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PKK syrian chief executed by syrian FSA

Here's a heads up for you son. Wikileaks stole internal memo from the US government, not Iran.

Wikileaks stole reliable info from any country including Turkey and Russia, Even revealed that Russia betraid Greece with giving S-300

So what make Assad shttier than FSA?

Look at current Syria, Its a sh1t hole! So FSA is atleast a new oppurtinity for the Syrian people.
Look at current Syria, Its a sh1t hole! So FSA is atleast a new oppurtinity for the Syrian people.

In 2010,Syria was not a $hithole,it was a secular country and comparing to Saudi and other Arab states,a better and more free country.Not a democracy though.Thanks for your great support,Jihadist are doing their job.
They didn't steal jack from Iran.

Also lets see how much your a$$ will be burning after this. Here I used your dear wikileaks. Turkey supports Al-Qaeda.

WikiLeaks release to show NATO ally Turkey helped Al Qaeda in Iraq | The Raw Story

he next release is expected to include thousands of diplomatic cables reporting corruption allegations against politicians in Russia, Afghanistan and other Central Asian nations, sources familiar with the State Department cables held by WikiLeaks told Reuters on Wednesday.

Corruption is in every country, Even in Iran. no to mension they are mere alligations not proof lolz. Irrelevant...

In 2010,Syria was not a $hithole,it was a secular country and comparing to Saudi and other Arab states,a better and more free country.Not a democracy though.Thanks for your great support,Jihadist are doing their job.

Its was failed monarch state like any other nothing special..
he next release is expected to include thousands of diplomatic cables reporting corruption allegations against politicians in Russia, Afghanistan and other Central Asian nations, sources familiar with the State Department cables held by WikiLeaks told Reuters on Wednesday.

Corruption is in every country, Even in Iran. Irrelevant...

Its was failed monarch state like any other nothing special..

the WikiLeaks release includes documents that show Turkey has helped al-Qaeda in Iraq

Not irrelevant.
Look at current Syria, Its a sh1t hole! So FSA is atleast a new oppurtinity for the Syrian people.

FSA is the reason of the situation in Syria as much as Assad. At one side, a dictator that killing his own people, at the other side a clusterfvck organization that contain some real-freedom fighters, lots of radical islamist terrorist, mercenaries, and many country's intelligence agencies...

So nah, i wouldn't call FSA as an 'opportunity' for Syrian people but trouble. Unfortunetely Syria is fvcked up for a loong time.
the WikiLeaks release includes documents that show Turkey has helped al-Qaeda in Iraq

Not irrelevant.

Search for the actuall paper that proofs it and not that simply suggest it, Then we can continoue this troublesome talk
FSA has hardcore jihadist and Al-Queda elements inside its organization..Thats for sure..Whether they clean them out or all this uprising thing will be dumped to a trashcan..Thats why Syrian National Council is useless atm..There is a need for better organized opposition
FSA has hardcore jihadist and Al-Queda elements inside its organization..Thats for sure..Whether they clean them out or all this uprising thing will be dumped to a trashcan..Thats why Syrian National Council is useless atm..There is a need for better organized opposition

We already expected this, There is definitly Al-Qaida elements but its by far the minority since the FSA mainly consist of ex-syrian army soldier and not extremist.
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Btw to Iranians here, The Islamic revolution in Iran also didnt just directlly ment the fall of the monarchy wasnt it, It took you about 2 years so like always the pathetic logic of the iranians are seriously laughable saying 'if syrians wanted assad gone he would be gone right now'...
The only hypcrites here are retards like you, Because you are even dumb enough to not know Retard isnt an insult, Its just a somewhat classification of people with mental shortcoming, People like you. The only terrorist here that should be killed is you backward khamani and ahmedinejad who are supporting massacres and terrorist organisation throughout the region, But ofcourse when Iran support an armed group its rightious but god forbid when Turkey supports one its "terrorisme"

People like you are the cancer of this world, Always putting strategic oppurtinities infront of humain perspective. Terrorist this Terrorist that Armed gangs boehoe! Spare me the propaganda you have been thoughy from your corrupt regime. Another example of either stupidy and arrogance, Cant tell the difference between "Thug gangs" and Freedom Fighters.

Its funny how people like you are always to arrogant and incompetent to accept reality. let me tell what the reality here is, Syrian goverment will eventually fall and all thise will be broken with Iran, Having lost one of you presious "Puppets" Iran would be crying rivers and meanwhile Syria will began a new era without corrupt blood soaked regime, The End.

If Assad somehow goes which is I doubt(if he didn't had people's support, he would be already gone), new government will be also a puppet, actually lesser independent, only the puppet masters will change, also most likely things will be worse, if we consider the mentality of the core of the rebels/terrorists.

Doesn't matter how hard you try to defend your masters, Era is right.
Btw to Iranians here, The Islamic revolution in Iran also didnt just directlly ment the fall of the monarchy wasnt it, It took you about 2 years so like always the pathetic logic of the iranians are seriously laughable saying 'if syrians wanted assad gone he would be gone right now'...
How can you even compare Iranian revolution with Syrian crisis or Lybia?
The main course of revolution,lasted only 2 months,one month before Shah left the country until the total fall of the regime.
It was no way like Syria,revolutionaries were not armed,you barely see any regime forces or members of the army that were killed during the revolution.Most of the protesters were peaceful,and almost all of the Iranians wanted the Shah out of country.From the first moment,people wanted toppling the regime,not reforms.

Though,I think Shah was far far better than today dictators.He was becoming a good leader and was turning Iran to a modern independent state,saving Iran from U.S claws slowly,but he did very late and in last moments,there was nothing he could do to save himself.
If only he understood his mistakes few years earlier.

Few days,before he leaves the country,Shah came to television and apologized all Iranians and promised to completely overhaul Iran's political system.But as I said,it was late.
We already expected this, There is definitly Al-Qaida elements but its by far the minority since the FSA mainly consist of ex-syrian army soldier and not extremist.

True, i agree on that part..But nevertheless, the actions of extremists within FSA deeply hurts opposition`s public face which consequently decreases the support of external powers and Syrian civilians
I don't want to get into who is right and who is wrong, I just wish as a human that the transformation or transition was smooth and gradual and did not result in the death and suffering to tens of thousands of fellow humans. Also, when a revolution happens, the system does not get settled down overnight, takes years and decades. In the meantime power tussle remains and people use the chaos to settle scores. In short more human sufferng.

Sad indeed. I hope syrian people get what they want, and not something elase masquerading as what they want.
Killuminati here, along with Iranians... just the thread to avoid :)
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