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PM Modi meets Turkish President Erdogan.

And told him in Google search he is in " stupid PM list "
there are so many internet Search list in which Pakistani tops .. !!!

begani shadi main ram lal dewaana...
Maybe you forget its Pakistani forum?
complain to @WebMaster then !!

Because the Indian Modi again did the same randi-rona in front of Erdogan about CPEC vis-a-vis China and Pakistan. They conversation went like this:

Modi: Shri Erdogan, I am honoured to meet you.
Erdogan: Ahaan
Modi: Shri Erdogan, we need your help.
Erdogan: On what
Modi: CPEC.
Erdogan: You should have joined earlier. There might still be time left. What are you waiting for?
Modi: But......
Erdogan: I'll talk to Pakistanis and Chinese to try to let you in
Modi: But.....
Erdogan: Stop this but but and make me a cup of tea like you made for Obama
Modi: Oh bhains!
even burnol wont help you .. sit on a ice bucket it may help !!
Are y

Are you turkish ? or do you speak for themselves ? IT doesnt seem that way since we have quite deep relations with them and to prove that the recent signing of augosta modernisation, the launch of Pakistan's largest fleet tanker, and not to mention the MLU by TAI. As I said get off from your high horse son

actions speak louder than words. when pakistan was being sanctioned by america did the turks leave NATO or stop their EU bid ? they could care less.
We have 2nd largest population of muslims and we still don't understand !!?? :undecided::undecided::undecided:

Plz explain this so called "Dynamics of Muslims world" which India's 200+ million muslim population can't understand.
Do you own them no it's just slogan you made internationally you don't care about them most of these Muslims live in poority

Top of it all your policies do conflict of Muslim interest once you have friendship with Israel you have no right to own Muslims as 2nd largest country with Muslims if it was case you should have listened to your second largest minority population
Are y

Are you turkish ? or do you speak for themselves ? IT doesnt seem that way since we have quite deep relations with them and to prove that the recent signing of augosta modernisation, the launch of Pakistan's largest fleet tanker, and not to mention the MLU by TAI. As I said get off from your high horse son

They are the lowest of the low, they will talk sh*t about Turks when it suits their hatred, there are many threads where these vermin have spewed venom against Turkey and Turks, especially when they are talking with Iranians. Pakistan is their top priority to hate, nothing can change that, and after Pakistan they hate Muslims no matter which part of the world that Muslim lives in they will hate them. You should see these idiots jumping up and down in France related threads.

You should see them when they try convincing Turks, Chinese, Iranians, Arabs how modi's india (a shithole) is a great country and Pakistan is nothing, heck they even try convincing Pashtuns and Baloch of Pakistan (that chai wala idiot is on record) ........ or in some cases they lecture Pakistanis too about how their Army is evil. Man I mean don't they top the stupid list or what or better would be don't they top the lowest of the low list or what. :lol:
This kind of mentality make u people terrorists and violent...

Fist get full knowledge on topics after say anything.

In Gujarat, first in Godhra muslims murdered thousands of hindues in a train they burnt the train and kill children women men after a announcement in a masjid . After this Hindus attack back as a revenge but modi don't support them as per supeime court of India he try his best and he make the situation well very fast . And he became fist time chief minister before 2-3 month of this incidents.He is really a nice guy ..
In 2002 that incidents , after that not a single riht happened in Gujarat till now.

In Kashmir Pakistan using religious sentiments of people and unrest kasmir
India spend in Kashmir more budget then any other states of India as per population for development but pak give money to some bad guys for unrest kashmir And religious hate . For controlling the situation there were some casualties. Which can be anywhere in us in India police killed over hundred Hindus also in up because they became violent. U in pak also bomb your own citizens by fighter jets 'jerb e abz'

We gave meximum reservation in every field to dalits, muslims .

Will u give me a answer.

In 1947 India have 10% Muslim population and pak 17% Hindus.
At present in India 16% muslim in Pakistan 2 % Hindu, where they gone?
We have muslim hi-court judge, muslim president, vice president, Muslim governors in any field we have muslims and yours?
In Kashmir 10 lacs pandits had thrown out murdered thousands. They forced to living like refugee in other parts of India but not a single guy put a gun ,shoot any one , not a single men become a terrorist.we don't have this kind of mentality.. Hindus live everywere in world but they don't fight any were,not a single place.we give only peace and love ,and we can tolerate like cow ,, murdered till give milk , skin, bone , meat ..

A nation and person who elected PM modi is terming others as terrorists and violent ones?

Modi admitted what he did.....He became a party in riots and supported his thugs to burn and kill Muslims by doing nothing unless mission is finished....

Godhra Muslims didn't burn Hindus, It was an accident according to your own government....Muslims had nothing to do with it...


Another article exposing Modi....


Narendra Modi 'allowed' Gujarat 2002 anti-Muslim riots......according to senior police officer Sanjiv Bhatt...


Pakistan didn't ask India to kill Burhan Wani....U did it and now reaping it...Anger was always there against you, it came into light after killing of Burhan wani....The unrest is still going on...

Pakistan has first evacuated citizens to safer zones and then started operation. We are only bombing talibans against whom everyone is fighting, we are not bombing citizens.....Indians were the one who used airforce, bombing their own country in North of India to crush insurgency...


In our country we have minorities in every segment...from politics to military to media to sports...


Majority of Pakistan's hindu population was in East Pakistan, so after it becoming Bangladesh, we lost our significant Hindu population...Still Pakistani Hindus are growing in numbers.


