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PMLN badmash armed wing.

And do you know most of these secretarian bastards are living in Punjab, getting equipped and trained here and launching their operations from here? Jhang for example is head quarter of LeJ, no?

Punjabi secterian bastards will kill punjabi shias first before moving to other parts. Easy to dump other people shit on punjab...
Punjabi secterian bastards will kill punjabi shias first before moving to other parts. Easy to dump other people shit on punjab...

Yes they are making propaganda all the time about LEJ operating in balochistan and killing hazara shias. Yes there is LEJ in balochistan but its operatives in balochistan are local ethnic balochs and ethnic pashtuns, just because LEJ was founded in punjab does not mean that every member of LEJ is punjabi, this is the propaganda that all the channels are spreading against punjab and how punjab government is protecting LEJ activists in punjab, how many sectarian killings have taken place in punjab if punjabis members of LEJ were the main factor behind its operations in other parts of the country, perhaps the lowest sectarian killings take place in punjab "so called" "head quarter" of LEJ which it is not any more. LEJ has become a franchise and has independent branches in all provinces of pakistan with local operatives.
lol you're in denial so no point arguing with you.

i also want operation against these bastards. No one should be killed over secterian differences, as i said 104 killed in last 5 years are to much.

Yes they are making propaganda all the time about LEJ operating in balochistan and killing hazara shias. Yes there is LEJ in balochistan but its operatives in balochistan are local ethnic balochs and ethnic pashtuns, just because LEJ was founded in punjab does not mean that every member of LEJ is punjabi, this is the propaganda that all the channels are spreading against punjab and how punjab government is protecting LEJ activists in punjab, how many sectarian killings have taken place in punjab if punjabis members of LEJ were the main factor behind its operations in other parts of the country, perhaps the lowest sectarian killings take place in punjab "so called" "head quarter" of LEJ which it is not any more. LEJ has become a franchise and has independent branches in all provinces of pakistan with local operatives.

These organizations are just umbrella terms at this point. You take care of lej in Punjab but it will not stop Balochistan killings...

But it will reduce even further number of people killed in Punjab over secterian issues.
Yes they are making propaganda all the time about LEJ operating in balochistan and killing hazara shias. Yes there is LEJ in balochistan but its operatives in balochistan are local ethnic balochs and ethnic pashtuns, just because LEJ was founded in punjab does not mean that every member of LEJ is punjabi, this is the propaganda that all the channels are spreading against punjab and how punjab government is protecting LEJ activists in punjab, how many sectarian killings have taken place in punjab if punjabis members of LEJ were the main factor behind its operations in other parts of the country, perhaps the lowest sectarian killings take place in punjab "so called" "head quarter" of LEJ which it is not any more. LEJ has become a franchise and has independent branches in all provinces of pakistan with local operatives.

What is the proof of all this brain fart? How many LeJ operatives have been arrested and proved to be Baloch or Hazara locals. Do you even have statistics available to back your crap?

Oh I forgot, you are from N-League, the biggest ally of these Sectarian killers, ofcourse you would know about them to the core since you are the one who's in bed with them. My apologies.
What is the proof of all this brain fart? How many LeJ operatives have been arrested and proved to be Baloch or Hazara locals. Do you even have statistics available to back your crap?

Oh I forgot, you are from N-League, the biggest ally of these Sectarian killers, ofcourse you would know about them to the core since you are the one who's in bed with them. My apologies.

Do you seriously believe punjabis are killing Hazara shias in Balochistan? And i actually saw someone posted pictures and names of Balochistan lej members in this forum, non of them punjabis. Can't remember the thread now..

And Punjabis themselves are not save in Balochistan because of BLA. Who have killed many punjabis there.
What is the proof of all this brain fart? How many LeJ operatives have been arrested and proved to be Baloch or Hazara locals. Do you even have statistics available to back your crap?

Oh I forgot, you are from N-League, the biggest ally of these Sectarian killers, ofcourse you would know about them to the core since you are the one who's in bed with them. My apologies.

What is Jundullah then , they are known to be sectarian baloch oraganization in border areas of iran that takes on shia persians, Jundullah is an important component of LEJ in balochistan. There are tons of Afghan pashtuns in quetta and northern balochistan and they hate Hazaras from the depth of their hearts on racial and religious grounds, they form the other component of LEJ in balochistan and are hell bent to racially exterminate Hazara shias settled in quetta on religious grounds, they do the same in afghanistan with them.
What is Jundullah then , they are known to be sectarian baloch oraganization in border areas of iran that takes on shia persians, Jundullah is an important component of LEJ in balochistan. There are tons of Afghan pashtuns in quetta and northern balochistan and they hate Hazaras from the depth of their hearts on racial and religious grounds, they form the other component of LEJ in balochistan and are hell bent to racially exterminate Hazara shias settled in quetta on religious grounds, they do the same in afghanistan with them.

