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PM Modi conferred with Order of Zayed UAE's highest civilian award by Crown Prince

I honestly dont understand Hindi and its pretty useless to share such links with me.

You don't understand Hindi then you don't understand the whole picture of situation in IoK. Even BBC went with reporting in Urdu on the basis of norms of analysis.

Genocide Alert means an alert on the basis of current developments. If to go by numbers to verify the count; it has already been proven with thousands of Kashmiris lost their lives and locals still reports of unmarked graves.

Just because NYT and WP etc are telling the story as it happening; doesn't mean they are profiling India due to some business or personal enmity. China is not the issue here nor Tibet is Kashmir. It will be unfair as well as foolish to compare both hence, I said obsession which your repeatedly proving correct.

All the Indian sources, since being Pro Modi been claiming "All is well" since day first and these sources does not carry any weight being Indians which in-fact, will follow the National Line of Modi.

You are speaking of two militants and a foreign source already mentioned that 2 protesters are being shot by Indian Military previously. Furthermore, thousands are abducted and no one knows their fate when or even will they return. Not to forget that Indian Military is famous of fake encounters in Indian occupied Kashmir. Painting two protesters is so easy for the fascist regime of India when it is already been caught multiple times for lying to the teeth.

here is the latest English version for you.

The drama of people will not sit quite in-case Kashmiris are murdered is so unfortunate as no one has taken any stand till date hence, nothing to except from Nazi Modi Regime at all. These words wouldn't matter as the time has gone though, you can try to paint some sanity picture over internet but not here. That is infact a huge disrespect & insult of Kashmiris that so-called Indian people will hot sit quiet - Indian military is already been given license to kill though, such statements are good to make a fool of yourself and feel good.

Here is some of more sources but seems like you are not much interested to see things through prospect of reality instead wanted to read what Fascist India & its fake factory media have to say.




And the Genocide Alert
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You don't understand Hindi then you don't understand the whole picture of situation in IoK. Even BBC went with reporting in Urdu on the basis of norms of analysis.

Genocide Alert means an alert on the basis of current developments. If to go by numbers to verify the count; it has already been proven with thousands of Kashmiris lost their lives and locals still reports of unmarked graves.

Just because NYT and WP etc are telling the story as it happening; doesn't mean they are profiling India due to some business or personal enmity. China is not the issue here nor Tibet is Kashmir. It will be unfair as well as foolish to compare both hence, I said obsession which your repeatedly proving correct.

All the Indian sources, since being Pro Modi been claiming "All is well" since day first and these sources does not carry any weight being Indians which in-fact, will follow the National Line of Modi.

You are speaking of two militants and a foreign source already mentioned that 2 protesters are being shot by Indian Military previously. Furthermore, thousands are abducted and no one knows their fate when or even will they return. Not to forget that Indian Military is famous of fake encounters in Indian occupied Kashmir. Painting two protesters is so easy for the fascist regime of India when it is already been caught multiple times for lying to the teeth.

here is the latest English version for you.

The drama of people will not sit quite in-case Kashmiris are murdered is so unfortunate as no one has taken any stand till date hence, nothing to except from Nazi Modi Regime at all. These words wouldn't matter as the time has gone though, you can try to paint some sanity picture over internet but not here. That is infact a huge disrespect & insult of Kashmiris that so-called Indian people will hot sit quiet - Indian military is already been given license to kill though, such statements are good to make a fool of yourself and feel good.

Here is some of more sources but seems like you are not much interested to see things through prospect of reality instead wanted to read what Fascist India & its fake factory media have to say.




And the Genocide Alert

I believe Einstein once have said, Indians were "biologically inferior" and were hampered by their climate that "prevented them from thinking backward or forward by more than a quarter of an hour." Kinda racist comment, but he did say this.
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the Sheikh states that Modi deserves the award. if he likes he can even offer one of his daughters for all I care.
I agree that its their business interests that count and for UAE it was best chance to snub back at us for refusing to send our soldiers for their war of terror on Yemen aka the meat grinder

the timing seems suspicious to cause maximum hurt to the feeling of Pakistani people.
both India and UAE deserve each other.

I pray that we also become self sufficient, able and deserving and equal to deserving nations like us

great timing by UAE INdia
Good analysis and key learning is self reliance. I am not a big fan of what Iran does but they are not only self reliant but they criticised India for actions in Kashmir. Iran has a lot of business interests with India but they did not worry about them.

Why IK didn't asked Pakistanis diaspora in UAE to staged a protest against Modi in UAE while Pakistanis are protesting all over in America and Europe? Not a single protest since these gulf countries doesn't allow one in other words they don't consider public sentiments.
In UAE it is not easy to stage protests.
Why is Pakistanis crying over an affair between two other countries.. how is that related to Pakistan?

None other than but Modi is feeling honoured because he was conferred with an award by a Muslim ruler of an Islamic country and then what makes you think that Pakistanis will be crying for? In fact, RSS Nazis should be doing so back at home. What a joke if you think Modi is the concern at all here.
Atheist Commie China and Secular Turkey are our true friends because our interests are completely lined up.
Is it really about alignment or misalignment of national interest? Has Israel awardrd india a medal too? A medal for doing Kashmir while it is still under curfew and torturing?

