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PKK syrian chief executed by syrian FSA

Iactually do not insult anyone on this forum,but sorry,you are the retard here.
I didn't say anything about supporting PKK.Kurds were not even the key point in my post.I was talking about your hypocrisy.
You say she was a terrorist sympathizer,I assume she was,but I'm saying so is Erdogan,so if she deserved to die,Edrogan should also die.but the problem is,Erdogan is head of the government and organizes a terrorist organization much better,but she was just a sympathizer.
I know how hard it is for you to accept this and how reluctant you are,but truth comes with bitterness.

The only hypcrites here are retards like you, Because you are even dumb enough to not know Retard isnt an insult, Its just a somewhat classification of people with mental shortcoming, People like you. The only terrorist here that should be killed is you backward khamani and ahmedinejad who are supporting massacres and terrorist organisation throughout the region, But ofcourse when Iran support an armed group its rightious but god forbid when Turkey supports one its "terrorisme"

People like you are the cancer of this world, Always putting strategic oppurtinities infront of humain perspective. Terrorist this Terrorist that Armed gangs boehoe! Spare me the propaganda you have been thoughy from your corrupt regime. Another example of either stupidy and arrogance, Cant tell the difference between "Thug gangs" and Freedom Fighters.

Its funny how people like you are always to arrogant and incompetent to accept reality. let me tell what the reality here is, Syrian goverment will eventually fall and all thise will be broken with Iran, Having lost one of you presious "Puppets" Iran would be crying rivers and meanwhile Syria will began a new era without corrupt blood soaked regime, The End.
The only hypcrites here are retards like you, Because you are even dumb enough to not know Retard isnt an insult, Its just a somewhat classification of people with mental shortcoming, People like you. The only terrorist here that should be killed is you backward khamani and ahmedinejad who are supporting massacres and terrorist organisation throughout the region, But ofcourse when Iran support an armed group its rightious but god forbid when Turkey supports one its "terrorisme"

People like you are the cancer of this world, Always putting strategic oppurtinities infront of humain perspective. Terrorist this Terrorist that Armed gangs boehoe! Spare me the propaganda you have been thoughy from your corrupt regime. Another example of either stupidy and arrogance, Cant tell the difference between "Thug gangs" and Freedom Fighters.

Its funny how people like you are always to arrogant and incompetent to accept reality. let me tell what the reality here is, Syrian goverment will eventually fall and all thise will be broken with Iran, Having lost one of you presious "Puppets" Iran would be crying rivers and meanwhile Syria will began a new era without corrupt blood soaked regime, The End.

Go take a shower,chill out,cool down,drink a cup of tea,coffee,after you calmed down and could use your brain for talking,not emotions,then we will talk.Good boy.
Bunch if insulting and bullcrap,has no reply except bullcrap and insult,and I'm not that kind of person,unfortunately.Sorry for that.

As i said before arrogance and incompetence, using all means to not to reply because people like you dont have any decent reply when reality is put before your eyes, Cheese no indeed your somewhat the lowest kind of person...

People who do bad thing are scum, But those who watch these people and do nothing about it are even worst then scum... Little delusional kid get lost...
As i said before arrogance and incompetence, using all means to not to reply because people like you dont have any decent reply when reality is put before your eyes, Cheese no indeed your somewhat the lowest kind of person...

People who do bad thing are scum, But those who watch these people and do nothing about it are even worst then scum... Little delusional kid get lost...

Just read what you wrote again,you will give me the right not to answer.
Alright,calm down,you will get a heart attack,I really don't want anyone to be hurt,even those who don't like me.
Just read what you wrote again,you will give me the right not to answer.
Alright,calm down,you will get a heart attack,I really don't want anyone to be hurt,even those who don't like me.

Now your not even trying to put a decent discussion, ofcourse i didnt really expect anything big from you, Since you have somewhat a history of being a troll...
Bunch of insulting and bullcrap,has no reply except bullcrap and insult,and I'm not that kind of person,unfortunately.Sorry for that.

Don't worry, fortunately I am that kind of person.

As i said before arrogance and incompetence, using all means to not to reply because people like you dont have any decent reply when reality is put before your eyes, Cheese no indeed your somewhat the lowest kind of person...

People who do bad thing are scum, But those who watch these people and do nothing about it are even worst then scum... Little delusional kid get lost...