Lots of propaganda against Hazaras on ethnic basis as well, plus they are shias. What can you expect when psudo Pakistani liberal Tarek Fateh says Hazaras are making ethnic Baloch minority in Balochistan.


''Iran uses Hazara settlers in demographic war to turn the Baloch into a minority in their own land. Its not just a Sunni-Shia issue.'' Tarek Fateh
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Lots of propaganda against Hazaras on ethnic basis as well, plus they are shias. What can you expect when psudo Pakistani liberal Tarek Fateh says Hazaras are making ethnic Baloch minority in Balochistan.


''Iran uses Hazara settlers in demographic war to turn the Baloch into a minority in their own land. Its not just a Sunni-Shia issue.''

This is what I am also saying all along that the issue of the killing of Hazara is a very complex issue but pakistani channels and quasi journalists who have no ground knowledge of the intricate situation of balochistan want to simplify it to ordinary "sectarian" killing.
What is Jundullah then , they are known to be sectarian baloch oraganization in border areas of iran that takes on shia persians, Jundullah is an important component of LEJ in balochistan. There are tons of Afghan pashtuns in quetta and northern balochistan and they hate Hazaras from the depth of their hearts on racial and religious grounds, they form the other component of LEJ in balochistan and are hell bent to racially exterminate Hazara shias settled in quetta on religious grounds, they do the same in afghanistan with them.
1-Lashkar e jangvi guys in Quetta are punjabis, you can confirm it from any quettawal.
2- Taliban in late 90s, didnt massacre hazaras in mazar shareef due to sect but due to revenge. First taliban captured mazar shareef but lost the city due to street fighting and sudden ambushes. Thousands of taliban prisoners were killed. When taliban re-took the city, they returned the favour. According to Afghan taliban claims, pakistanis of sipah e sahaba burnt iranian counselate in mazar shareef.
3- From what i have heard, there are no ethnic and sectarian tensions between pashtuns and hazaras. Afghan-pashtuns and hazaras are rather close with each other. Baloch nationalists have problems with both hazaras and afghan-pashtuns.
4- Most of the Afghan refugees in Quetta are not pashtuns but hazaras. Bulk of hazaras are illegal refugees. The ones with proper pakistani nationality, were settled here by british 100 years ago, in exchange for their military services against sunni balochs of iranian part of balochistan. @Abu Zolfiqar would disagree with me.
1-Lashkar e jangvi guys in Quetta are punjabis, you can confirm it from any quettawal.
2- Taliban in late 90s, didnt massacre hazaras in mazar shareef due to sect but due to revenge. First taliban captured mazar shareef but lost the city due to street fighting and sudden ambushes. Thousands of taliban prisoners were killed. When taliban re-took the city, they returned the favour. According to Afghan taliban claims, pakistanis of sipah e sahaba burnt iranian counselate in mazar shareef.
3- From what i have heard, there are no ethnic and sectarian tensions between pashtuns and hazaras. Afghan-pashtuns and hazaras are rather close with each other. Baloch nationalists have problems with both hazaras and afghan-pashtuns.
4- Most of the Afghan refugees in Quetta are not pashtuns but hazaras. Bulk of hazaras are illegal refugees. The ones with proper pakistani nationality, were settled here by british 100 years ago, in exchange for their military services against sunni balochs of iranian part of balochistan. @Abu Zolfiqar would disagree with me.

Pay closer atention to names.

1-Lashkar e jangvi guys in Quetta are punjabis, you can confirm it from any quettawal.
2- Taliban in late 90s, didnt massacre hazaras in mazar shareef due to sect but due to revenge. First taliban captured mazar shareef but lost the city due to street fighting and sudden ambushes. Thousands of taliban prisoners were killed. When taliban re-took the city, they returned the favour. According to Afghan taliban claims, pakistanis of sipah e sahaba burnt iranian counselate in mazar shareef.
3- From what i have heard, there are no ethnic and sectarian tensions between pashtuns and hazaras. Afghan-pashtuns and hazaras are rather close with each other. Baloch nationalists have problems with both hazaras and afghan-pashtuns.
4- Most of the Afghan refugees in Quetta are not pashtuns but hazaras. Bulk of hazaras are illegal refugees. The ones with proper pakistani nationality, were settled here by british 100 years ago, in exchange for their military services against sunni balochs of iranian part of balochistan. @Abu Zolfiqar would disagree with me.

On balochistan you are not really an authority, I have many friends from different parts of balochistan such as quetta, pishin, harnai , sibbi etc. , I confirmed from them and they told me there are tons of afghan pashtuns living in their areas but they are probably from southern durrani/ghilzai clans which are indistinguishable in their life style and dialects from indigenous pashtuns living in balochistan.
How long Ptains will cry on this political section of Pdf ? No matter how much you guys cry, moan and weep on internet it would not change anything on ground so save your tears and stop your rants and give up with this obsession with Pml(N) :D
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