UAE cannot pinch Pakistan by joining Hindu Terrorism if thats the idea. Its bad for itself in two worlds. When you cannot explain your actions to yourself, will you be able to do before Allah in 20 years time?
Why IK didn't asked Pakistanis diaspora in UAE to staged a protest against Modi in UAE while Pakistanis are protesting all over in America and Europe? Not a single protest since these gulf countries doesn't allow one in other words they don't consider public sentiments.
if Pakistanis stage a protest then their fate will be no different to the protesters in Bahrain. GCC countries take very grim view of dissent or protests even posting a massage on twitter or facbook can bring trouble.
staging a protest on the roads by Pakistanis is unthinkable, they will be brutally beaten and dispersed ,event shot at and jailed and then deported.

our best course of action is build our case diplomatically with Muslim countries and non Muslim countries. instead of disruptions and protests our expats should climb the social and economic ladder in foreign countries and establish links with political elite in close support and coordination with our embassies so that their words have weight (I know its making many people laugh but one can wish).
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pdf senior members don't understand this

Unfortunately some mods have skewed ideas as well, leaning toward UAE's narrative.

I would suggest to all Pakistanis over here to Calm down.....
We literally are a strange bunch .... love to live in the past .... take things for granted ... and stretch them far beyond natural elasticity.... as a result.... when then break .... we feel it hard.... not realizing our own blunder in the first place...
Generally Pakistan and its people have been very close and emotionally attached to Arabs ...specially Saudia and the Emirates... given to the historical background in relations and the drive of the then leaders for an Islamic Block.... Pakistan being a keystone country for the block.... above all that the religious value that sarzamen-e-hijaz holds for muslims...... historically , there is no doubt the three countries enjoyed excellent relations .... and helping each other in the hour of need.... and lets be candid ... them helping us more then us helping them... its a fact ... they transferred huge sums for our nuclear program(had that not been there...The idea of an islamic bomb, we would have not achieved it).... helped us through Oil when we got sanctioned .... a hell lot of philanthropic work throughout the length and breadth of Pakistan..... even offered us their military apparatus in times of war.... or at least that was the idea....
Given the background our people naturally drew a lot of emotional attachment towards these two countries... and many considered UAE as their second home.... Till the regime of sheikh zaid .... all was nice and dandy ... Its was post Sheikh zaid ....that the new rulers were/are not much fond of Pakistan .... their orientation shifted from Pakistan to India... gates were opened to India.....large numbers of Indians were allowed to work and open businesses over there.... India further used its entertainment industry... specifically Bollywood.... to strengthen its ties.... and undoubtedly the large indian market and they way the indians have marketed it around the globe to gain leverage ...... lured in the new sheikhs..... Pakistan on the other hand had no such things offer... infact we never even tried to(special thanks to the thugs ruling us) .... we always took our position for granted.... all we could offer were our human resource ... that too majority a labor class....
whats worrying is the inability of our intelligentsia, our political lot, our media and to some extent our establishment to realize that things have changed enormously post shiekh zaid ..... there were bold and conspicuous signs of that ... for us to catch ....and so to adapt and approach the country differently ..... there whole outlook changed ..... and so u cant really blame the common masses sleeping under the same stone... only to be in for a rude awakening...
what happened today .... is just a series of those policies ..... so for me nothing alarming .... its perfectly normal for countries to honor heads of states and other dignitaries with such awards..... India now for sometimes enjoy excellent relations with them so its all normal..... it is not going to do Pakistan any harm ..... whats not normal is the particular Timing..... Kashmir practically made a hell ... burning 24/7, 360..... shows the insensitivity and akin to disrespect of the fellow Muslims and Pakistan too.... it also undermines their cause in a way..... this hurts Pakistan emotionally ... and the seed of hatred that some forces have been trying to sow for long between us .... am afraid will grow quickly now.... and to be honest theses sheikhs.... the spoiled brats dont give a damn about that .... why should they?
This BTW this is not the first time ... they showed similar disrespects even before ...remember them hosting OIC and inviting India, despite our protests.... when we were practically at war with india.....remember their statements in public after Pakistan deciding not to send forces to yaman ?? and that reminds me some one here calling Pakistan making a blunder ..... and them offering Middle east to us on platter??? hell no .... that was the first right decision Pakistan made as country ...when it comes foreign policy in ages.... the assumptions made by this fellow is that it would have granted us a lot of leverage in there ..... not at all... there was nothing in for us in yaman .... no leverage no gains ... all it would have done... is creating more enemies... a definite serge in sectarian violence at home... where the country was just about stabilizing from a long, brutal, exhausting and toxic war on terror .... above all that you would have to get your public ready for receiving lots lots of body bags ....of our soldiers fighting in yamen..... and what for ??? that we fail to comprehend ..... what stake did we have over there.....and some still advocate for that .... there were no gains ... no leverage ... nothing in for us ... it was just a gutter cleaning ... shameful and pathetic job ... that we thankfully didn't accept ... and sense prevailed... which rarely happens in this country ...
lastly ... we a nation should not take this decision of UAE at these particular timings too hard... we should not show a reactive response.... take note of it ... but not be reactive .... amend our relations ... take maximum benefits of good relations.... work to re-build respect.... all of it comes down ... to simple economics ... till we build our economy .... expect such things happening every now and then.....
What worries me when it comes to UAE .... which is a small kid playing on the big boys block for too long.... its playing war in some countries and proxy war in others.... for a small country like UAE this profile doesn't seem fit... I am afraid it wont go unnoticed for too long .... courtesy its economy .... which also might not long in the next 2-3 decades....with the oil almost gone... and given that its economy is largely based on trade and tourism(the most fragile)..... and lacking a true Industrial base or agri sector as a foundation... But thats the world we live in!

