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PM Modi conferred with Order of Zayed UAE's highest civilian award by Crown Prince

Let your PMIK make such statements... And don't forget such BIG statements before standing in front of UAE for next round of bail out...

Don't worry little rapist. Sooner or later it is going to happen just like the humiliation your entire nation received on the 27th. Your denial is not changing one thing.

Any nation that sides with Modi's rapeland is not our friend. Imran Khan or anyone leading from the front makes zero difference.
Why pakistani do not understand that every country has it's own personal interests. Why would someone listen to us or they will cut of thier relationship for us? what is so special about us Pakistani? what we have to offer?
Stand on your feet first, add billions of $ to your economy make your country more civilised,Be the best in tech then these crooks will be always down your feet.
we should not turn our face from reality.
Yes you are right. We were silly not to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, who was trying to do so for last 40 years. The reason was not to offend our Arab friends.
Yes you are right. We were silly not to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, who was trying to do so for last 40 years. The reason was not to offend our Arab friends.
No we should not sell Al aqsa like the arabs
No we should not sell Al aqsa like the arabs

I hear you, but the Arabs themselves are aligning with Israel and selling out not just Al Aqsa, but the Palestinians and much more.

I believe in a principled stance. Even if the whole universe sides with wrong we need to have our own fair stance. Now we are being wronged by the same people that are supposed to stand for their own which they obviously do not. Remember that not even the Palestinian leadership cares about Kashmir and rather supports India. Everyone knows the facts.

Pakistan needs to think out of the box here. I don't suggest that we start rewarding Israelis like the UAE did with Modi. Wisdom is to find a balance. Israel is known for hostility towards Pakistan. This hostility stems from a lot of things. Remember that we sided with Arabs and even provided pilots and other expertise during the Arab Israeli wars. Israelis also have an ideological distrust and hatred for Muslims in general. Pakistan being a nuclear power hasn't escaped these realities. Having said all of that, if mortal enemies like Arabs and Israelis can try to normalize their relations, Pakistan could at least soften its tone and policy in the Israel Palestine conflict. Our narrative should have a subtle change and balance towards both Palestinians and Israelis. Concretely that means that Pakistan should start conveying that both Israel and Palestine deserve a state instead of always calling out one side. Basically this is the European policy and stance in Israel Palestine conflict. That is not selling out the Palestinians, but also conveying the message that Israel is there and cannot be overlooked. Start with these subtle messaging changes and see how things go from there on.

Let me assure you. The change in messaging is going to come across to all parties involved. We should not bring this balance to level scores, but to rather address our one-sided support.
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I hear you, but the Arabs themselves are aligning with Israel and selling out notbjust Al Aqsa, but the Palestinians and much more.

I believe in a principled stance even if the whole universe sides with wrong. Now we are being wronged by the same people that are supposed to stand for their own which they obviously do not.

Pakistan needs to think out of the box here. I don't suggest that we start rewarding Israelis like the UAE did with Modi. Wisdom is to find a balance. Israel is known for hostility towards Pakistan. This hostility stems from a lot of things. Remember we sided with Arabs and even provided pilots and other expertise during the Arab Israeli wars. Israelis also have a ideological distrust and hatred for Muslims in general. Pakistan being a nuclear power hasn't escaped these realities. Having said all of that, if mortal enemies like Arabs and Israelis can try to normalize their relations, Pakistan could at least soften their policy in the Israel Palestinian conflict. Our narrative should haveva subtle change and balance towards both Palestinian and Israeli conflict. Concretely that means that Pakistan should start conveying that both Israel and Palestine deserve a state instead of always calling out one side. Basically the European policy and stance in Israel Palestine. That is not selling out the Palestinians, but also conveying the message that Israel is there and cannot be overlooked. Start with these subtle messaging changes and see how things go from there on.

Dont worry about the munafiqs...we fix ourselves. I am responsible for me and you for you. If cant do anything resist in your heart
Dont worry about the munafiqs...we fix ourselves. I am responsible for me and you for you. If cant do anything resist in your heart

Have you read the rest of what I have posted? What do you think?