Muslims are growing in numbers everywhere in world because of certain factors, according to different reports/researches....It is not surprising if they are growing in India too, don't know why you're taking this as some pride that Muslims have grown in India...
we know the quality of Pakistani PM as well as its people !
It seems your Modi also knows it which is why these pics below depict what they depict - Show of respect by Modi to Nawaz Sharif - coming to our PM's home, holding our PM's hand, etc:

Aziz Pak Kardeshlerim, understanding Pak-Turkish relationship is beyond many Indian folks in this forum. Let me cite an example.

It was the Basra War during WW1. The British were about to attack the fortified Ottoman positions. As they started to march forward and came within the firing range of the Turkish field artillery batteries (with good German guns) the officers started to make frantic calls to the field HQ of the commanding general to ask for the permission to engage the enemy. The Ottoman Pasha was holding an intel report about a clever British move of putting the Muslim soldiers, mostly from the present-day Pak since the held a good majority in the colonial army, in the frontal units to carry out the first charges. The array of phones were ringing with beseeching tone while the staff officers were scathely looking at the Pasha as the opening opportunities were fast getting lost. The Pasha couldn't issue that simple order knowing fully well that if Basra got lost so would be the Muslim heartland.

I am pretty sure if it were the Turkish soldiers marching in a similar situation, the Pak general wouldn’t have issued the firing order either…
No surprising to read such silly snide remarks . You guys come from a nation whose leaders who in most cases haven't done an honest days work under the sun.

We on the contrary, appreciate a man who earns from the sweat of his brow & sleeps tired for such men appreciate the value of hard work.
And also lead the extremist hindus to kill and slaughter thousands of innocent muslims including women and children in Gujrat.
And now killing kashmiris who are asking for their right of freedom.
More he and his extremist gang funded the terrorist in shape of TTP, BLA and BRA to kill innocent civilians.
This is what you want to hear more about your terrorist prime minister Modi.

Aziz Pak Kardeshlerim, understanding Pak-Turkish relationship is beyond many Indian folks in this forum. Let me cite an example.

It was the Basra War during WW1. The British were about to attack the fortified Ottoman positions. As they started to march forward and came within the firing range of the Turkish field artillery batteries (with good German guns) the officers started to make frantic calls to the field HQ of the commanding general to ask for the permission to engage the enemy. The Ottoman Pasha was holding an intel report about a clever British move of putting the Muslim soldiers, mostly from the present-day Pak since the held a good majority in the colonial army, in the frontal units to carry out the first charges. The array of phones were ringing with beseeching tone while the staff officers were scathely looking at the Pasha as the opening opportunities were fast getting lost. The Pasha couldn't issue that simple order knowing fully well that if Basra got lost so would be the Muslim heartland.

I am pretty sure if it were the Turkish soldiers marching in a similar situation, the Pak general wouldn’t have issued the firing order either…
Even we welcome our Turkish soldiers (Brothers) and we will fight together shoulder to shoulder with a common enemy.
Yr military has full control on yr news , history so you guys hearing this kind of fault news.

Godhra was a open a crime and 15+ hanged for that and many accused life time jail ...
But u guys can't accept because yr kews sources are controlled.

Modi don't accept any kind this rubbish..
If he accept in India he will be hanged ...
Our central government congress fully tried to make him victims but they had not get any proof.

But u guys dominated accept it allso..

In this nation I also voted for abdul kalam...
But u don't accept.

Buhran wani was a terrorist funded by pak , and there was many pic And his videos sow him with an 47 ..And hate words..
But u don't .... say him your hero ..like every single terrorist including Osama bin Laden.

Name some well chaired minority??

I am asking about only west Pakistan .est Pakistan Hindu were 25% and at present they are 14-16% that is expectable but 2% in only 60-70 years ...open your eyes...
actions speak louder than words. when pakistan was being sanctioned by america did the turks leave NATO or stop their EU bid ? they could care less.

Are you kidding me ! Or is that out of sheer frustration that you have to prove you stupidity which is beyond any reasoning.
WTF has American sanctions go to with them leaving NATO ? IS NATO only comprised of US ? And secondly when did sanction occur ?? And when did Pakistan sign the deals for deep cooperation levels Check the timeline gap before opening your filthy mouth

Why would they? yes, action do speak louder hence that is why we have deep cooperation level with them Submarine modernization, PN fleet tanker, MLU for f-16, and host of other subcomponents
@HAKIKAT You are turkish? arent ya ? So tell me do we have anything in common ? Do we have deep level coperation or not ?
Are you kidding me ! Or is that out of sheer frustration that you have to prove you stupidity which is beyond any reasoning.
WTF has American sanctions go to with them leaving NATO ? IS NATO only comprised of US ? And secondly when did sanction occur ?? And when did Pakistan sign the deals for deep cooperation levels Check the timeline gap before opening your filthy mouth

Why would they? yes, action do speak louder hence that is why we have deep cooperation level with them Submarine modernization, PN fleet tanker, MLU for f-16, and host of other subcomponents
@HAKIKAT You are turkish? arent ya ? So tell me do we have anything in common ? Do we have deep level coperation or not ?

Did Turkey stand up for Pakistan when Pressler sanctions were imposed on Pakistan ? Simple Question, Yes or No.

I will give you a hint - they were bargaining with America for debt relief for supporting Gulf War I. They got a few billions.
No surprising to read such silly snide remarks . You guys come from a nation whose leaders who in most cases haven't done an honest days work under the sun.

We on the contrary, appreciate a man who earns from the sweat of his brow & sleeps tired for such men appreciate the value of hard work.
The work he has done in Gujrat (Kilings of Muslims) was enough to hang him. But you Dumb nuts made him your PM. It is not something to be proud of. Shame on you people.
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