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PM Modi meets Turkish President Erdogan.

Did Turkey stand up for Pakistan when Pressler sanctions were imposed on Pakistan ? Simple Question, Yes or No.

I will give you a hint - they were bargaining with America for debt relief for supporting Gulf War I. They got a few billions.
Did they need to ?
what are friends for ?

Either they are powerless to stand up for you or they do not care about you
Oh yes Minus the recent deep level cooperation, yeah going by your definition then we will have no friends.

I am sorry But the deep level cooperation btw two countries is just beyond you. You are neither Pakistani nor Turkish, so you have no ida of hwats going on btw them. Judging by your previous posts you have 0 clue of whats going around
Do you own them no it's just slogan you made internationally you don't care about them most of these Muslims live in poority

Top of it all your policies do conflict of Muslim interest once you have friendship with Israel you have no right to own Muslims as 2nd largest country with Muslims if it was case you should have listened to your second largest minority population
Ok lets say Indian Muslims live "poority", but there was 2 Muslims who became president of India and currently the Indian spokesperson at UN is Muslim as well, there are thousands of such examples. What about that ? Any Hindu president in Pakistan yet ?
Did they need to ?
of-course not...and why should they? However the issue that i usually see with Pakistani friends is that they sometimes think friendly relations with a particular country is like friendship b/w two kids...Why can't common sense be applied here that interests are permanent..not countries....Every single country play by that rule including Pakistan.....

A small example During Kargil war India was short of particular ammunition...and was charged exorbitant amount and had no choice...the country was very friendly however did not let go the business opportunity...same rules apply to Pakistan-China-Turkey, India-Iran-Israel-Turkey and for that matter any country....Its your own interests...simple!!

Ok lets say Indian Muslims live "poority", but there was 2 Muslims who became president of India and currently the Indian spokesperson at UN is Muslim as well, there are thousands of such examples. What about that ? Any Hindu president in Pakistan yet ?
Pakistan is a muslim country and we are not..so this question is invalid and like comparing apples and oranges.
of-course not...and why should they? However the issue that i usually see with Pakistani friends is that they sometimes think friendly relations with a particular country is like friendship b/w two kids...Why can't common sense be applied here that interests are permanent..not countries....Every single country play by that rule including Pakistan.....

A small example During Kargil war India was short of particular ammunition...and was charged exorbitant amount and had no choice...the country was very friendly however did not let go the business opportunity...same rules apply to Pakistan-China-Turkey, India-Iran-Israel-Turkey and for that matter any country....Its your own interests...simple!!
Excatly kids from Canada do not understand that
of-course not...and why should they? However the issue that i usually see with Pakistani friends is that they sometimes think friendly relations with a particular country is like friendship b/w two kids...Why can't common sense be applied here that interests are permanent..not countries....Every single country play by that rule including Pakistan.....

A small example During Kargil war India was short of particular ammunition...and was charged exorbitant amount and had no choice...the country was very friendly however did not let go the business opportunity...same rules apply to Pakistan-China-Turkey, India-Iran-Israel-Turkey and for that matter any country....Its your own interests...simple!!

Pakistan is a muslim country and we are not..so this question is invalid and like comparing apples and oranges.

What is exorbitant amount ?? You want the ammunition and you want it right now. it will cost you. There is nothing exorbitant about it.

Turkey does a lot of business with India. people who go around proclaiming Pakistan-Turkey friendship do not understand it.

All the projects quoted "Submarine modernization, PN fleet tanker, MLU for f-16, and host of other subcomponents "
The Turks get paid for it. Nothing was done for free or reduced charges
What is exorbitant amount ?? You want the ammunition and you want it right now. it will cost you. There is nothing exorbitant about it.

Turkey does a lot of business with India. people who go around proclaiming Pakistan-Turkey friendship do not understand it.

All the projects quoted "Submarine modernization, PN fleet tanker, MLU for f-16, and host of other subcomponents "
The Turks get paid for it. Nothing was done for free or reduced charges
yeah but how many of them are out there to do it for us on our terms ?

Yes, if it makes you burn even more then I will say this again the cooperation of level between two countries is deeply rooted

What is exorbitant amount ?? You want the ammunition and you want it right now. it will cost you. There is nothing exorbitant about it.
Oh yes, just exactly like how the price of INS vikky was revised several times, Just like how MKI and mig29 operational deficiencies were never rectified.

Turkey does a lot of business with India.

Actually you see friendship doesn't mean that they cant go and seek their own interest thats like complaining like a girlfriend ho bitches and moans to her BF for not talking to another girls, we ain't that sonny, Perhaps that's how a ''Dehati Aurat'' defines friendship but not us.

Oh and on side not, our another Iron brother China, does more business with India than Turkey does With India. Its a free world son. Stop feeling so in secured for Pakistan
Oh yes, just exactly like how the price of INS vikky was revised several times, Just like how MKI and mig29 operational deficiencies were never rectified.

the russian military industrial complex is in a state of decline. pakistan is free to hitch on to the russian bandwagon
the russian military industrial complex is in a state of decline. pakistan is free to hitch on to the russian bandwagon

you brought it up
"Oh yes, just exactly like how the price of INS vikky was revised several times, Just like how MKI and mig29 operational deficiencies were never rectified."
Are you kidding me ! Or is that out of sheer frustration that you have to prove you stupidity which is beyond any reasoning.
WTF has American sanctions go to with them leaving NATO ? IS NATO only comprised of US ? And secondly when did sanction occur ?? And when did Pakistan sign the deals for deep cooperation levels Check the timeline gap before opening your filthy mouth

Why would they? yes, action do speak louder hence that is why we have deep cooperation level with them Submarine modernization, PN fleet tanker, MLU for f-16, and host of other subcomponents
@HAKIKAT You are turkish? arent ya ? So tell me do we have anything in common ? Do we have deep level coperation or not ?
"A picture is worth a thousand words" - a Chinese proverb
"For Aklman, Isharet is Kafi" - a Persian proverb

What is exorbitant amount ?? You want the ammunition and you want it right now. it will cost you. There is nothing exorbitant about it.
There is....a friend will help and businessmen will milk you...that is the whole point...b/w these are the words of Ved Prakash Malik and not mine...

Turkey does a lot of business with India. people who go around proclaiming Pakistan-Turkey friendship do not understand it.

All the projects quoted "Submarine modernization, PN fleet tanker, MLU for f-16, and host of other subcomponents "
The Turks get paid for it. Nothing was done for free or reduced charges
Of-course that is the point i am making...
There is....a friend will help and businessmen will milk you...that is the whole point...b/w these are the words of Ved Prakash Malik and not mine...

Of-course that is the point i am making...

The Indian military is somewhat mis-managed. There is a whole class of politicians, weapon agents, army officers and middlemen who skim off portions of the budget. You might want to start cleaning house before you blame the foreign businessman.

"A picture is worth a thousand words" - a Chinese proverb
"For Aklman, Isharet is Kafi" - a Persian proverb

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History is great. But it is the past. I would look to the future
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