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PM IK considering a complete closure of Air Space to India, ban on use of Pakistan Land routes

Punish India, no need for talks. Close all land routes, air space, no trade and banned Indian products, movie, dramas.

I think Moulana Fazulur Rehman or someone from opposition should threaten to call for Jihad in Kashmir.

That should only be the start.

Why all the drama by PMIK? that time of the month?

Why is your curry a$$ on fire? We are just banning land and air routes. India will survive, remember?

Pressure tactics work when applied gradually or else you have no next steps.

Putting this news out is enough. It will give them something to think. Then implementing it will make it more effective.

Not true about military being only solution. Modi will fee the heat. He will offer talks to Pakistan. The offer will only be to ward off pressure. Pakistan must not take the offer. It will dilute its stance and will provide Modi an exit. After revocation of Article 370, India is an occupier as it reverted Kashmir to 1947 before Instrument of Accession. So in this situation, Pakistan should only accept talks if its about plebiscite.

It has already put the Indians on alert. Look at their crying in this thread alone. They are basically begging Pakistan not to go through.
That’s reading the tea leaves and from the look of it, some very strong tea.

Anyways, let’s see what happens. If your prediction of this mass rape and murder actually comes true.

Indians suffer from a dark skin inferiority complex... All they know is rape and murder of lighter skinned Kashmiris. The Indian government spokesperson said so.. "we can now marry light skinned Kashmiris"

Its haram for Muslim women to marry non-muslims... Especially Hindus.
Full documentary about Kashmir In English and Urdu. Also about fake surgical strike and other Indian lies. We also need to do special news in Hindi for Indian audiences.

Keep all diplomatic channels closed. Not a single Indian diplomat should be allowed in Pakistan. Recall all diplomats from India. Leave no space for ambiguity. These should only be initial steps.

Support Kashmiris on every platform. Mention Indian atrocities and human rights abuses on every single platform. Don't stop this witch hunt against Indian Nazis.

Provide moral, materialistic and logistical support for Kashmiris through various channels. If Indians shout terrorism simply up the ante.
Keep all diplomatic channels closed. Not a single Indian diplomat should be allowed in Pakistan. Recall all diplomats from India. Leave no space for ambiguity. These should only be initial steps.

Support Kashmiris on every platform. Mention Indian atrocities and human rights abuses on every single platform. Don't stop this witch hunt against Indian Nazis.

Provide moral, materialistic and logistical support for Kashmiris through various channels. If Indians shout terrorism simply up the ante.

There are always low level diplomats and some staff remains in the embassy.
There are always low level diplomats and some staff remains in the embassy.

I would remove them too. There is no going back until Kashmir is resolved. The message has to be firm and coherent. Not half measures. Remove every last person.

8.5 billion rupees is not 1 billion US dollars.
Injuns have a lot more to loose than the Pakistanis, hence my suggestion that you should invade or start doing your surgical strikes (actual real ones this time, not the usual fakery) to teach them a lesson and bring them to heal. I mean you are a super power after-all, what is this crap about prostrating at the American feet and complaining about F-16s? have you all no shame? what kinda Hanumani behavior is this?

If you can have a de-facto rule over and/or assert control over a much stronger, more united and many many many many times wealthier BD ShonarDesh, why not a weak andoorstar puny Pakistan?

Hanuman is a selective super power yet he accuses others of crying LOL

It is funny how Pakistan humiliated Hanuman in front of the world on the 27th yet Hanuman had no courage to do a surgical.
Modi re-incarnation of Hitler
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We need to ask these mods, what their agenda is, because I have been warned by @Arsalan for that too. They delete it and leave no trace, I don't know what they're trying to do, but it sure as hell isn't for the betterment of the situation.
We are just trying to keep the forum a debate and discussion platform where people can exchange their point of view in a civil manner. Trying to keep it different from those youtube comment sections and facebook pages you see full of abuses. The forum rules clearly state "DO NOT QUOTE TROLL REPLY". I have repeatedly asked you and all other not to quote any abusive insulting post, just REPORT them. If you have to tag a MOD by quoting the post then leave the problem part OUT OF THAT QUOTED POST otherwise we will have to delete both posts. If you decide to reply abuses WITH ABUSES then surely both posts will be treated the same, if you want to leave it to MODs to take care of the problem post, please do not use similar language yourself.

You can ask @undercover JIX, i explained this whole thing to him. He is now using the report button, please ask if the reports are being looked at in 36-48 hours time frame or not.

