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Pervez Hoodbhoy Calls the PTI/PAT Marchers 'Fanatics' and 'Thugs'

save your castle
Even if PTI lose KPK, they might still win in Punjab as PTI's biggest voters are urban areas of Pakistan where Punjab is the most urban of all provinces. But it won't happen unless free and fair elections are conducted like the first ever Pakistani general elections of 1970.
Yes, they are terrorists, goons, thugs and anarchists. Same label that Palestinian children get by Israel.
and the most shocking thing was not one guy stood up and said who you calling with all those names --- you should look at yourself for once Mr. PM and the likes --- the supporters of BLA, ASWJ, LEJ and what not
Pakistani citizens fighting for electoral reforms have already been called terrorists.

Unlike government officials who get paid (and paid illegally), these people are not getting paid.
in post 9/11 world(and I guess even before then) terrorism will be associated with the method not the validity of cause.
You might fight for the most noble cause in the world (say stop FGM or stop child slavery) but if you want to blow up buildings or hold people to ransom using firearms, you most likely will be branded terrorist.

Its wrong to call the people who are fighting for electoral reforms terrorists though, as they have not used any such method. Most likely it was used as a pejorative.
i have said on the face of some people senior to me "ALLAH ka shukar hai hum jaisay aur tum jaisy log 47' mein nahin thay warna Quaid -e-azam ke saath bhi yehi karna tha aur baan jana tha Pakistan"

No, its more like Bani Israel that said to Moses: You and your mighty God go and fight with Pharaoh's army yourself while we sit by and watch. LOL.
Bullshit. Both IK and Shah Mehmood Qureshi have come on TV and explained that PMLN is lying to the media that they have accepted 5 out of 6 PTI demands. They have not sent them anything in writing, only vocal promises that they have broken many times before.
Did not nawaz said in his political speech before this azadi march to have investigation of rigging under new chief justice whom Ik trust? so what was offered from government side in this political dialogue ?

Its wrong to call the people who are fighting for electoral reforms terrorists, though as they have not used any such method.
But few parliamentarians did call their own protesting citizens as such even when majority in these sit-ins are just women and children.
the most shocking thing was not one guy stood up and said who you calling with all those names
that was really disappointing its like parliamentarians go to the parliament like going to a circus show to watch and giggle around as they call the poor voters crappy names!
Did not nawaz said in his political speech before this azadi march to have investigation of rigging under new chief justice whom Ik trust? so what was offered from government side in this political dialogue ?

This liar in chief only said that to prevent IK from marching to the capital. He would have still faced Qadri's Inqilab March, even if IK agreed to this bogus commission of Noora's liking.
i have said on the face of some people senior to me "ALLAH ka shukar hai hum jaisay aur tum jaisy log 47' mein nahin thay warna Quaid -e-azam ke saath bhi yehi karna tha aur baan jana tha Pakistan"
Yea hai jinnah ka ferman.

[quote="Proudpakistaniguy, post: 6149658, member: 150930]
Government already accepted the demands of electoral reforms and its all about PM resignation now[/quote]

Yep. But then Imran Khan has not just painted himself in a corner he has boxed himself in that corner as well. His is probably the biggest Political Waterloo in modern history: A person with so much following remarkably alienated so many in so few days.
But I am going to have to leave the forum for now. You and people of my/your viewpoint don't have to keep engaging the same old PTI fanbois' same old tired arguments in this thread. I wanted to convey to the world what the 'thinking Pakistani' is thinking about the forum and so I started this thread. No doubt, those intellectuals around the world who are curious about Pakistan 'making headlines yet again' would wonder and Hoodhbhoy is probably their best first 'neutral' source to get some answers.

And so to the international forum members: The 'thinking Pakistani' has rejected the latest mobocracy by Imran Khan and TuQ.
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