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PMLN badmash armed wing.

Perfect depiction of our gov

Do you know they extort "bhatta"? Kill members of other parties? They are not just body guards.
Do you know how many parties do that???

Anyway, where is the link that these specific guys have been involved in killing people and collecting bhatta? Posting their faces mean you've solid proof that these specific people have been involved in illict activities.
Do you know how many parties do that???

Anyway, where is the link that these specific guys have been involved in killing people and collecting bhatta? Posting their faces mean you've solid proof that these specific people have been involved in illict activities.

Don't care how many parties do it, that is not the point. The point is that "This is wrong". Two wrongs don't make a right.
I know it because i have seen it with my own eyes, i don't have a link to provide you.

You don't have to believe me!!
Don't care how many parties do it, that is not the point. The point is that "This is wrong". Two wrongs don't make a right.
I know it because i have seen it with my own eyes, i don't have a link to provide you.

You don't have to believe me!!

Yes, two wrongs don't make a right. This is what I was telling this PTI fans. That just because Nawaz shariff has barrriers, doesn't mean so shall TuQ house! But they call me noon leaguer.

Also, you don't have link to provide? Then you don't have right to show their faces. Not so clever people will think these guys are bhatta mafia, they kill people for no reason and so forth.

If you want to make general statement that PMLn is bhatta party, you type out in words. When you post someone faces, you must also provide them asking for bhatta.

Last I checked, MQM Altaf hussain is no billionare and hence requires bhatta. Are there bhatta mafia in Lahore? Because shariff brothers are billionares. I'm not sure what 1000 rupees a shop will do them. They can invest their money and make far more than ask for bhatta. Same with PPP. It asks very little bhatta as it too is a billionare. And PPP is not in Karachi, so it's more or else MQM asking for bhatta.

Edit: Do you have ANY link whatsoever? Like a news website saying PMLn has gang which collects bhatta? I've read about MQM, but not PMLn.

I'm not defending PMLn here. Do enlighten me if there is actual proof that these people collect bhatta. I live in far west and I don't live in lahore to see with my own eyes that these people are collecting bhatta.

For example, India will not believe you have a jet parked in your backyard unless you give them proof. You can't say "it's there because I've seen with my own eyes."
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Never changes face expression. Typical giveaway of a psychotic.

Oooh look, militant wing of PTI! Collects bhatta! Kills for party! You don't have to believe me!! I've seen with my own eyes!!


My Urdu is poor. Can someone say what they newspaper is saying?

Yes, two wrongs don't make a right. This is what I was telling this PTI fans. That just because Nawaz shariff has barrriers, doesn't mean so shall TuQ house! But they call me noon leaguer.

Also, you don't have link to provide? Then you don't have right to show their faces. Not so clever people will think these guys are bhatta mafia, they kill people for no reason and so forth.

If you want to make general statement that PMLn is bhatta party, you type out in words. When you post someone faces, you must also provide them asking for bhatta.

Last I checked, MQM Altaf hussain is no billionare and hence requires bhatta. Are there bhatta mafia in Lahore? Because shariff brothers are billionares. I'm not sure what 1000 rupees a shop will do them. They can invest their money and make far more than ask for bhatta. Same with PPP. It asks very little bhatta as it too is a billionare. And PPP is not in Karachi, so it's more or else MQM asking for bhatta.

Edit: Do you have ANY link whatsoever? Like a news website saying PMLn has gang which collects bhatta? I've read about MQM, but not PMLn.

I'm not defending PMLn here. Do enlighten me if there is actual proof that these people collect bhatta. I live in far west and I don't live in lahore to see with my own eyes that these people are collecting bhatta.

For example, India will not believe you have a jet parked in your backyard unless you give them proof. You can't say "it's there because I've seen with my own eyes."

By the way those barriers were installed 2 years ago on the order of supreme court, outside Minhaj center.

And not sure if you are aware, police is trained to shoot on legs unless there is no option and kill as a last resort. In this case police shot all the women including kids in the head straight up.

Do you think PMLN will advertise on website they have gangs? You have to come to Lahore spend some time here and find out.

How about you see news and videos of current week and see what's going on. There are plenty of videos and news program discussing this.

Why are we discussing PTI here? The topic at hand is armed wing of N.


Oooh look, militant wing of PTI! Collects bhatta! Kills for party! You don't have to believe me!! I've seen with my own eyes!!


My Urdu is poor. Can someone say what they newspaper is saying?

Open another thread to discuss this, don't argue for the sake of it.


Oooh look, militant wing of PTI! Collects bhatta! Kills for party! You don't have to believe me!! I've seen with my own eyes!!


My Urdu is poor. Can someone say what they newspaper is saying?

Mr English what do you make of this urdu newspaper? Try to translate; i will post correct one afterwards.
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By the way those barriers were installed 2 years ago on the order of supreme court, outside Minhaj center.

Pot meet kettle. Didn't you say two wrongs don't make a right? Yes?

So is it ok for the protestors to challenge writ of police? If police is doing something against the court's order, are they going to go and challenge police in court or attack police?

