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PLA Presence in Northern Areas ? ? ?

Pakistan was created at the most strategic cross roads of the world unlike the indians in extreme outback of South Asia with no strategic borders really. So we are expected to be in the game for eternity. its only up to us on being smart or losing it. US and NATO did have their game and they have pleaded enough to save their behinds. The Russians also had their game in twisting our arms. The Chinese are peace loving people who has built ties of mutual benefit and respect.

The forgien troops clause is directed towards combat operations and does not include the chinese. In that sense there arent US / NATO forces on Pakistani soil taking part in combat. They must have tried some incursions but our levrage on WOT is much heavier.

Do you think the Arabis, Turks and Persian only flock to us for brotherhood??? Or we are always in the news for good or bad over nothing??

We are unique in our case.

Isn't being in the fight better than sitting far like an audience??
We made, we are and we will continue to make history in important political events be is collapse of USSR or WOT!!

crash and burn! :flame:

Wow, I like your attitude, really. Chahe kuch bhi ho jae, BHOKAAL tight rehna chahiye. Lol

Beware though, kahi history banaate banaate khud hi history na ban jana.
Before going on a rant, would be helpful to read the full article and the context, here let me help you with that.

" MULTAN: No foreign military would be allowed to set foot in Pakistan and the country�s law enforcement agencies will conduct anti-terrorism operations inside the country, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said on Sunday.

He told reporters at the Multan airport on his arrival that during his recent visit to Washington, he had conveyed to the US that NATO would not be allowed to conduct operations in Pakistan. "

So the context is with regard to anti-terrorism operations as was being rumored that US or NATO can take operations inside the country. So in that context the statement was given, you Indians are good at misguiding by quoting things out of context.

So if you guys don't know in what context the Chinese troops are supposedly in Pakistan, then plzz don't open it up.

It was not a rant but just a humble expression of thoughts.

My intention behind the post was not to say that Chinese troops are in Pakistan for any military operations but in the context that since Pakistan is a sovereign country, no troops should be allowed to set afoot on it's soil for whatever reason especially when the tunnels that have been created can be also used to store missiles (Read Fatman Sir's post on JDW report on page 12).

Anyways since my post did not reflect of what I was trying to say, I have edited it.
Are you really that short-sighted and naive


Do you really think you are far-sighted and smart?

If your answer to my question is "YES", then my answer to your above question in "NO".

or do you believe everything you read in the PRESS?

It was not a rant but just a humble expression of thoughts.

My intention behind the post was not to say that Chinese troops are in Pakistan for any military operations but in the context that since Pakistan is a sovereign country, no troops should be allowed to set afoot on it's soil for whatever reason especially when the tunnels that have been created can be also used to store missiles (Read Fatman Sir's post on JDW report on page 12).

Anyways since my post did not reflect of what I was trying to say, I have edited it.

Our sovereignty has not been damaged or is being challenged with the presence of Chinese troops. They are not taking any military operations there if they are present there, nor are they doing any occupational work. Even if they are there, they would have come on the request of Pakistan and for some specific purpose.

And as for tunnels, is it confirmed for what purpose they are ??

They can be tunnels for weapons storage, they can be decoy tunnels, they can be tunnels for passage of some pipeline, or whatever else it can be for some purpose.

And does the pictures shows them to have been worked upon by the Chinese ?? Is there something like that written on them ?? Are Chinese troops visibly seen in them ??

So without concrete proof,this is all BS and speculative.
The indians have problem with everything..even with PA trench digging exercises during winter in sargodha. Once upon a time there was an empire of happiness and joy called Soviet Union which was equally paraniod. The rest is historical dust !
Yes now lets have IOK its chance of development. Practice what your preach!

The following is from an article of the Washington Post published on the 15th of December 1963. Titled "A Fairy Tale Vale Laced by Bullets 'incidents' Are Commonplace along the Cease-Fire Line Dividing Kashmir"

" A Desolate Contrast

Although Pakistan most of the Poonch and Mirpur ranges of western Kashmir at the time of the cease-fire , India held the lion's share of the state , including the fairy-tale Vale of Kashmir. The Vale, centring around Srinagar, has thrived as a tourist mecca, with palatial hotels and houseboat trade on flower-lined canals.

Muzaffarabad offers a desolate contrast to the lush prosperity of Srinagar. It is just a temporary stopping off point on the way to Srinagar in the mind's of Azad Kashmir leaders, and the thought of making it into a tourist center or more than a provisional political headquarters runs against the official ideology.

The only place in town to stay overnight is a seven-room government guest house of barracks-like simplicity alongside the cluster of makeshift hutments housing the administrative offices of the Azad Kashmir government

If this was the stark contrast in 1963 between the prosperity of Srinagar and the desolation of Muzaffarabad, imagine the situation now.
"India gives more power to the state government in Srinagar; elections there are widely regarded as fair"

What was this "journalist" smoking? IOK elections have a history of being rigged. You can read that even in books written by Indian authors like Sumantra Bose, a professor at London School of Economics. This "journalist" is a disgrace to journalism.
The following is from an article of the Washington Post published on the 15th of December 1963. Titled "A Fairy Tale Vale Laced by Bullets 'incidents' Are Commonplace along the Cease-Fire Line Dividing Kashmir"

" A Desolate Contrast

Although Pakistan most of the Poonch and Mirpur ranges of western Kashmir at the time of the cease-fire , India held the lion's share of the state , including the fairy-tale Vale of Kashmir. The Vale, centring around Srinagar, has thrived as a tourist mecca, with palatial hotels and houseboat trade on flower-lined canals.

Muzaffarabad offers a desolate contrast to the lush prosperity of Srinagar. It is just a temporary stopping off point on the way to Srinagar in the mind's of Azad Kashmir leaders, and the thought of making it into a tourist center or more than a provisional political headquarters runs against the official ideology.

The only place in town to stay overnight is a seven-room government guest house of barracks-like simplicity alongside the cluster of makeshift hutments housing the administrative offices of the Azad Kashmir government

If this was the stark contrast in 1963 between the prosperity of Srinagar and the desolation of Muzaffarabad, imagine the situation now.

Off topic troll!

If you wish to bash Pakistan with these anti-Pakistani articles, plz create an anti-Pakistani thread, I'm sure we'll take good care of you...
^^ Renegade please go post this anti Pakistani propaganda elsewhere. Many thanks.

The Washington Post is propaganda too along with the New York Times. Any other papers you want to add to your list?

If you don't have the ability to stomach facts, i suggest that you stay away from the discussion. A question was raised about economic development & it was answered in that context. Is it my problem that the Washington Post found Muzaffarabd to be desolate place compared to the prosperity of Srinagar!!?
We're about to launch an invasion, be very careful Indians :)

Its a construction project thats going on in a dangerous area with close proximity to our mutual enemy, India. There could be a million reasons why the Chinese army is coming in and out of the area.

Who???The team of PDF forum!! :rofl: :D
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