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Picture says it all about Sheikh Mujib

Why are you using Islamic words when you support a Murtad?
Because who you are calling Murtad , he was actually a practicing Muslim . And whoever call a practicing muslim a murtad , he himself becomes murtad . Just ask a scholar he will inform you further . So please do not call any Muslim a murtad , unless you can define correctly what is a Murtad !
Because who you are calling Murtad , he was actually a practicing Muslim

He separated from other Muslims based on asabiyah. That makes him a murtad.

Whoever is killed under the banner of blind following, who calls to tribalism or supports tribalism, then he has died upon ignorance.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1850, Grade: Sahih

He is not one of us who calls to tribalism. He is not one of us who fights for the sake of tribalism. He is not one of us who dies following the way of tribalism.

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 5121, Grade: Hasan

Ibn Taymiyah (RH) said: "Everything that is foreign to the call of Islam and the Qur'an, with regards to lineage, land, nationality, schools of thoughts and methodologies, then that is from the calls of the Days of Ignorance (jahiliyah). Once the Muhajireen and the Ansar argued, such that one of the Muhajireen said: 'O Muhajireen!' (meaning, come to assist me) And one of the Ansar said: 'O Ansar!' Upon hearing this, the Prophet (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: 'Is it with the calls of Jahiliyah that you cry out, while l am still amongst you?!' [Reported by Al-Bukhaaree (8/137)] And he became very angry at that."[Majmoo'-ul-Fatawa (3/456)]
Greatest leader from Asia. Respect

Yeah you guys sure treated him greatly in the end. Then you treated ziaur similarly.

Such great treatment. This thread is going to be really interesting to read.

Keep it going @Taimur Khurram @Horus , the BD ppl here are getting used to having the last word by their emotions. Keep the facts coming.
Yeah you guys sure treated him greatly in the end. Then you treated ziaur similarly.

Such great treatment. This thread is going to be really interesting to read.

Keep it going @Taimur Khurram @Horus , the BD ppl here are getting used to having the last word by their emotions. Keep the facts coming.

Abraham Lincoln, MLK Jr, Gandhi

Ever heard of these names?
He separated from other Muslims based on asabiyah. That makes him a murtad.

Whoever is killed under the banner of blind following, who calls to tribalism or supports tribalism, then he has died upon ignorance.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1850, Grade: Sahih

He is not one of us who calls to tribalism. He is not one of us who fights for the sake of tribalism. He is not one of us who dies following the way of tribalism.

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 5121, Grade: Hasan

Ibn Taymiyah (RH) said: "Everything that is foreign to the call of Islam and the Qur'an, with regards to lineage, land, nationality, schools of thoughts and methodologies, then that is from the calls of the Days of Ignorance (jahiliyah). Once the Muhajireen and the Ansar argued, such that one of the Muhajireen said: 'O Muhajireen!' (meaning, come to assist me) And one of the Ansar said: 'O Ansar!' Upon hearing this, the Prophet (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: 'Is it with the calls of Jahiliyah that you cry out, while l am still amongst you?!' [Reported by Al-Bukhaaree (8/137)] And he became very angry at that."[Majmoo'-ul-Fatawa (3/456)]

Pakistanis have the cheek to cite asabiyah?

West Pakistani discrimination of Bengalis based on race and colour was the greatest form of asabiyah. Hypocrisy knows no bounds in Pakistan it seems.
Pakistanis have the cheek to cite asabiyah?

Of course, we're among the least Asabiyah-like people across the world.


Just look at how your swamp compares.

Here's another statistic for you:


West Pakistani discrimination of Bengalis based on race and colour was the greatest form of asabiyah.

We have plenty of dark Pakistanis, but they didn't get the same treatment as you. Why? Because you guys were Bengali first, and then Muslim/Pakistani. You looking different to us just made it worse, but it's not the prime cause. No Pakistani hates Khwaja Salimullah even though he was Bengali, or Saiful Azam.
Abraham Lincoln, MLK Jr, Gandhi

Ever heard of these names?

They didnt do BAKSAL kind of nonsense to get a whole conspiracy rolling against them (supported by lot of people).

Disgruntled lone assassin bullet is very different to an organised team that wiped out the "great leader" and his whole family (except those that happened to be outside country).
The lesson of history is nobody takes lessons from history...

Mujib was supposed to be declared "President for Life" at a very grand occasion organized on August 15, 1975....

Mujib's entire family, present with him, got eliminated on that very morning!!! Man proposes, GOD disposes....

The killing itself was extremely brutal. And, it's reminiscent of what exactly happened in every household of the Muhajir folks, who were subjected to the ethnic cleansing by genocide at the behest of Mujib, in the East Pak starting from the 1st week of March, 1971...

The only condolences Mujib’s death might have officially received on that day was from the bugles playing a melancholic tone at the Red Fort in Delhi...

He [Zulkernain] said, "As for one who wrongs, we will punish him. Then he will be returned to his LORD, and HE will punish him with a terrible punishment...." - Sura El Kahf (Ayet#87)
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Mujib ur Rehman was a leader of Bangladesh, their founder.

1. You can not convince a Bangladeshi who loves him to hate him.
2. Bangladesh was East Pakistan before 1971. You can not expect a Pakistani to love him.
3. Why starting a tread like that ??
4. Calling a Muslim, muslim kafir murtad is uncalled for. He died in 1975, Allah (SWT) is the judge and knows better.
I would say both are greatest. However Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was a great fan and follower of Quaid e Azam, and Hussein Shahid Sohrawardi ( founder of AL).

Calling Mujib traitor is not going to help restoring the past cordial relationship between Pakistan and Bangladesh, you can despise Hasina and anyone it's up to you.
But if you call our founding father traitor, then you do not recognise Bangladesh as a sovereign country.
So be aware please .
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is The founding father of Bangladesh. You can't expect cordial relationship with Bangladesh if you call it's founder traitor.

So please bash others and spare our founding father Bongobondhu Sheik Mujib ur Rahman .
Move on from past incident, but if you can't then please blame Bhutto for chaos not Mujib.
But still if you want to blame Mujib too alongside Bhutto for political correctness , then you can blame in other ways.
But refrain from calling Mujib as traitor because he is our founding father .

I still stick to my words. He may be the founding father for all of you but for us he was a traitor, because he started conspiracy against Pakistan well before 1970. The Agartala Conspiracy Case is a fact which cannot be be denied.
I still stick to my words. He may be the founding father for all of you but for us he was a traitor, because he started conspiracy against Pakistan well before 1970. The Agartala Conspiracy Case is a fact which cannot be be denied.

That's ok, Pakistani opinion about anything related to Bangladesh does not matter in Bangladesh. Pakistani opinion about pretty much anything does not matter in the world either, least about their version of history to historians and academics.
I still stick to my words. He may be the founding father for all of you but for us he was a traitor, because he started conspiracy against Pakistan well before 1970. The Agartala Conspiracy Case is a fact which cannot be be denied.
Okay then let me ask you a simple question. Why did not you kill mujib when arrested? Now do not say that Pakistan govt did it because Pakistan govt is generous. No one will show generosity to traitors.

So probably he was not traitor , but military regime just accused him. And yes Bhutto was backed by this military regime.
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