Thank you for saying it out loud, refreshing to see a sane voice on PDF after a long time....

Our blunder is that the bunch ruling us has been incompetent, corrupt and jahil and then we have minions who tow their line defending good and bad by such apologists who put their country second to every other country.

UAE have been noticed, before they played around Iran but KSA took mostly the heat and blame for UAE, but this time around it's different. It has definitely been noticed and taken note of. It will come around but quite unfortunate for them that it would be already too late for them.
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Why you are tagging me in such threads I have no idea .I know the news alreayd and I speak against it to Al Zakir and others who are constantly Insulting hasina but remaining silent about UAE Authority !

Tag those hypocrites who are trying to defaming Hasina ( mostly Pakistani users) and remaining silent about UAE !

However mods deleted my post where I started name calling to UAE and also those who are defaming haisna but remained silent on UAE! And also do not just ultra happy with their action . As there is a hadeeth about the horn of Satan , and who knows ..... I will not write further ...

because I am honest but I am a very small fish in this ocean .

I just wanted to show you the present picture of ummah. Also you too @Al-zakir

National interest always triumph over ummah politics.
Why IK didn't asked Pakistanis diaspora in UAE to staged a protest against Modi in UAE while Pakistanis are protesting all over in America and Europe? Not a single protest since these gulf countries doesn't allow one in other words they don't consider public sentiments.
If that happens, all pakis would be thrown out....
Although your arguments seems like you are trying to clinge to the straws just to justify your narratives, without further explaination, I would like to bring your attention to all the posts by Pakistanis complaining about how Ummah doesn't exists kind of dissapointments... If that's not crying, you decide what is. I rest my case.
None other than but Modi is feeling honoured because he was conferred with an award by a Muslim ruler of an Islamic country and then what makes you think that Pakistanis will be crying for? In fact, RSS Nazis should be doing so back at home. What a joke if you think Modi is the concern at all here.
I believe Einstein once have said, Indians were "biologically inferior" and were hampered by their climate that "prevented them from thinking backward or forward by more than a quarter of an hour." Kinda racist comment, but he did say this.
When he made that comment in his dairy in 1922, Pakistan (part of British India)also was included in his remark.

But in 1925, he must have changed his opinion as he started to work on satyendra nath Bose idea.

Satyendra Nath Bose first sent a paper to Einstein on the quantum statistics of light quanta (now called photons), in which he derived Planck's quantum radiation law without any reference to classical physics. Einstein was impressed, translated the paper himself from English to German and submitted it for Bose to the Zeitschrift für Physik, which published it in 1924.[2] (The Einstein manuscript, once believed to be lost, was found in a library at Leiden University in 2005.[3]). Einstein then extended Bose's ideas to matter in two other papers.[4][5] The result of their efforts is the concept of a Bose gas, governed by Bose–Einstein statistics, which describes the statistical distribution of identical particles with integer spin, now called bosons. Bosons, which include the photon as well as atoms such as helium-4 (4

), are allowed to share a quantum state. Einstein proposed that cooling bosonic atoms to a very low temperature would cause them to fall (or "condense") into the lowest accessible quantum state, resulting in a new form of matter.
He must changed his opinion on today's geographic India. Not sure about entire British India.
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After this UAE backstabbing Pakistan should review all options.

Arab nations including the UAE are rebuilding their relations with Israel ignoring Palestine completely. We should take note of this. Relations change all the time in the world of politics.

Why is Pakistanis crying over an affair between two other countries.. how is that related to Pakistan?

Says the Indian fool whose nation cries foul at every other nation that merely mentions the name Pakistan.

If that happens, all pakis would be thrown out....

You think UAE can threaten Pakistan with that you filthy rapy Indian?

Let them do that and that would literally mean not only a diplomatic end to relations, but the start of open enmity.

LOL UAE cannot hold Pakistan hostage.
I just wanted to show you the present picture of ummah. Also you too @Al-zakir
I already said and also know the real picture of ummah when Pakistan sold aircraft to Miyanmer, while they were killing rohingyas.

And now UAE and Bangladesh officially has same neutral stance! I know the reason very well!

Still in common folks love for own people will.never be faded! Although they prefer their national interest. Many Pakistanis also protested during rohingya issue.
National interest always triumph over ummah politics.
Yes that's true. But ummah love and ummah politics are two different things, and you will not understand this.

But Indian Hindus understand it very well. Result is west Bengal is the part of India!
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