And not sure if you are aware, police is trained to shoot on legs unless there is no option and kill as a last resort. In this case police shot all the women including kids in the head straight up.

Not sure if you know this, but police is poorly trained.

2009 attack on the Sri Lanka national cricket team - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

" A police officer who climbed into the minivan to seek cover initially refused to drive the minivan. After Chris Broad scolded him he agreed and drove the minivan to safety."

This is what we're talking about. I can pull more sources to show you how incompetent the police is. My favorite from KPK: 'Coward' police flayed over Dera jailbreak: Our heads hang in shame: minister - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

"Police officers and constables had hidden in sewer lines" These police officers must be trained to shoot suspects and prevent jail break, but it happened. Meanwhile Punjab police, instead of outrightly shooting at protestors at the begining, first shot in air to dispearse protestors, who continued to pelt rocks.

And to make you happy, police did fire in the air. Police did retreat many times. But the protestors were having none of it and kept attacking police.


Two wrongs being done to make a right.

Do you think PMLN will advertise on website they have gangs? You have to come to Lahore spend some time here and find out.

Do you think MQM will advertise on website they have gangs? No. That's why there are credible news articles that tell MQM has millitant wing, that collects bhata and kill people.

How about you see news and videos of current week and see what's going on. There are plenty of videos and news program discussing this.

I do listen to news programs. But perhaps I'm so dumb and you're mighty. I must have missed something. Could you give me link to credible news article or program talking about these specific faces shown on this thread were involved in bhatta collection?

Why are we discussing PTI here? The topic at hand is armed wing of N.

Sure, i'll back off on that. I saw some others posting PTI pic. I'll create a thread and ask what's written in Urdu.

Final word, I am not saying the deaths of the protestors were justified. They should'nt have shot even in legs. Use rubber bullets or water canon. But the word is, police is incompetent. Not fully trained. And I am not playing "PMLn is pure party." I need proof. If I were to write an essay here at a university, I am not going to quote a guy who said "I saw it with my own eyes." I'll quote credible news outlet.

Mr English what do you make of this urdu newspaper? Try to translate; i will post correct one afterwards.

I thought we weren't discussing the picture here? And I'm not Mr. English. I just have poor Urdu. And no showing off, but I speak French. If I asked for translation in French, I'd become Mr French? Or would you kindly translate for me?

It's better we don't discuss that any further so as to not derail the thread.
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Pot meet kettle. Didn't you say two wrongs don't make a right? Yes?

So is it ok for the protestors to challenge writ of police? If police is doing something against the court's order, are they going to go and challenge police in court or attack police?

Not sure if you know this, but police is poorly trained.

2009 attack on the Sri Lanka national cricket team - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

" A police officer who climbed into the minivan to seek cover initially refused to drive the minivan. After Chris Broad scolded him he agreed and drove the minivan to safety."

This is what we're talking about. And to make you happy, police did fire in the air. Police did retreat many times. But the protestors were having none of it and kept attacking police.


Two wrongs being done to make a right.

Do you think MQM will advertise on website they have gangs? No. That's why there are credible news articles that tell MQM has millitant wing, that collects bhata and kill people.

I do listen to news programs. But perhaps I'm so dumb and you're mighty. I must have missed something. Could you give me link to credible news article or program talking about these specific faces shown on this thread were involved in bhatta collection?

Sure, i'll back off on that. I saw some others posting PTI pic. I'll create a thread and ask what's written in Urdu.

Before i answer other questions, have you seen the CCTV video which shows police instigated all this. They broke the gates and bulldozed everything in the way.
If police wanted to remove barriers they should have come via proper channels, get a court order (court ordered those to be placed) and then proceed.
This started all this fiasca.

There is a program which recently discussed Gullu butt collected bhatta from the local residents.
Watch these and we will go from there.
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Chill and read that post again, i said KPK and Punjab have less secterian killings on per person based then anyother part of the country.
PMLN is a terrorist organization. They practically done it many times... Even they have close contacts with banned terrorist organizations... Lahore incidents
,PMLN has done same thing in 1992 operation.. This was 100% political motivated operation instead of capturing real terrorists. Shame.... But PMLN is shameless party. Openly supports Lal masjid militants, Taliban, LEJ and other banned organisations.
Before i answer other questions, have you seen the CCTV video which shows police instigated all this. They broke the gates and bulldozed everything in the way.
If police wanted to remove barriers they should have come via proper channels, get a court order (court ordered those to be placed) and then proceed.
This started all this fiasca.

There is a program which recently discussed Gullu butt collected bhatta from the local residents.
Watch these and we will go from there.

1) Yes I saw the footage. Now, did you say two wrongs don't make a right? So if police is damaging the property, does one go to court (or whatever) or do they attack police?
2) Again, as you said, two wrongs don't make a right. Police did the first wrong thing, and protestors did the next wrong thing.
3) And if protestors didn't challenge writ of police and followed proper channels, no one would be dead.
4) Ok I'll look up if he collected bhatta. Very likely with his face. Did he kill as well? But I was talking about these fellas in this thread whose pictures were posted. People may attack him, thinking he's bhatta collector and a murderer.
5) Is the bhatta for himself or for PMLn shariff brothers?

