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PM IK considering a complete closure of Air Space to India, ban on use of Pakistan Land routes

This is first time in my memory, Pakistan is behaving like India. Be it Parliament attack 2003 or Mumbai 26/11, India was used to do these silly steps - stopping trains, buses or trade for a time being to placate domestic masses.

We were tired of listening our ministers that they would take diplomatic /political course of action( I don't know what the hell that supposed to mean).
Still no dam conformation of tht air ban and the ban on Afghan transit trade it shows, how serious is this govt for kashmir???
It's minsters r fighting for thier own agenda, cabinet decides to ban aerospace bt suddenly govts spokes women says no decisions made in tht issue, I mean these whole govt is making pakistan and its while system a joke right at the time when ur enemy has bitten u???

So be it. Blood is more valuable than $$$
For some over educated so called experts money is more important then a survival of a nation?
Nexr what, sell ur nucks?
And thn what sell whole country???
No confirmation yet but It should be banned. Having economy suffer is one goal but what most valuable would be suffering of Indians. Keep them wasting 1-2 hours or more extra per flight and then burden more on their buying tickets.
And this will force India to roll back on Article 370!

I remember that it wasn't the similar situation but Indian attitude was same like this on 26th Feb and then comes the surprise by Pakistan and it is all well written in "not so long ago" history. Listen : patience and this is Pakistan.

As if Pakistan was not in that mode. Remember death by thousands cuts policy since 1980's.

Just came back and banned a Sanghi.

Welcome back.
I remember that it wasn't the similar situation but Indian attitude was same like this on 26th Feb and then comes the surprise by Pakistan and it is all well written in "not so long ago" history. Listen : patience and this is Pakistan.

Welcome back.

Still not sure why Pakistanis are singing of Feb 27th as some sort of victory.

The intended effect of downing an Indian jet, was supposed to warn India that there would be “dire” consequences to Indian adventurism . ie. India would face a “Swift retort” for crossing red lines.
Instead it emboldened Indian govt and BJP to actually make the red line look like a dot. (Revocation of article 370)
BJP is literally challenging Pakistan to show its mettle through, air, sea, land, diplomacy or otherwise.

So what exactly did 27th feb achieve again?
Peace on the LOC?
Loss of economy and status for India?
Get India and it’s govt. to “behave” and come to the table for talks?

Still trying to figure this out. Maybe you can explain
Still not sure why Pakistanis are singing of Feb 27th as some sort of victory.

The intended effect of downing an Indian jet, was supposed to warn India that there would be “dire” consequences to Indian adventurism . ie. India would face a “Swift retort” for crossing red lines.
Instead it emboldened Indian govt and BJP to actually make the red line look like a dot. (Revocation of article 370)
BJP is literally challenging Pakistan to show its mettle through, air, sea, land, diplomacy or otherwise.

So what exactly did 27th feb achieve again?
Peace on the LOC?
Loss of economy and status for India?
Get India and it’s govt. to “behave” and come to the table for talks?

Still trying to figure this out. Maybe you can explain

defeat and humiliation for india!
Still not sure why Pakistanis are singing of Feb 27th as some sort of victory.

The intended effect of downing an Indian jet, was supposed to warn India that there would be “dire” consequences to Indian adventurism . ie. India would face a “Swift retort” for crossing red lines.
Instead it emboldened Indian govt and BJP to actually make the red line look like a dot. (Revocation of article 370)
BJP is literally challenging Pakistan to show its mettle through, air, sea, land, diplomacy or otherwise.

So what exactly did 27th feb achieve again?
Peace on the LOC?
Loss of economy and status for India?
Get India and it’s govt. to “behave” and come to the table for talks?

Still trying to figure this out. Maybe you can explain

It was a prelude to how Pakistan can and will kick Indian arse in an armed conflict.
It was a prelude to how Pakistan can and will kick Indian arse in an armed conflict.

Ok so no real achievement.
Because I would think article 370 and it’s abrogation would be a HUGE red line for Pakistan, no? No “Swift retort” this time around?!
Wasn’t that the purpose of the op? To deter India from bold unilateral steps?
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