Should Pakistan apply a more balanced stance in the Israel Palestine conflict by calling out both sides? Right now our stance has been to not undermine and hurt Arab sentiment. Our policy has been a little too one-sided.
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Have you read the rest of what I have posted? What do you think?

Should Pakistan apply a more balanced stance in Israel Palestine conflict by calling out both sides? Right now our stance has been to not undermine and hurt Arab sentiment.
Yes and I agree with you. No one likes us but then again i think ur thought is very balanced. Welldone
Yes and I agree with you. No one likes us but then again i think ur thought is very balanced. Welldone

I also believe that time has come to stop appeasment to any side. Be it Arab, black, white or Latino. Pakistan should have a balanced stance in every conflict including Palestine Israel conflict. We should not let our emotions overrule our stance. Also not be partisan to any side.
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Bhai it doesnt matter about these presents. They have no meaning. What is important is that pakistan makes the right decisions and Yemen decision was correct. We must not kill anyone for the house of Saud or the house of man who loses his wife loool.
Pakistan has to strive for economic development and military prowess else we will remain subservient to everyone including the bedouin

Pakistan offered both of them GCC and Iran that have some sense about the game being played but external forces. However, the prophecy will be proven right. We chose to stay away from both sides in this regard. We told them to not to get into Yemen thing like this. Both sides making it even more worse for the region. Had it been the case of Pakistan siding with any other party, our uniform personnel remains in KSA for training only and even we joined Islamic Military Alliance. In fact Pakistan joining alliance made a lot of difference and that alliance is far beyond influence of Royals alone. There is a force that cooperates closely and they don't need ruling class certification. The hidden force I am talking about, doesn't care about what Royals does for diplomatic gains like this. People shouldn't take this to heart that UAE royal confers award which is meaningless in front of deep states cooperation between Islamic countries.
Pakistan offered both of them GCC and Iran that have some sense about the game being played but external forces. However, the prophecy will be proven right. We chose to stay away from both sides in this regard. We told them to not to get into Yemen thing like this. Both sides making it even more worse for the region. Had it been the case of Pakistan siding with any other party, our uniform personnel remains in KSA for training only and even we joined Islamic Military Alliance. In fact Pakistan joining alliance made a lot of difference and that alliance is far beyond influence of Royals alone. There is a force that cooperates closely and they don't need ruling class certification. The hidden force I am talking about, doesn't care about what Royals does for diplomatic gains like this. People shouldn't take this to heart that UAE royal confers award which is meaningless in front of deep states cooperation between Islamic countries.
I have lived amongst arabs in the UK and I wouldnt trust them as far as I can spot.
Remember how during the Suez crossing the Egyptians gained small strip of land and halted. They wouldn't answer calls from syria. This was in the heat of battle. So the Israelis decimated both sides. You cannot trust these people
Pakistan offered both of them GCC and Iran that have some sense about the game being played but external forces. However, the prophecy will be proven right. We chose to stay away from both sides in this regard. We told them to not to get into Yemen thing like this. Both sides making it even more worse for the region. Had it been the case of Pakistan siding with any other party, our uniform personnel remains in KSA for training only and even we joined Islamic Military Alliance. In fact Pakistan joining alliance made a lot of difference and that alliance is far beyond influence of Royals alone. There is a force that cooperates closely and they don't need ruling class certification. The hidden force I am talking about, doesn't care about what Royals does for diplomatic gains like this. People shouldn't take this to heart that UAE royal confers award which is meaningless in front of deep states cooperation between Islamic countries.

Pakistan is not going to take UAE gesture lightly at a time when India is raping, murdering and pillaging in occupied Kashmir. Even if the Imam of Makka took such a stance our response should not be any different.

