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PM Modi conferred with Order of Zayed UAE's highest civilian award by Crown Prince

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That goes to those who helped modi in it's cold start.
We all know who are those hypocrites.

This is not end of it... you will now see gradual increase of Indians in UAE's strategic job areas.

Congrats.... to modi for successfully using Pakistani idiots to achieve success in Davols cold start doctrine, it's high time for Pakistan to offer troops to Khameni at lower price than Indians and took over strategic Chabahar port.

Although your arguments seems like you are trying to clinge to the straws just to justify your narratives, without further explaination, I would like to bring your attention to all the posts by Pakistanis complaining about how Ummah doesn't exists kind of dissapointments... If that's not crying, you decide what is. I rest my case.

Even though you try to prove some penny worth India in those argument, Pakistanis emotional arguments are more related to the Shaikh's act even after Kashmir disaster by Modi. However, if that is some of your achievements then I can only say that don't come complaining later. It's indeed disappointing that a Naxi like Modi can be that much important and the case for Pakistan, you can read Pakistanis understanding of modi as well. The case of you will eventually die while resting as it doesn't worth a dime.

That goes to those who helped modi in it's cold start.
We all know who are those hypocrites.

This is not end of it... you will now see gradual increase of Indians in UAE's strategic job areas.

Congrats.... to modi for successfully using Pakistani idiots to achieve success in Davols cold start doctrine, it's high time for Pakistan to offer troops to Khameni at lower price than Indians and took over strategic Chabahar port.


The day when you really care for Pakistan without being biased even politically, we can then talk or things may get better. Otherwise, I can see more worst happening. Introspection is the word here.
The day when you really care for Pakistan without being biased even politically, we can then talk or things may get better. Otherwise, I can see more worst happening. Introspection is the word here.

You have a choice to not debate or make it as much worst you want, but if you want to start getting personal and mud slinging, you shall not expect any better from me either!
Neither i need any certificate of patriotism from you, i state my opinion openly but without getting personal, if my opinion goes against your allies, you can delete it.
You have a choice to not debate or make it as much worst you want, but if you want to start getting personal and mud slinging, you shall not expect any better from me either!
Neither i need any certificate of patriotism from you, i state my opinion openly but without getting personal, if my opinion goes against your allies, you can delete it.

I don't know how you get the idea of I am getting personal with you or I called you less patriot. However, I can expect worse from you and I am pretty sure about that you wouldn't make any difference if somebody personally attack you.

My wording is purely based upon Pakistani diaspora being divided on political basis while failing to recognize the real threat.

I will in fact love to discuss in detail if you tell something about my allies. By the way I don't see any different than people that always asks for certificates for a productive discussion. Awaiting.
I don't know how you get the idea of I am getting personal with you or I called you less patriot. However, I can expect worse from you and I am pretty sure about that you wouldn't make any difference if somebody personally attack you.

My wording is purely based upon Pakistani diaspora being divided on political basis while failing to recognize the real threat.

I will in fact love to discuss in detail if you tell something about my allies. By the way I don't see any different than people that always asks for certificates for a productive discussion. Awaiting.
Every politician in pakistan is a traitor. Almost every person in the government is there to make money.
No point arguing @BATMAN ans @The Eagle.

Can you believe it...lol..i get banned more than anyone and I am the peacemaker. Tabdeli bhai:yahoo::pakistan::pakistan::smitten:
I don't know how you get the idea of I am getting personal with you or I called you less patriot. However, I can expect worse from you and I am pretty sure about that you wouldn't make any difference if somebody personally attack you.

My wording is purely based upon Pakistani diaspora being divided on political basis while failing to recognize the real threat.

I will in fact love to discuss in detail if you tell something about my allies. By the way I don't see any different than people that always asks for certificates for a productive discussion. Awaiting.

You said ''The day when you really care for Pakistan without being biased'' what does that imply?
If you meant something else than you choose wrong words.
My argument was simply political, which may be in favor of Arabs but that's not the reason enough to vilify me, or accuse me of not caring or being biased!

Actually, I have been vilified in past, while arguing propaganda of domestic nature during Musharraf rule, my objective simply was to filter facts from propaganda. I have been vilified for supporting developing solar energy in Pakistan, that's not political at all but i was accused differently than... No doubt vilification is not only rooted in my political views or technical flaws in my comments.
Even if people are politically biased, getting abusive for simple political debate is unbelievable, in worst cases forcing me to react or self block abusive members, worst the first!

