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PM IK considering a complete closure of Air Space to India, ban on use of Pakistan Land routes

We have closed Air space for 3 international routes for Karachi till 31st August, 2019.
Closed from 28 August to 31 August. Because of military exercise.

And everything the member said was censored and hidden.

Doesnt change ground realities. I can draw you a map and say I own the universe. That would make me look insane like how this makes the fascists look insane.
As mentioned, this is not a personal facebook page where people can abuse and insult others. That is AGAINST forum rules. What you are asking is :
  1. Abuses and filthy material from Indians should not be deleted because that will show their mentality
  2. Abuses and filthy material from Pakistani members should not be deleted as they are only replying in kind.
At the end of the day, the threads will be nothing by pile of abuses and filth.

Think about it.
And everything the member said was censored and hidden.

Doesnt change ground realities. I can draw you a map and say I own the universe. That would make me look insane like how this makes the fascists look insane.
You want change Indian Air space?
Actually you should be asking this question to your prime minister. What did India gain by so called surgical strikes?

Crippled Pakistani defence? No.
Deterred Pakistani response? No.
Killed so called terrorists? No.

So what did you achieve? Let me tell you in plain and simple words as under:

YOU crossed the LOC and targeted our sovereign land - we retaliated the next day in broad day light and targeted yours.

We targeted your military installations by your own admission - and you were a no show despite taking hits in air and ground. We are still waiting for your response. Actually what you have done is to show the world how incapable you are to take on Pakistan despite your 70 B defence budget and a larger military complex. Ofcourse we already knew that but it is out in the open for the world to see. THAT is what you have achieved.
He got re-elected by destroying few trees and killing a crow. And you are saying he is not smart !
Balakot strike achieved exactly, what it was intended for. Go and figure it out yourselves.
He got re-elected by destroying few trees and killing a crow. And you are saying he is not smart !
Balakot strike achieved exactly, what it was intended for. Go and figure it out yourselves.

If that is a definition of smart for you, you need to get your head checked.

He is an idiot for risking the future of 1.5 Billion people for his petty elections. If it had escalated, you know what would have happened. And you lot seems to have no problem with it. Amazing.
Were you born dumb or are you retarded in the sad sense of the word. Even the airspace above the whole of Siachen comes under Lahore CTR.



for detail map

Indian are escalating the situation just because they have a firm believe that we will not escalate the matter disproportionately, they think they can dictate the New Rules of the Game ....

Now it is up to us to decide either We have to pay the price of their Gamble or Make them to pay for their game .....
The reason they believe so is that we will also be gutting ourselves while gutting them.
You are right as to it is entirely upto us to down that route.
If I were administering this place, I would keep most of the retarded bharati posters and their comments but remove all the filth posting under Pakistani Flag. but most of you seem to be doing the exact opposite of that i.e making bharatis look like PhD scholars while most "Pakistanis" here look like illiterate retards
We TRY and remove all problem material!
This is first time in my memory, Pakistan is behaving like India. Be it Parliament attack 2003 or Mumbai 26/11, India was used to do these silly steps - stopping trains, buses or trade for a time being to placate domestic masses.

We were tired of listening our ministers that they would take diplomatic /political course of action( I don't know what the hell that supposed to mean).
Not surprised by your naive comments.
That's why I want their mindset to be displayed on this forum to all member and especially those that are international members. Let's fight this fascism.

I have to say Indians flood every thing remotely related to Pakistan everywhere in the world. I have seen helpless Westerners even in NY Times Comments section whose saner voices are being drowned by these Cyber Nazis!

Of course not all Indians are like that. We have some pretty sensible ones here. But there is a perhaps a large army of such Cyber Nazis who are working in unison like the Israeli Megaphone Brigade to target sites of global reach...
Still considering it after Modi flew straight through Pakistan on his way to the G7 summit....

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