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Pervez Hoodbhoy Calls the PTI/PAT Marchers 'Fanatics' and 'Thugs'

Dear i am not watching it any more . I just follow headlines to know if there is any serious update or progress or its same daily tamsha and crowds consists of mostly local who get back home at night and come back in the next evening for concert ..let see how long it continue
i call it the way of marketing -- a more advance approach -- i am not trying to compare Our One of the greatest leaders and poet of all times - Allama Iqbal to any DJ butt --- but am asking you to look at the way, both make an approach to attract the audience --- its a different thing, their strategy & way of attracting aka marketing is different
Ptians KPK need you now, IDPs and massive floods need attention, you guys are example like went to win a war and lost the home castle, KPK peoples never vote you again:serious:
IDP's are not KPK government's responsibility alone. They are from FATA and its under federal government of Noora. Regarding the floods: PakArmy is already doing considerable amount of job to save as many people as possible from the floods. I have yet to see the kind of efficiency promised by PMLN before the elections. Is Lahore looking like Paris or Venice? :)

Poor, dirty, gypsies, savages, uneducated, terrorists, fanatics, thugs and what not.

You forgot (sarcasm off) button.

Pakistani citizens fighting for electoral reforms have already been called terrorists.
Sounds like Palestinians. They are also called terrorists for resistance against illegal Israeli occupation.
Pakistani citizens fighting for electoral reforms have already been called terrorists.

Unlike government officials who get paid (and paid illegally), these people are not getting paid.

Government already accepted the demands of electoral reforms and its all about PM resignation now
Pakistani citizens fighting for electoral reforms have already been called terrorists.
Unlike government officials who get paid (and paid illegally), these people are not getting paid.
very often i visit this rally, just to see the type of people coming to the jalsa -- tonight i saw an Ama g in late 70s, held from sides by his grand sons - i saw a sister in her 20s on a wheelchair --- and these are not just one or two people, infact rally was filled with many such people --- so i don't know how are leaders can call them terrorists---and it is foremost saddening to see all lot members who live abroad and have not even bothered visting the rally - calling them and "US" "anarchists, thugs & terrorists"
@Fulcrum15 @Norwegian @TankMan :


Government already accepted the demands of electoral reforms and its all about PM resignation now
basically pti asked to make ordinance out of these reforms --- and thats where the hold up is ----and once they move beyond that, later rcomes the resignation
Government already accepted the demands of electoral reforms and its all about PM resignation now
Bullshit. Both IK and Shah Mehmood Qureshi have come on TV and explained that PMLN is lying to the media that they have accepted 5 out of 6 PTI demands. They have not sent them anything in writing, only vocal promises that they have broken many times before.
basically pti asked to make ordinance out of these reforms --- and thats where the hold up is ----and once they move beyond that, later rcomes the resignation
well all i want is to end this political show as soon as possible
IDP's are not KPK government's responsibility alone. They are from FATA and its under federal government of Noora. Regarding the floods: PakArmy is already doing considerable amount of job to save as many people as possible from the floods. I have yet to see the kind of efficiency promised by PMLN before the elections. Is Lahore looking like Paris or Venice? :)

You forgot (sarcasm off) button.

Sounds like Palestinians. They are also called terrorists for resistance against illegal Israeli occupation.
Time will tell, Army duty to rescue not giving shelter or finance/moral help, IDPs is under Fata but they camping in KPK, it's off topic to discuss but my humble advice, save your castle:good luck:
very often i visit this rally, just to see the type of people coming to the jalsa -- tonight i saw an Ama g in late 70s, held from sides by his grand sons - i saw a sister in her 20s on a wheelchair --- and these are not just one or two people, infact rally was filled with many such people --- so i don't know how are leaders can call them terrorists---and it is foremost saddening to see all lot members who live abroad and have not even bothered visting the rally - calling them and "US" "anarchists, thugs & terrorists"

Yes, they are terrorists, goons, thugs and anarchists. Same label that Palestinian children get by Israel.
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