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PM IK considering a complete closure of Air Space to India, ban on use of Pakistan Land routes

Indian papers and laws mean anything...

Its the declaration of Kashmiri genocide and rape and plunder of our women that's the start of the war.

Then why the hue and cry in Pak over this? Why did IK have to take the nation into confidence through a public address?
Apparently nothing has happened so far.
So save beating the war drums, no?
Then why the hue and cry in Pak over this? Why did IK have to take the nation into confidence through a public address?
Apparently nothing has happened so far.
So save beating the war drums, no?

Against its got nothing to do with the literal rescinding of the law... Its what Indian government has declared by rescinding the law. They have declared Hindutva rape and murder of the Kashmiris.
Pakistan is slowly moving toward action.... I bet there will some thing due before Oct 19th.
Against its got nothing to do with the literal rescinding of the law... Its what Indian government has declared by rescinding the law. They have declared Hindutva rape and murder of the Kashmiris.

That’s reading the tea leaves and from the look of it, some very strong tea.

Anyways, let’s see what happens. If your prediction of this mass rape and murder actually comes true.
22 days And still considering …. Even after Modi "New Nazi" , Modern hitlar used it ……..

Pressure tactics work when applied gradually or else you have no next steps.

Putting this news out is enough. It will give them something to think. Then implementing it will make it more effective.

It looks like that all diplomatic efforts are failed so now only option is military.i recommend joint China and pakistan operation against India which is very unlikely but today we heard statement from indian army about doklam standoff.it looks like India is worried about china.ladakh is still disputed territory.two front war will be nightmare for India.pakistan must do efforts to persuade China to fight for ladakh.together we can defeat India quite easily.

Not true about military being only solution. Modi will fee the heat. He will offer talks to Pakistan. The offer will only be to ward off pressure. Pakistan must not take the offer. It will dilute its stance and will provide Modi an exit. After revocation of Article 370, India is an occupier as it reverted Kashmir to 1947 before Instrument of Accession. So in this situation, Pakistan should only accept talks if its about plebiscite.
I do hope that we help Afghans with their commodity imports though, and substitute whatever they were importing from India with Pakistani products. If Afghans feel they are being punished for Pak-India relations then it'll be bad for us. US will leave Afghanistan sooner than later and we need a friendly government in Afghanistan.
If you think afghans will be greatful to you for what you have done for them in jast 70 years then you are an idiot.

Last time when you briefly closed it your aviation minister said CAA suffered a loss of $50million and India lost $83m...so it is going to bite both countries's aviation industry which is not doing so great..
Your figures are wrong. You are lying with a purpose to demoralize Pakistanis
Ok so no real achievement.
Because I would think article 370 and it’s abrogation would be a HUGE red line for Pakistan, no? No “Swift retort” this time around?!
Wasn’t that the purpose of the op? To deter India from bold unilateral steps?
We never considered article 370 to be valid to begin with hence abrogation of it does not matter to Pakistan either. Pakistan maintains that Kashmir is a disputed territory and should be resolved under UN resolutions.
Ever consider the probability that....the Pakistani establishment has cut a deal with india and USA to resolve the kashmir issue?

I mean ...the Pakistani establishments core ideal and main grip on power....was the kashmir issue!!

And so far no real action has been taken other than twitter threats....

I was expecting a military response....

I think this time, currently govt not gonna let Indian action slide. Seems like IK is waiting for the right time. He is working behind the scenes before taking any action.
This is first time in my memory, Pakistan is behaving like India. Be it Parliament attack 2003 or Mumbai 26/11, India was used to do these silly steps - stopping trains, buses or trade for a time being to placate domestic masses.

We were tired of listening our ministers that they would take diplomatic /political course of action( I don't know what the hell that supposed to mean).

It is in fact a gross insult to Pakistan when becomes like India. India still leads this by miles... Pulwama is the evidence. India has taken practical course of action on the ground beside Minister's political action and ask Abhinandan how does it feel. India is a Nazi regime now and can't be compared with.
Punish India, no need for talks. Close all land routes, air space, no trade and banned Indian products, movie, dramas.

I think Moulana Fazulur Rehman or someone from opposition should threaten to call for Jihad in Kashmir.

Special media team to counter Indian narrative on Kashmir. We need to make full documentary about Kashmir history and current conflict In English and Urdu. Also about Indian fake surgical strike and other lies. My recommendation is do special news in Hindi for Indian audiences, put it on Youtube and other websites.
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Still not sure why Pakistanis are singing of Feb 27th as some sort of victory.

The intended effect of downing an Indian jet, was supposed to warn India that there would be “dire” consequences to Indian adventurism . ie. India would face a “Swift retort” for crossing red lines.
Instead it emboldened Indian govt and BJP to actually make the red line look like a dot. (Revocation of article 370)
BJP is literally challenging Pakistan to show its mettle through, air, sea, land, diplomacy or otherwise.

So what exactly did 27th feb achieve again?
Peace on the LOC?
Loss of economy and status for India?
Get India and it’s govt. to “behave” and come to the table for talks?

Still trying to figure this out. Maybe you can explain

How come you will make sure when Vir Chakras are raining merely to boost some moral and for political mileage back at home. India revoke 370 in Kashmir and you call it a response? You mean India is applying more force in already occupied area/disputed territory and call it even to what Pakistan did on 27th Feb. BJP once given bloody nose by crossing the line is now in fact luring Pakistan to cross as well.

27th Feb is not that hard to be figured out except that you don't want to. Now speaking of IoK and India's so-called challenge, will be dealt as what really happened on 27th Feb. Operation Swift Retort is referred as a reminder that what possibly be happening so India keeps forgetting that and we will keep reminding Delhi. India tried 26th Balakot Drama and so got the beating of the day. India trying to annex Kashmir and so will be dealt. For assurance of Pakistan reply, please remember 27th Feb. I remember, Indians were of the same opinion like INDIA CHALLENGED PAKISTAN IN BALAKOT BUT PAKISTAN CAN'T DO THIS OR THAT OR INDIA AWAITING like all the sort of Bollywood Bravado stuff but that didn't take long when most of Indians decided to go into exile from PDF.
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