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PLA Presence in Northern Areas ? ? ?

How would this be bad news for Pakistan?
Indian Army intelligence officers, alerted to the PLA deployment in Pakistan-administered Kashmir by a recent report in The New York Times, believe the number of Chinese troops in that region will soon be tripled to brigade strength - about 3,000 to 5,000 personnel.

If it's true that the Indian intelligence was alerted to this deployment by the NY Times article and not by their own operations, then it's really bad performance by the agencies.
If it's true that the Indian intelligence was alerted to this deployment by the NY Times article and not by their own operations, then it's really bad performance by the agencies.

Other way around will be, news fabricated or blow out of proportions.
Have a little faith in your 'secret' agencies.
If it's true that the Indian intelligence was alerted to this deployment by the NY Times article and not by their own operations, then it's really bad performance by the agencies.

Can agencies go into dreams of correspondent, unfair comment on agencies
If it's true that the Indian intelligence was alerted to this deployment by the NY Times article and not by their own operations, then it's really bad performance by the agencies.

this cannot be true....our military intelligence is sufficiently strong in TECHINT collation and analysis.....its probably a public response by the government to assuage the public and the parliaments concerns and show that they are taking adequate action.....
this cannot be true....our military intelligence is sufficiently strong in TECHINT collation and analysis.....its probably a public response by the government to assuage the public and the parliaments concerns and show that they are taking adequate action.....

Lets hope its that way.
If there are indeed PLA troops in the northern areas of Pakistan, even if ostensibly to provide cover to the workers building the railways lines, its begs a question- why does China not trust the Pakistan armed forces and police to provide cover to the workers on Pakistani territory? why do they have to send their own troops for this- its not like the troops are defending Chinese soverign land (like the Chinese embassies and consulates).
China is not a threat to Pakistan. China and Pakistan share exactly the same interest. Only india is worried about this news, not Pakistan (even if the news is true).
If there are indeed PLA troops in the northern areas of Pakistan, even if ostensibly to provide cover to the workers building the railways lines, its begs a question- why does China not trust the Pakistan armed forces and police to provide cover to the workers on Pakistani territory? why do they have to send their own troops for this- its not like the troops are defending Chinese soverign land (like the Chinese embassies and consulates).

1 they are not there to provide cover to the workers building a railway line.....protection from what ? extremists ? taliban ? ......makes no sense....
2. china knows that this is a dispute (as seen through Pakistani eyes) ....and is relentlessly trying to insert itself into it ( I leave the reason to your imagination ......Getting a diplomatic or strategic upper hand over India....) Either way this is a strategic statement and expect the GOI to respond in kind.....no one ..not even the mighty U.S messes with us on Kashmir.....:devil:
You mean foreign troops in your country?

I suppose these guys are here for tea and biscuits right?








Strategic interest is strategic interest
We're about to launch an invasion, be very careful Indians :)

Its a construction project thats going on in a dangerous area with close proximity to our mutual enemy, India. There could be a million reasons why the Chinese army is coming in and out of the area.
dont worry, we already faced you in kargil and world knows the result, so take a chill pill mate.

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