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PKK syrian chief executed by syrian FSA

Fine then ill answer some question and ask some to..

You are screaming about that Turkey intervenes in Syria while on the other hand Iran is also intervering and is even sending Snipers to kill innocent people, So dont you dare to say Turkey doesnt have any right intervering.

You support enough groups Taliban and Al-quaida for starters.

Now answer MY question, Why is it with Iran being always right thinking they know all about the world, Supporting Terrorist group through out the region and always is oppose anything that show slightly anti-iranian stands, here is the question are you really doing this because you thing its a rightious humain perspective or just because you need the strategic value, please with all means answer.

OMG, the amount of fail in your post is unbelievable.

First, Iran has a defence pact with Syria. So what we are doing is not interfering, it follows all international laws. We could by law even send soldiers, our whole army if we wanted to. But we don't.

Second I am sure most people realise the idiocy of you saying Iran (Shia) supports its biggest enemies. Taliban (Sunni) who killed many Iranian diplomats and Al-Qaeda (Sunni) who always call Iran kafir and call for overthrow of Iranian government. If this is your level of intellect, then I am done. Don't like discussing with idiots.
Here's another question:
Imagine,in a parallel world,some of the people in Turkey take up arms and fight against government.Would you guys support neighboring countries arming everyone who is fighting against government,also send their own rebels to your country,no matter how 'evil' the government is?

Don't tell me such thing would never happen in Turkey,as I said,only imagine it,in a parallel world.

I support anything that rightious and humain including any revolt in Turkey which would be against an "evil" goverment. Funding from a another country that is the same as our "evil" goverment (From the parralel) would be dismissed.
OMG, the amount of fail in your post is unbelievable.

First, Iran has a defence pact with Syria. So what we are doing is not interfering, it follows all international laws. We could by law even send soldiers, our whole army if we wanted to. But we don't.

Second I am sure most people realise the idiocy of you saying Iran (Shia) supports its biggest enemies. Taliban (Sunni) who killed many Iranian diplomats and Al-Qaeda (Sunni) who always call Iran kafir and call for overthrow of Iranian government. If this is your level of intellect, then I am done. Don't like discussing with idiots.

Same goes for your flaws, Since when does Iran gives a damn about following all international laws.

Please spare me the innocence, Iran gives enough weapons and funding to Taliban for fighting US and NATO Soldiers.

Btw like how Taliban opened office in Iran..
Taliban opens office in Iran - Telegraph
Same goes for your flaws, Since when does Iran gives a damn about following all international laws.

Please spare me the innocence, Iran gives enough weapons and funding to Taliban for fighting US and NATO Soldiers.

Btw like how Taliban opened office in Iran..
Taliban opens office in Iran - Telegraph

Yeah nice propaganda. Here is the truth. Taliban killed 11 Iranian diplomats in Afghanistan only a few years ago.

1998 Iranian diplomats murder in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran also denies western propaganda that Taliban opened offices. Your fail still stands.

PressTV - Iran denies reports Taliban opens office in Zahedan

EDIT: lmao just realized it was Turkish government/media that spread lie about Taliban and Iran. It was then picked up by the west. Looks like Turkey is getting desperate with all their lies.
Yeah nice propaganda. Here is the truth. Taliban killed 11 Iranian diplomats in Afghanistan only a few years ago.

1998 Iranian diplomats murder in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran also denies western propaganda that Taliban opened offices. Your fail still stands.

PressTV - Iran denies reports Taliban opens office in Zahedan

EDIT: lmao just realized it was Turkish government/media that spread lie about Taliban and Iran. It was then picked up by the west. Looks like Turkey is getting desperate with all their lies.

Hmmph Ofcourse they denie it like its something new, Here some more proof, But ofcourse you can always dismiss this as 'propaganda' like you always do...

Wikileaks Afghanistan: Iran accused of supporting Taliban attacks - Telegraph

From Wikileaks

Afghan War Diary, 2004-2010 - WikiLeaks
Hmmph Ofcourse they denie it like its something new, Here some more proof, But ofcourse you can always dismiss this as 'propaganda' like you always do...

Wikileaks Afghanistan: Iran accused of supporting Taliban attacks - Telegraph

From Wikileaks

Afghan War Diary, 2004-2010 - WikiLeaks

If we supported Taliban, we wouldn't hide it. Do we hide support for Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas? No, no and no. In Afghanistan we support the Northern Alliance and their break away groups. It is well documented fact.

Now on to your previous point, the difference between Iran and Turkey is: Iran supports groups that are popular in their countries. Hamas, Hezbollah, Sudan and so on. Turkey on the other hand supports terrorists that kill the local population and who the local population hates.

