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Picture says it all about Sheikh Mujib

For you may be , But in reality it was Quaid e Azam. Everyone knows that.
I would say both are greatest. However Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was a great fan and follower of Quaid e Azam, and Hussein Shahid Sohrawardi ( founder of AL).

But for us he was a traitor .............
Calling Mujib traitor is not going to help restoring the past cordial relationship between Pakistan and Bangladesh, you can despise Hasina and anyone it's up to you.
But if you call our founding father traitor, then you do not recognise Bangladesh as a sovereign country.
So be aware please .
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is The founding father of Bangladesh. You can't expect cordial relationship with Bangladesh if you call it's founder traitor.

So please bash others and spare our founding father Bongobondhu Sheik Mujib ur Rahman .
Move on from past incident, but if you can't then please blame Bhutto for chaos not Mujib.
But still if you want to blame Mujib too alongside Bhutto for political correctness , then you can blame in other ways.
But refrain from calling Mujib as traitor because he is our founding father .
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Bangladesh lost such a great leader who did not make any distinction between poor and rich people. Everyone was equal to him.





man is reason today bangali under sage of india. man is reason our beloved country divided in two parts. don’t mind me if you don’t like it.. don’t show his picture here. if you read history we muslim were destroyed each other more then others.. muslims history is full of these type of shits. Allah and Muhammad(PBUH) will never forgive these type of people who aparted his umma.. i still remember his hidden vist to india while he was traveling to masrki pakistan and ask them to help him break pakistan
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I would say both are greatest. However Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was a great fan and follower of Quaid e Azam, and Hussein Shahid Sohrawardi ( founder of AL).

Calling Mujib traitor is not going to help restoring the past cordial relationship between Pakistan and Bangladesh, you can despise Hasina and anyone it's up to you.
But if you call our founding father traitor, then you do not recognise Bangladesh as a sovereign country.
So be aware please .
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is The founding father of Bangladesh. You can't expect cordial relationship with Bangladesh if you call it's founder traitor.

So please bash others and spare our founding father Bongobondhu Sheik Mujib ur Rahman .
Move on from past incident, but if you can't then please blame Bhutto for chaos not Mujib.
But still if you want to blame Mujib too alongside Bhutto for political correctness , then you can blame in other ways.
But refrain from calling Mujib as traitor because he is our founding father .

I think time of cordial relations has ended

Such trecherous behaviour from Mujib cant be forgiven
Yes he was a great leader for bangladesh...every country has their own great and greatest leaders
Jinnah is the father of Muslim Bengal you ignorant fool. If it wasn't for him you'd still be an Indian. Read some history, it might cure you of the Awami League propaganda you've been fed since and before your birth.

"The members of the Muslim-majority areas of Bengal in a separate session passed a motion by 106–35 votes against partitioning Bengal and instead joining a new Constituent Assembly (i.e., Pakistan) as a whole. This was followed by the separate meeting of the members of the non-Muslim-majority areas of Bengal who by a division of 58–21 voted for partition of the province"

Mujeeb was a divisive, power hungry Marxist rat who along with Bhutto, another power hungry, Marxist rat destroyed our country.

Hmm, For u may be, But in reality it was Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Everyone knows that. :)
it might cure you of the Awami League propaganda.
Umm , it's his personal opinion , AL consider Mujib as best Bengali for thousand of years , never claimed that he is the greatest leader of this subcontinent . Besides Mujib himself was the great fan of Jinnah .
Mujeeb was a divisive, power hungry Marxist rat who along with Bhutto, another power hungry, Marxist rat destroyed our country.
@Horus ,
Okay at least you have balanced opinion this time , thanks for that :-)
He's a hero to Bengali nationalists, not Muslims. He made Muslim Bengal subservient to Indian Brahmins all over again. Haseena run Bangladesh is little more than a vassal state of Delhi.

As for Mujeeb vs Bhutto: Both got what they deserved.

Umm , it's his personal opinion , AL consider Mujib as best Bengali for thousand of years , never claimed that he is the greatest leader of this subcontinent . Besides Mujib himself was the great fan of Jinnah .

@Horus ,
Okay at least you have balanced opinion this time , thanks for that :-)
I think time of cordial relations has ended
Yes , I honor your line of thinking , it's your democratic right ( since democracy is infallible!!!) , but Imran Khan does not think so , and that's the reason Pakistan already welcomed AL govt .:cheers:
Simple fact is, what happens in or to Bangladesh no longer affects Pakistan. So Haseen in power or Haseena out of power has no real implications for us.

Yes , I honor your line of thinking , it's your democratic right ( since democracy is infallible!!!) , but Imran Khan does not think so , and that's the reason Pakistan already welcomed AL govt .:cheers:
He's a hero to Bengali nationalists, not Muslims
It actually true , the true leader of Muslim nation is actually Rasulullah (PBUH) , and others are just his followers . Well Mujib was the leader of Bengali nationalism , yet he was a full time Muslim, who prayed 5 times , and he is the founder of Islamic Foundatio0n of Bangladesh . Yasir Arafat and other Muslim leaders had cordial relationship with him , and also had good relationship with Bhutto , you know this , don't you ?
He made Muslim Bengal subservient to Indian Brahmins all over again
This is the proof that how little you know about Bangladesh and sheikh Mujib ! However you can blame Hasina for that , yet I would say that it is her ( Hasina) technique to take situation Under control .
Haseena run Bangladesh is little mord than a vassal state of Delhi.
Nah I strongly oppose it . Bangladesh is not vassal of India and it will never be Inshallah .
Look my dear sir , I do not blame you as in Bangladesh a group ( whom you consider your ally , but they are actually not your ally , AL will be your ally soon , take my word) day and night internally and internationally preach this propaganda and that's why you guys are confused about this . What you see from outside , it's not necessarily the same internally . So your conclusion is actually faulty . Can you wait 2 more years for some change in AL govt ?
But keep in Mind , in next election Hasina will again play anti pakistan card ( Mildly I hope ) , and then it will be Finished forever ;) .
Simple fact is, what happens in or to Bangladesh no longer affects Pakistan. So Haseen in power or Haseena out of power has no real implications for us.
Okay, understood !Thank you :cheers:
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