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Pervez Hoodbhoy Calls the PTI/PAT Marchers 'Fanatics' and 'Thugs'

Who cares about your "neutral" opinions when you have such outrageous presumptions against IK for having bad / evil intentions? LOL.

Also ask him Nooras achievement during Zia's regime as CM of Punjab, and his two terms as PM of Pakistan in the 90's. LOL.

Yaar humare buzarg hain itna bouj na dalo inn par :P
And they both these lunatics Imran Khan and TuQ have now combined cost so much economy loss to Pakistan that many more hospitals, universities, and other things could have been built. Pakistan has paid a very heavy price for those few 'gifts' from Imran Khan by putting their trust in this megalomaniacal idiot!

And I am so sick of hearing about these 'achievements' of Imran Khan! HIS wordcup victory. HIS university. HIS cancer hospital! My God! Abdul Sattar Edhi has a lifelong--and LONG--list of services and achievements but you don't see him crowing about it day and night?!

Yeah right, do you seriously believe that if all that "economy loss" (which was mostly because of PMLN's unnecessary container blockades) hadn't happened, all that money would go into building many more "hospitals,universities and other things" and not Nawaz's palaces and swiss bank accounts?

Imran Khan deserves some credit, as does Abdul Sattar Edhi. I respect Mr. Edhi more than Imran Khan but Edhi isn't in politics and is not a leader.

Until we get a better leader, I'm either with Imran Khan or with no one.
Yeah, they do exist in disproportionately high numbers in the social media. Mr. Hoodbhoy must be having a 'Geeli Shalwar'--to quote Imran Khan!
It's already started lol, watch how many others come and abuse him:shame:
And yet you see this guy as credible just because he bashes IK and Qadri, the democratic protesters? LOL.
No, I find him credible because I have followed his views long enough. He is a rational person (not a fake nuclear scientist who supports water car engineer.. facepalm) has consistently voiced his opinion against what he things is wrong.
Tomorrow, if IK and Qadri do something that is praiseworthy and affects society in a positive way, am sure he will write about it. I dont believe its a personal vendetta, but then you seem to be a 'believer'... I refrain from arguing with 'believers'. :)
Mr Hoodbhoy might not be an expert in social and political issues but I wont dare accuse him of being biased for personal gain.
He has never been scared of voicing unpopular opinion, I remember him being critical of Indian nuclear weapons in one debate,in India, its not as if he is always being critical of pakistan.

I remember back in late 80's Hoodbhoy came to a tv program and was very critical of Benazir Bhutto's fledgling new democratic govt. I used to adore Benazir Bhutto then. I thought, given all the establishment curbs against her, she needed a break. And so Hoodbhoy annoyed me to no end. But I don't think I questioned his intelligence or his sincerity. Over the years, I have seen him to be very 'negative'--he is too much of an iconoclast. And thus for him to come against the mobocracy of Imran Khan and TuQ so strongly--forces which ostensibly are 'pro-change'-- carries a lot of weight. Hoodhbhoy has nailed it with 'fanatics' and 'thugs' adjectives.
Ya "How Pakistan got a chance to save its democracy but wasted it" :(
You still adore status quo politics of PPP and PMLN. No change in your views after so many decades. What a surprise!

It may be very hard for you to believe this: I strongly supported PTI in 2013 elections and even donated money to them at least once. Maybe I should dig up some old payment receipts and post here for you to believe me?!
It may be very hard for you to believe this: I strongly supported PTI in 2013 elections and even donated money to them at least once. Maybe I should dig up some old payment receipts and post here for you to believe me?!

A loyal and true supporter of Tehreek Insaaf ideology would never back off his / her support just because chairman of the party made some mistakes. Who doesn't? Stick to the ideology. Leaders of Tehreek Insaaf would come and go but ideology might remain the same. Its amazing that you agreed with wild accusations that Imran Khan is only after power when he is the first in Pakistan to ever launch nationwide campaign against widespread rigging that happens before and after every Pakistani elections since 1970 general election.
Shame on Nawaz and their people are smiling at him. The Royal of Sharif don't want pakistani people to have justice.

Shame Shame.
Seriously Imran and qadri are embarrassing themselves now....from D-chock to parliament and now from parliament to back at D-chowk with same repeated speech every day ..don't you guys fed up hearing same thing every day..Imran as person may be a good/honest person but as a politician he need to learn how to be sober, mature and calm while expressing his point of views. non stop rants and these loud threat/black mailing and not getting any fruitful result out of it is not any helpful in getting justice..Now people will stop taking him seriously
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