PMLN is a terrorist organization. They practically done it many times... Even they have close contacts with banned terrorist organizations... PMLN has done same thing in 1992 operation.. This was 100% political motivated operation instead of capturing real terrorists. Shame.... But PMLN is shameless party. Openly supports Lal masjid militants, Taliban, LEJ and other banned organisations.
True. It's said they support punjab millitants so they don't attack Punjab. Remember, this is what ex military said when they supported taliban in Afghanistan. Then they started attacking Pakistan. Eliminate what's wrong, don't bow to enemy. It'll only make them stronger.
1) Yes I saw the footage. Now, did you say two wrongs don't make a right? So if police is damaging the property, does one go to court (or whatever) or do they attack police?
2) Again, as you said, two wrongs don't make a right. Police did the first wrong thing, and protestors did the next wrong thing.
3) And if protestors didn't challenge writ of police and followed proper channels, no one would be dead.
4) Ok I'll look up if he collected bhatta. Very likely with his face. Did he kill as well? But I was talking about these fellas in this thread whose pictures were posted. People may attack him, thinking he's bhatta collector and a murderer.
5) Is the bhatta for himself or for PMLn shariff brothers?

True. It's said they support punjab millitants so they don't attack Punjab. Remember, this is what ex military said when they supported taliban in Afghanistan. Then they started attacking Pakistan. Eliminate what's wrong, don't bow to enemy. It'll only make them stronger.

Not a single bullet was fired, so far no proof on news or media.

Police fired head on, they could have saved lives by using non lethal use of force.

If protesters were attacking coppers, arrest them and bring to justice. Shoot them in the face ? Kids and women ??
Not a single bullet was fired, so far no proof on news or media.

Police fired head on, they could have saved lives by using non lethal use of force.

If protesters were attacking coppers, arrest them and bring to justice. Shoot them in the face ? Kids and women ??
Attack: noun
  1. 1.
    an aggressive and violent action against a person or place.
I didn't say they fired, but they attacked. So i post defination for you, thank me later. Next time don't post lies.



Police fired head on, they could have saved lives by using non lethal use of force.


Tear gas etc shells. They also fired in sky warning shots. I can give source if you want.


Against protestors who wore riot gear. It's not as much effective anymore.

If protesters were attacking coppers, arrest them and bring to justice.

Dude stop, you're failing so bad. "Two wrongs don't make a right," you said that right? Well, why did protestors attack police instead of going to court?

Your next respomse: But, but, but police could've still arrested and stop another wrong!!!!!

My response, police retreated many times. They shot tear gas and everything, but protestors were having none of it and kept attacking police.

Kids and women ??

It's not states responsibility that people bring their kids. So far I know, no kid died. This is bad parenting that you bring kids to protests. Also if Al qaeda use kids as human shield, will US back off? The police tried their best to stop protestors, but like i said, they were having none of it and kept attacking.

Can you read? Why are you making peotestors all holy? They challenged writ of law and attacked law enforcement agency. You say two wrongs don't make it right, but this situation protestors can do the hell they want?

And from pictures you can see these are just goons. They aren't real protestors.
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Attack: noun
  1. 1.
    an aggressive and violent action against a person or place.
I didn't say they fired, but they attacked. So i post defination for you, thank me later. Next time don't post lies.




Tear gas etc shells. They also fired in sky warning shots. I can give source if you want.


Against protestors who wore riot gear. It's not as much effective anymore.

Dude stop, you're failing so bad. "Two wrongs don't make a right," you said that right? Well, why did protestors attack police instead of going to court?

Your next respomse: But, but, but police could've still arrested and stop another wrong!!!!!

My response, police retreated many times. They shot tear gas and everything, but protestors were having none of it and kept attacking police.

It's not states responsibility that people bring their kids. So far I know, no kid died. This is bad parenting that you bring kids to protests. Also if Al qaeda use kids as human shield, will US back off? The police tried their best to stop protestors, but like i said, they were having none of it and kept attacking.

Can you read? Why are you making peotestors all holy? They challenged writ of law and attacked law enforcement agency. You say two wrongs don't make it right, but this situation protestors can do the hell they want?

And from pictures you can see these are just goons. They aren't real protestors.

Thank you for teaching me English :cheesy:

MR English Sir,

At-least you agree they didn't fire, so why didn't police use non-lethal force?
How do you make them PAT protesters? Gullu butts perhaps :sarcastic:
Have you been to lahore or have lived in lahore?
On what basis are you comparing this protest to Al qaeda bringing kids as shields? :hitwall:

What will happen if police tried to remove barriers installed outside Sharif house?

I see you are ok with youth and women killed shame on you.

you are going in circles "Two wrongs don't make right". showing picture of a woman in a conflict with Cop and making crazy statements.
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