Listen, you downs syndrom suffering child. Most people in Syria hate the Al-Qaeda that your country sponsors. Even Turkish newspapers are reporting that Syrian opinion on Turkey has gone down since you started funding terrorists to come and butcher the Syrian people.

So please excuse us for not buying your "humanitarian" bs. Just an excuse to try and justify Turkey's barbaric backing of extremist suicide bombers and other "freedom fighting" terrorists.
The only hypcrites here are retards like you, Because you are even dumb enough to not know Retard isnt an insult, Its just a somewhat classification of people with mental shortcoming, People like you. The only terrorist here that should be killed is you backward khamani and ahmedinejad who are supporting massacres and terrorist organisation throughout the region, But ofcourse when Iran support an armed group its rightious but god forbid when Turkey supports one its "terrorisme"

People like you are the cancer of this world, Always putting strategic oppurtinities infront of humain perspective. Terrorist this Terrorist that Armed gangs boehoe! Spare me the propaganda you have been thoughy from your corrupt regime. Another example of either stupidy and arrogance, Cant tell the difference between "Thug gangs" and Freedom Fighters.

Its funny how people like you are always to arrogant and incompetent to accept reality. let me tell what the reality here is, Syrian goverment will eventually fall and all thise will be broken with Iran, Having lost one of you presious "Puppets" Iran would be crying rivers and meanwhile Syria will began a new era without corrupt blood soaked regime, The End.

You are a total comedian. You accuse other people from being a hypocrite but if it comes to your own hypocritical government its suddenly free from sins. You are so dumb that you dont even see that your own words can be used agains yourself because the fact that what you describe is literally the politics of AKP in benefit for USA and Israel.

Acting like you know everything about politics and presidents but in reality you dont know a crap.

Kendini birak bari bizi rezil etme.
Don't worry, fortunately I am that kind of person.

Listen, you downs syndrom suffering child. Most people in Syria hate the Al-Qaeda that your country sponsors. Even Turkish newspapers are reporting that Syrian opinion on Turkey has gone down since you started funding terrorists to come and butcher the Syrian people.

So please excuse us for not buying your "humanitarian" bs. Just an excuse to try and justify Turkey's barbaric backing of extremist suicide bombers and other "freedom fighting" terrorists.

Dude we are talking about a nation that has been teased and cursed with this regime not having done any single thing to improve standart of living in Syria or any other thing, This monarchy is flaw like any other monarchy in the world, Thus the Syrian people have every right to revolt so excuse us when we support this uprising they rightiously started...

Please spare me those lose pathetic arguments, When Iran supports terrrorist group througout the region its rightious and justified and all but god forbid when Turkey support one they are immediatly labelled as Terrorist or Thug gangs by fully retarted like you... Pathetic brainwashed Iranian please get lost i like to have a decent discussion not one with retards like you..

You are a total comedian. You accuse other people from being a hypocrite but if it comes to your own hypocritical government its suddenly free from sins. You are so dumb that you dont even see that your own words can be used agains yourself because the fact that what you describe is literally the politics of AKP in benefit for USA and Israel.

Acting like you know everything about politics and presidents but in reality you dont know a crap.

Kendini birak bari bizi rezil etme.

And you are the politcial expert with diploma from harvard and all, GTFO here retard...
Dude we are talking about a nation that has been teased and cursed with this regime not having done any single thing to improve standart of living in Syria or any other thing, This monarchy is flaw like any other monarchy in the world, Thus the Syrian people have every right to revolt so excuse us when we support this uprising they rightiously started...

Please spare me those lose pathetic arguments, When Iran supports terrrorist group througout the region its rightious and justified and all but god forbid when Turkey support one they are immediatly labelled as Terrorist or Thug gangs by fully retarted like you... Pathetic brainwashed Iranian please get lost i like to have a decent discussion not one with retards like you..

Repeating the same points you made before like a parrot. Downs syndrome was too kind a term for you, you suffer from a much worse disease.

I already stated that most Syrians hate the terrorists you are backing, your only reply for that is that because they are a monarchy, they should go. Then I suggest you supporting uprisings in Saudi and all your other little friends countries, because they are all monarchies too. It is proven fact that Syrian people are having worse opinions about Turkey because you sponsor terrorists in their country, yet you have no response for that do you?

Please if you are gonna repeat yourself again for the fifth time in this thread don't bother. Only intelligent comments need apply.

And you are the politcial expert with diploma from harvard and all, GTFO here retard...