Again, trying to be mini-USA, the middle east's police.
Here's another question:
Imagine,in a parallel world,some of the people in Turkey take up arms and fight against government.Would you guys support neighboring countries arming everyone who is fighting against government,also send their own rebels to your country,no matter how 'evil' the government is?

Don't tell me such thing would never happen in Turkey,as I said,only imagine it,in a parallel world.

BordoEnes: Iran has not sent even one fighter to Syria,don't make up lies.Or you want to bring me proof from Saudi or Turkish sources??Though I support Iran sending forces there,but we haven't done it yet.It's not something easy to hide,and we are not scared to declare it publicly.like we admitted that we sent Hezbollah arms during 2006 war.

The rest of the comment doesnt mather any more, I can easely say i support Turkey funding FSA or Sending rebels to. As i said dont you dare the say to Turkey not to intervene in Syria like you own the place...

If we supported Taliban, we wouldn't hide it. Do we hide support for Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas? No, no and no. In Afghanistan we support the Northern Alliance and their break away groups. It is well documented fact.

Now on to your previous point, the difference between Iran and Turkey is: Iran supports groups that are popular in their countries. Hamas, Hezbollah, Sudan and so on. Turkey on the other hand supports terrorists that kill the local population and who the local population hates.

Again, trying to be mini-USA, the middle east's police.

Hmwahahaa according to what sourches? Pro-Assad and Iranian for sure :lol:
I support anything that rightious and humain including any revolt in Turkey which would be against an "evil" goverment. Funding from a another country that is the same as our "evil" goverment (From the parralel) would be dismissed.
Even if it ends up whole your country destroyed and burned?Seeing lots of terrorist Jihadists flowing in to Turkey for the 'holy fight'?

Shahin,I think we better stop it,this guy is even more brainwashed than I thought.He is bringing up every kind of lies when he feels desperate.
Even if it ends up whole your country destroyed and burned?Seeing lots of terrorist Jihadists flowing in to Turkey for the 'holy fight'?

There is always several faction in an organisation even in FSA which is divided in Freedom Fighters and Jihadist, When it comes at the FSA the Jihadist are by far the minority.

Btw based on logic and common sense there would be little to destroy in this parralel Turkey, Where the goverment is nothign but a blood soaked corrupt regime, So like current Syrians and parrelel Turkey they have nothing to lose just more to gain...

The rest of the comment doesnt mather any more, I can easely say i support Turkey funding FSA or Sending rebels to. As i said dont you dare the say to Turkey not to intervene in Syria like you own the place...

Hmwahahaa according to what sourches? Pro-Assad and Iranian for sure :lol:

Lmao what a buffoon. In regard to the first part. We have defence pact with Syria. That is why we are entitled to intervened. Turkey however are unwelcomed guests.

Here is proof Turkey supports Al Qaeda in Syria:
Syria accuses Turkey of allowing al Qaeda transit - Washington Times
Syria crisis: Homs on the brink - Monday 8 October 2012 | World news | guardian.co.uk
» Turkey Allows al-Qaeda to Move Over Border into Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Now I am done with you. You keep repeating yourself like a parrot and have nothing intellectual to say.
Lmao what a buffoon. In regard to the first part. We have defence pact with Syria. That is why we are entitled to intervened. Turkey however are unwelcomed guests.

Here is proof Turkey supports Al Qaeda in Syria:
Syria accuses Turkey of allowing al Qaeda transit - Washington Times
Syria crisis: Homs on the brink - Monday 8 October 2012 | World news | guardian.co.uk
» Turkey Allows al-Qaeda to Move Over Border into Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Now I am done with you. You keep repeating yourself like a parrot and have nothing intellectual to say.

The only retard repeating itself is you with you backward logic, Iran is right Iran is big Iran is best blablabla like its something new...

Btw the funniest thing of all is that you accuse these website of being progaganda but when it comes at being more pro-Assad or Iran i can see how quickly you use them. My sourche is wikileaks, Yours are irrelevant western 'propaganda' as you claim :)
What if i told you that both Assad and FSA are shtty.

Anyway, on topic, hopefully this will trigger some conflicts between FSA and PKK...
What if i told you that both Assad and FSA are shtty.

Anyway, on topic, hopefully this will trigger some conflicts between FSA and PKK...

True, But its about who is the sh1ttiest :) Like anytjing else in the world...
The only retard repeating itself is you with you backward logic, Iran is right Iran is big Iran is best blablabla like its something new...

Btw the funniest thing of all is that you accuse these website of being progaganda but when it comes at being more pro-Assad or Iran i can see how quickly you use them. My sourche is wikileaks, Yours are irrelevant western 'propaganda' as you claim :)

Here's a heads up for you son. Wikileaks stole internal memo from the US government, not Iran.
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