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Please any link for live streaming ceremony..as fast as possible...

i think some of u guys are offended by the ceremony. . . No one wants to hurt u. . . They just showed the world how the nation called Bangladesh emerged in the world map! . . . And Only Sheikh Hasina gave speech in Bengali. . . . . . I guess she was following her father who adresd da united nation in bengali. . .
Well quite awesome performance by everyone. Enjoyed our dance(not Mumtaz:sick:) wonder why the young singers like Anusheh, Artcell or Lalon wasn't allowed to sing.. Brian Adams did some good ol songs. Well some of you seemed hurt, well I have nothing to say. Enjoy the game.

Love my country.
Some pics...





Well quite awesome performance by everyone. Enjoyed our dance(not Mumtaz:sick:) wonder why the young singers like Anusheh, Artcell or Lalon wasn't allowed to sing.. Brian Adams did some good ol songs. Well some of you seemed hurt, well I have nothing to say. Enjoy the game.

Love my country.

The only thing good about Bangladesh music industry is their rock bands, and they didn't perform at all? :/
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