Lmao, go back to watching your anime cartoons kid. Serious political discussions are too much for you.
Repeating the same points you made before like a parrot. Downs syndrome was too kind a term for you, you suffer from a much worse disease.

I already stated that most Syrians hate the terrorists you are backing, your only reply for that is that because they are a monarchy, they should go. Then I suggest you supporting uprisings in Saudi and all your other little friends countries, because they are all monarchies too. It is proven fact that Syrian people are having worse opinions about Turkey because you sponsor terrorists in their country, yet you have no response for that do you?

Please if you are gonna repeat yourself again for the fifth time in this thread don't bother. Only intelligent comments need apply.

Lmao, go back to watching your anime cartoons kid. Serious political discussions are too much for you.

Yeah because you seem to ignore this point which is a fact.

Lolz who the fvck are you to talk in the name of the Syrian people, Till this day Syria is one of the most civilian surpressed countries in the world, There are several sourches that indicates that "Majority" of the Syrian people support or hate the regime, All are inreliable. its funny that people like you tell that if syrian people wanted Assad gone they would be gone right now but if the syrian people wanted FSA they would be gone to right???????? We can do this back and forth all the day drunky...

You first anwer my question, Why is it alway with Iran that they are the supreme nation that is always right, When you support Terrorist groups throughout the region where the Majority of the country also dont support them its good and rightious but god forbid when Turkey support a revolution its terrorisme and thug gangs, Tell me whats the deal with that...

Lmao, go back to watching your anime cartoons kid. Serious political discussions are too much for you.

Lmao, Try to watch this "cartoon" its somewhat based on current reality of wars and innocent victims...
Yeah because you seem to ignore this point which is a fact.

Lolz who the fvck are you to talk in the name of the Syrian people, Till this day Syria is one of the most civilian surpressed countries in the world, There are several sourches that indicates that "Majority" of the Syrian people support or hate the regime, All are inreliable. its funny that people like you tell that if syrian people wanted Assad gone they would be gone right now but if the syrian people wanted FSA they would be gone to right???????? We can do this back and forth all the day drunky...

You first anwer my question, Why is it alway with Iran that they are the supreme nation that is always right, When you support Terrorist groups throughout the region where the Majority of the country also dont support them its good and rightious but god forbid when Turkey support a revolution its terrorisme and thug gangs, Tell me whats the deal with that...

Once again you avoided my questions. To be expected.

Fine I will answer your questions. Give me examples of terrorist groups Iran has sponsored and I will answer them 1 by 1.

Also FYI, I am not even sure you know whats going on. Turkey is trying to be mini USA. While USA is the world police, Turkey trying to be the middle east police. Even if the majority of Syrians don't support Assad (which they do), what place is it of Turkey's to intervene in a sovereign foreign nation?
Once again you avoided my questions. To be expected.

Fine I will answer your questions. Give me examples of terrorist groups Iran has sponsored and I will answer them 1 by 1.

Also FYI, I am not even sure you know whats going on. Turkey is trying to be mini USA. While USA is the world police, Turkey trying to be the middle east police. Even if the majority of Syrians don't support Assad (which they do), what place is it of Turkey's to intervene in a sovereign foreign nation?

Fine then ill answer some question and ask some to..

You are screaming about that Turkey intervenes in Syria while on the other hand Iran is also intervering and is even sending Snipers to kill innocent people, So dont you dare to say Turkey doesnt have any right intervering.

You support enough groups Taliban hezbollah and Al-quaida for starters.

Now answer MY question, Why is it with Iran being always right thinking they know all about the world, Supporting Terrorist group through out the region and always is oppose anything that show slightly anti-iranian stands, here is the question are you really doing this because you thing its a rightious humain perspective or just because you need the strategic value, please with all means answer.
Here's another question:
Imagine,in a parallel world,some of the people in Turkey take up arms and fight against government.Would you guys support neighboring countries arming everyone who is fighting against government,also send their own rebels to your country,no matter how 'evil' the government is?

Don't tell me such thing would never happen in Turkey,as I said,only imagine it,in a parallel world.

BordoEnes: Iran has not sent even one fighter to Syria,don't make up lies.Or you want to bring me proof from Saudi or Turkish sources??Though I support Iran sending forces there,but we haven't done it yet.It's not something easy to hide,and we are not scared to declare it publicly.like we admitted that we sent Hezbollah arms during 2006 war.
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