Political gestures mean a lot. This one meant full Indian appeasment by UAE at the expense of Kashmiri people at an extremely critical time. The UAE is going to pay a heavy price for this transgression one or the other way. The UAE has lost all good faith from Pakistan and that is just an understatement. In my book the UAE ranks among enemy nations such as Afghanistan and India. No amount of loan can ever rectify this backstabbing.

It is all about the timing my friend. Had this BS medal been awarded at Christmas season no one would be batting an eye lid. This move amounts to adding a whole bucket of salt on our wounds and nothing less.
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Who's Saranjani?

Did you thanked Imran Khan for releasing Abhinandan?

Oh hey, Imran is the best. We asked and he g
Pakistan is not going to take UAE gesture lightly at a time when India is raping, murdering and pillaging in occupied Kashmir. Even if the Imam of Makka took such a stance our response should not be any different.

Political gestures mean a lot. This one meant full Indian appeasment by UAE at the expense of Kashmiri people at an extremely critical time. The UAE is going to pay a heavy price for this transgression one or the other way. The UAE has lost all good faith from Pakistan and that is just an understatement. In my book the UAE ranks among enemy nations such as Afghanistan and India. No amount of loan can ever rectify this backstabbing.

It is all about the timing my friend. Had this BS medal been awarded at Christmas season no one would be batting an eye lid. This move amounts to adding a whole bucket of salt on our wounds and nothing less.

Don't blame UAE that much. This was awarded in April of this year. It is still after Feb skirmish but they could never estimate in their wildest dreams today's turn of events. This is more to do with Modi's political acumen. He has timed this brilliantly.
UAE is just pissed we didn't give our firepower to crush the Yemeni's.

I think they were offered fire power by India. I don't know of any such request to Pakistan.
Though i read it a lot on defence.pk. However, it's Pakistan's obligation as an ally to recognize houthis a terrorist org. as they rightfully are and issue condemnation to the terrorist attacks on their soil.
Otherwise we are clearly party to attacks on Arab soil and this is no joke.
You don't understand Hindi then you don't understand the whole picture of situation in IoK. Even BBC went with reporting in Urdu on the basis of norms of analysis.

Genocide Alert means an alert on the basis of current developments. If to go by numbers to verify the count; it has already been proven with thousands of Kashmiris lost their lives and locals still reports of unmarked graves.

Just because NYT and WP etc are telling the story as it happening; doesn't mean they are profiling India due to some business or personal enmity. China is not the issue here nor Tibet is Kashmir. It will be unfair as well as foolish to compare both hence, I said obsession which your repeatedly proving correct.

All the Indian sources, since being Pro Modi been claiming "All is well" since day first and these sources does not carry any weight being Indians which in-fact, will follow the National Line of Modi.

You are speaking of two militants and a foreign source already mentioned that 2 protesters are being shot by Indian Military previously. Furthermore, thousands are abducted and no one knows their fate when or even will they return. Not to forget that Indian Military is famous of fake encounters in Indian occupied Kashmir. Painting two protesters is so easy for the fascist regime of India when it is already been caught multiple times for lying to the teeth.

here is the latest English version for you.

The drama of people will not sit quite in-case Kashmiris are murdered is so unfortunate as no one has taken any stand till date hence, nothing to except from Nazi Modi Regime at all. These words wouldn't matter as the time has gone though, you can try to paint some sanity picture over internet but not here. That is infact a huge disrespect & insult of Kashmiris that so-called Indian people will hot sit quiet - Indian military is already been given license to kill though, such statements are good to make a fool of yourself and feel good.

Here is some of more sources but seems like you are not much interested to see things through prospect of reality instead wanted to read what Fascist India & its fake factory media have to say.




And the Genocide Alert

See. I am not denying its some situation including communication blockade or section 144. To India's pov, killings or injuries have been avoided.

I am just talking on the position of genocide. Its as simple as that. Its not happening and calling Indian leadership actively promoting genocide or nazism wont take Pakistan's stand seriously. Infact it will affect your position when no such happenings are taking place on the ground. As we speak blockade has been lifted and satellite tv channels are reporting freely in Kashmir.

I rest my case.
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