of whom
stop these senseless rants
There were allegations against MQM, BUT PMLN practically done it in punjab ... Actually PMLN is a terrorist organization.. Blood thirsty, corrupt people..
1-Lashkar e jangvi guys in Quetta are punjabis, you can confirm it from any quettawal.

not necessarily

2- Taliban in late 90s, didnt massacre hazaras in mazar shareef due to sect but due to revenge. First taliban captured mazar shareef but lost the city due to street fighting and sudden ambushes. Thousands of taliban prisoners were killed. When taliban re-took the city, they returned the favour. According to Afghan taliban claims, pakistanis of sipah e sahaba burnt iranian counselate in mazar shareef.

Im not sure about this - but the hatred against Hazaras is OLDDDDD. It goes way back to the time of the Mongols when they invaded what is today Afghanistan. The Pashtuns at that time felt dis-enfranchised and disrespected.

Because of the utter STUPIDITY and emotionalism of people in this region, old conflicts never die. Sectarian dimension came only much later. Exacerbated by TERRORIST/Proxy groups like Sipah e Sahaba/LeJ and their affiliates.

The violence was perpetual. You had factions form. Hazara warlords were represented by Mohammad Mohaqiq; as far as Afghanistan is concerned the Pashtun, Darri/Tajik speaking & Hazaras were always at eachothers throats. Eventually the violence would spread into our side, and made worsened by the terrorist/proxy sectarian groups

3- From what i have heard, there are no ethnic and sectarian tensions between pashtuns and hazaras. Afghan-pashtuns and hazaras are rather close with each other.

Its the other way around. There were no ethnic tensions in Pakistan. It was from Afghanistan that this spillover and hatred took place. Hazaras were always MUCH safer in Pakistan, which is why many Hazara Afghan refugees came to Pakistan.

Baloch nationalists have problems with both hazaras and afghan-pashtuns.

well these so-called "nationalists" have problems with fellow Baloch; they kill those who want to become empowered, be loyal to the state and be educated - rather than be slaves of feudal nawabs

this isnt always the case, but more often than not it is...the refugee crisis did bring demographic changes and regular Baloch as well as the rebels did see this as a threat of sorts

4- Most of the Afghan refugees in Quetta are not pashtuns but hazaras. Bulk of hazaras are illegal refugees. The ones with proper pakistani nationality, were settled here by british 100 years ago, in exchange for their military services against sunni balochs of iranian part of balochistan. @Abu Zolfiqar would disagree with me.

Im not 100% sure of that so I cant agree or disagree. You do have Pakistani Pashtuns who have been a part of Balochistan for a very long time.

It will be important for our Baloch and other brethren/comrades to ensure that sectarian groups dont flourish in the Province. People should be human beings first before being any sect. These "sect" names are just man-made designer labels. These "sect" names should be deleted from our memory. We are Pakistanis FIRST.

The massacre against Hazaras sent shock-waves throughout Pakistan. What was their crime? Innocent people were killed.

Pay closer atention to names.


may they all rot in hell for their crimes.....if the judiciary cant get them
I admitt i am not an authority on balochistan, i was talking about Quetta. One of my relative is wakeel in chaman and another is teacher is zhob, our accent is similar to people of zhob and sherani.
Achakzais, kakars, nasars etc also live on other side of durand. And if you look at the accent, traditional dress, food, music, customs etc of pashtuns of balochistan, they are similar to pashtuns of southren afghanistan. They are infact more typical and traditional pashtuns then pakhtuns of peshawer valley.

Yes I also noticed that, The accent of balochistan pashtuns is same as that of the dominant pashtun accent in afghanistan but it is not surprising because my Tareen friend from Harnai told me that major tribe of southern pashtuns Durranis/Abdalis are part of greater Tareen tribe namely Spin tareen, The balochistan Tareen are Tor Tareen, the other major tribe of balochistan pashtuns is Kakar which is also a major tribe in durrani areas of neighboring afghanistan. Basically Pashtuns of balochistan have similar life style and traditions like that of Durranis and Kakars. The only difference I noted was that pashtuns from balochistan were darker in complexion compared to Durranis and Kakars of Afghanistan. My friends from sibbi and harnai are Tareen which is the dominant tribe in their areas.
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