If you need to discuss this in detail or have any questions please start a thread in GHQ and i will be happy to explain this further.

Oh BTW, the post from @maximuswarrior that started this debate here, the guy he QUOTED was issued a warning and that resulted in ban (by another MOD) and his post with abusive words was also deleted (by a separate MOD).

@waz @WebMaster @Arsalan @Dubious
Why are Indian scum like the poster here, still allowed on PDF? This isnt acceptable anymore, look at what the fascist, terrorist is saying
Posts were reported by some member (Not by you for sure), action taken by moderators and the member is banned already.
We are just trying to keep the forum a debate and discussion platform where people can exchange their point of view in a civil manner. Trying to keep it different from those youtube comment sections and facebook pages you see full of abuses. The forum rules clearly state "DO NOT QUOTE TROLL REPLY". I have repeatedly asked you and all other not to quote any abusive insulting post, just REPORT them. If you have to tag a MOD by quoting the post then leave the problem part OUT OF THAT QUOTED POST otherwise we will have to delete both posts. If you decide to reply abuses WITH ABUSES then surely both posts will be treated the same, if you want to leave it to MODs to take care of the problem post, please do not use similar language yourself.

You can ask @undercover JIX, i explained this whole thing to him. He is now using the report button, please ask if the reports are being looked at in 36-48 hours time frame or not.

If you need to discuss this in detail or have any questions please start a thread in GHQ and i will be happy to explain this further.

Oh BTW, the post from @maximuswarrior that started this debate here, the guy he QUOTED was issued a warning and that resulted in ban (by another MOD) and his post with abusive words was also deleted (by a separate MOD).

Posts were reported by some member (Not by you for sure), action taken by moderators and the member is banned already.
You know what reporting does? They just simply click delete and pretend it didnt happen in the first place. You lot deleted what that fascist said and thus getting rid of all the proof that makes it clear what their mindset is and that makes you as equally responsible for the situation in Kashmir. You are as equally as responsible for keeping their sacrifices and struggle, silent. I said it shouldve been pined at the top and shown to all members what their mentality is but mods deleted it.

Now you are lecturing me about not resorting it? I dont report because that accomplishes nothing! It's all brushed under the carpet and mods pretend like the issue isnt there. A perfect example being here and that is why I will not report but quote you to the spot where its needed and draw attention to the issues. So that no matter how much the mods trys to censor the issue other will see that it's actually there.
You know what reporting does? They just simply click delete and pretend it didnt happen in the first place. You lot deleted what that fascist said and thus getting rid of all the proof that makes it clear what their mindset is and that makes you as equally responsible for the situation in Kashmir. You are as equally as responsible for keeping their sacrifices and struggle, silent. I said it shouldve been pined at the top and shown to all members what their mentality is but mods deleted it.

Now you are lecturing me about not resorting it? I dont report because that accomplishes nothing! It's all brushed under the carpet and mods pretend like the issue isnt there. A perfect example being here and that is why I will not report but quote you to the spot where its needed and draw attention to the issues. So that no matter how much the mods trys to censor the issue other will see that it's actually there.
That is not what happens. This very thread carries an example where post was reported, warnings were issued and that resulted in the member being banned.
Ok so no real achievement.
Because I would think article 370 and it’s abrogation would be a HUGE red line for Pakistan, no? No “Swift retort” this time around?!
Wasn’t that the purpose of the op? To deter India from bold unilateral steps?

Actually you should be asking this question to your prime minister. What did India gain by so called surgical strikes?

Crippled Pakistani defence? No.
Deterred Pakistani response? No.
Killed so called terrorists? No.

So what did you achieve? Let me tell you in plain and simple words as under:

YOU crossed the LOC and targeted our sovereign land - we retaliated the next day in broad day light and targeted yours.

We targeted your military installations by your own admission - and you were a no show despite taking hits in air and ground. We are still waiting for your response. Actually what you have done is to show the world how incapable you are to take on Pakistan despite your 70 B defence budget and a larger military complex. Ofcourse we already knew that but it is out in the open for the world to see. THAT is what you have achieved.
That is not what happens. This very thread carries an example where post was reported, warnings were issued and that resulted in the member being banned.
And everything the member said was censored and hidden.

Doesnt change ground realities. I can draw you a map and say I own the universe. That would make me look insane like how this makes the fascists look insane.
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