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Picture says it all about Sheikh Mujib

Jinnah is the father of Muslim Bengal you ignorant fool. If it wasn't for him you'd still be an Indian. Read some history, it might cure you of the Awami League propaganda you've been fed since and before your birth.

"The members of the Muslim-majority areas of Bengal in a separate session passed a motion by 106–35 votes against partitioning Bengal and instead joining a new Constituent Assembly (i.e., Pakistan) as a whole. This was followed by the separate meeting of the members of the non-Muslim-majority areas of Bengal who by a division of 58–21 voted for partition of the province"

Mujeeb was a divisive, power hungry Marxist rat who along with Bhutto, another power hungry, Marxist rat destroyed our country.

Nobody in Bangladesh considers jinnah as the father of Muslim Bengal or whatever. U should better keep these military fed propaganda to urself.

We have our own fazlul jaque, SSH and Nizamuddin who played some of the most important roles in the creation of Pakistan. So, instead of suggesting others to read history u urself should do that.

It's only ignorant Pakistanis who believe that Partition of India happened only due to Jinnah when in reality it was the commutative effort of all the other prominent Bengali Muslim leaders that made the creation of Pakistan possible. So its quite silly that u belive that we would've remained Indian if Jinnah wasn't there.

Compared to that, Sheikh Mujib is in a different league who alone played the most important role in the creation of a country called Bangladesh which after 40 years of independence has turned into the shinning beacon of southeast Asia. If it wasn't for him we still would've been under the persecution of West Pakistan regime.

Yes he was a great leader for bangladesh...every country has their own great and greatest leaders

Exactly. He is one of the greatest leaders from Asia bro. He's in the league of Gandhi, MLK, Mandela
Mujeeb in custody of West Pakistan Police at Mianwali


It's another thing that the so called father of Bangladesh was in Mianwali prison from March 1971 to February 1972 and had no idea what's happening in East Pakistan
The real creators of Bangladesh were Bhutto who let it all happen and Captain Ziaur Rahman (later president of BD) who took over radio chittagong and made the freedom announcement which started a rebellion among East Pakistan police and paramilitarya nd started the chain of events leading up to Pakistan army surrender and BD freedom.
Sheikh Mujib was told about BD freedom by Bhutto in Prison. and it was Bhutto who made a deal with Indra Gandhi to free Mujeeb and send him to Delhi.
Such greatest that when he was butchered along with his family and buried without funeral,no one batted an eye.
Army didn't give people to participate in janaja his popularity too was drastically reduced due to many factor . But buried with proper Islamic way. A example how someone can fall from apex.
Army didn't give people to participate in janaja his popularity too was drastically reduced due to many factor . But buried with proper Islamic way. A example how someone can fall from apex.
At time of his death,he was most hated man in BD for sure.
Greatest leader from Asia. Respect

Lmao no he wasn't. I can think of way better leaders not just from Asia, but from Bangladesh itself, such as Ilyas Shah or Khwaja Salimullah.

But if you call our founding father traitor, then you do not recognise Bangladesh as a sovereign country.
So be aware please .

Okay. Then I guess we don't recognise you.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is The founding father of Bangladesh. You can't expect cordial relationship with Bangladesh if you call it's founder traitor.

We don't need cordial relations with a country as far away as Bangladesh.


Okay. Then I guess we don't recognise you.
Subhanallah . Anyway I am not taking your words as the words of Pakistan . But I am ready to accept if it is the voice of Pakistan .
We don't need cordial relations with a country as far away as Bangladesh.
Alhamdulillah , that sounds even better . Anyway I am not taking your words as the words of Pakistan . But I am ready to accept if it is the voice of Pakistan .
PS: I hope PDF does not represent Pakistan , still if it does , that's fine, we have no problem .
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