Coming back to the topic in hand, again i would take this opportunity to point out, ridiculing Arabs may not widen the gulf of Pak Arab relations quickly, but but but.... interfering in internal matters of Arabs may hurt Pakistan quickly and badly. Example of Canada is in front of all the world.
With this argument, i ask one question to all the so called unbiased, should we become the tool of west, Iran and others and put our selves in difficult position?
I know some may go as far going to war and as minimum cursing Arabs or even suggesting to boycott emirates airline, but again this has been going on from past many years, can't be associated to the current affairs.

I would conclude with a statement, that it's only Pakistanis who have helped modi to isolate Pakistan and judging by the Pakistan's diplomatic history on regional conflicts and long standing but unchecked anti Arab propaganda on social media, i think worst is yet to come!
Now again ball is in Pakistani court and it's all up to us Pakistan how to play it. You and allied mob may agree or disagree and comment or react as you like!
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Why IK didn't asked Pakistanis diaspora in UAE to staged a protest against Modi in UAE while Pakistanis are protesting all over in America and Europe?
Only in the West are Pakistanis afforded this right. Unfortunately in front of Ummah Arab overlords Pakistanis behave like obedient puppies because they know if they misbehave the Arab master will bring out the danda.
Now that is a problem you along with other emotional Pakistanis fail to see. You see, Modi might be a Nazi whatever for you, but it's foolish to not accept the fact he is one of the most powerful and influential leader in in the world today with important business to carry on. So, While you should certainly feel the burn with Modi being conferred the title, complaining about Shaikhs (who are doing just what a wise global business men should do) is nothing but crying. Just because your PM attempted to compare Modi with Nazis, that does not make the world a fool who would toe his abaurd line. But .. I understand.. it's a matter of hurt for you and fellow Pakistanis cuz not just the shaikhs (your iron ummah brothers and fellow Muslims) are conferring him with the title, it's doing it exactly at the time when Pakistani narrative is being ignored like they don't even matter. So yeah.. emotions leading to crying.
Even though you try to prove some penny worth India in those argument, Pakistanis emotional arguments are more related to the Shaikh's act even after Kashmir disaster by Modi. However, if that is some of your achievements then I can only say that don't come complaining later. It's indeed disappointing that a Naxi like Modi can be that much important and the case for Pakistan, you can read Pakistanis understanding of modi as well. The case of you will eventually die while resting as it doesn't worth a dime.

The day when you really care for Pakistan without being biased even politically, we can then talk or things may get better. Otherwise, I can see more worst happening. Introspection is the word here.
Now that is a problem you along with other emotional Pakistanis fail to see. You see, Modi might be a Nazi whatever for you, but it's foolish to not accept the fact he is one of the most powerful and influential leader in in the world today with important business to carry on. So, While you should certainly feel the burn with Modi being conferred the title, complaining about Shaikhs (who are doing just what a wise global business men should do) is nothing but crying. Just because your PM attempted to compare Modi with Nazis, that does not make the world a fool who would toe his abaurd line. But .. I understand.. it's a matter of hurt for you and fellow Pakistanis cuz not just the shaikhs (your iron ummah brothers and fellow Muslims) are conferring him with the title, it's doing it exactly at the time when Pakistani narrative is being ignored like they don't even matter. So yeah.. emotions leading to crying.

PM Narendra Modi conferred Saudi Arabia's highest civilian honour

Saudi Arabia recognised the service of Narendra Modi in 2016 itself.
10 years of Foreign Policy fail has put Pakistan in a corner. Won't be fixed in a jiffy.
Only in the West are Pakistanis afforded this right. Unfortunately in front of Ummah Arab overlords Pakistanis behave like obedient puppies because they know if they misbehave the Arab master will bring out the danda.

Are you implying that only Pakistanis don't have the right to protest in UAE?

Would you like to add Pakistan into your comparison list and justice system of GCC as well or only lack of permission to protest?

What i don't understand, Pakistan has openly stood against GCC in various regional affairs from past one decade , including terrorism on their soil including missile attack on Mecca and yet they have audacity to bring in umma card?
Are you implying that only Pakistanis don't have the right to protest in UAE?

Would you like to add Pakistan into your comparison list and justice system of GCC as well or only lack of permission to protest?

What i don't understand, Pakistan has openly stood against GCC in various regional affairs from past one decade , including terrorism on their soil including Mecca and yet they have audacity to bring in umma card?
No, all foreigners are subject to this law however I'm just showing why Pakistani diaspora in Gulf won't protest this decision by UAE Sheikhs.
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