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Persian Might: How strong is the Iranian Military

My point of starting this thread was to bring such information out, sir.
well the article does not mention Iran air defense network and that Iran already has a ballistic missile that can reach US its name is Qaem missile.

in the years to com when Iran deploy mobile air defenses in other countries it can make a no fly zone in middle east and if they buy modern fighter jets then it will be even more powerful.

the point is IRGC is not some group it works more like governments people tend to forget and think if you kill one general from IRGC then its over for them, no IRGC will simply replace one and the new general will pike up where the last one left of, IRGC has universities that train young students to go to battlefield and be generals hundred of them every 4 years some will go to Yemen others will go to Syria and Iraq and Lebanon and other countries so time is on Iran side slowly but surely Iran/IRGC will become more and more powerful every day, the only way a countries can fully stop IRGC is by launching full out war against them anything short of that will be temporary and Iran/IRGC will balance it out in matter of days if not hours.

Qaem missile




mobile air defenses


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When it comes to military budget, i always ask me why the budget are always compared to what one can buy in US. A bread in US costs more than a bread in Iran. So also a military costs more in US than in Iran. This is cause Iran build its military needs by itself. So military budget cant compared 1:1.
Don't compare military budget compare equipment and weapons of American military with Iranian military.
lol, Taliban, Al-Qaeda and ISIS are US products, they don't challenge US, and US pounds them whenever wishes to.
Taliban used to attack American bases in Afghanistan Iranians has only fired few missiles for face saving.
This is a neutral thread.
We're discussing facts, not sentiments, sir.
What I said is a fact which you should discuss in it's framework otherwise will get to nowhere.

It's utterly foolishness to think Iran's ballistic missiles can hit their targets from 2000km away with less than one meter error, but for example it's F4s still use the same crappy radars and missiles.
A very good point, each nation's budget is based on her defense needs; however, perhaps economic power or purchasing power may be a good indicator as to how long a country can keep its defense capabilities alive.
When it comes to military budget, i always ask me why the budget are always compared to what one can buy in US. A bread in US costs more than a bread in Iran. So also a military costs more in US than in Iran. This is cause Iran build its military needs by itself. So military budget cant compared 1:1.

Read other posts in this thread. That's what we're talking about, sir.
What I said is a fact which you should discuss in it's framework otherwise will get to nowhere.

It's utterly foolishness to think Iran's ballistic missiles can hit their targets from 2000km away with less than one meter error, but for example it's F4s still use the same crappy radars and missiles.
The only reason that Iran has any strength whatsoever in a potential conflict with the USA is that the USA exercises moral self-restraint. That is, the USA accepts asymmetrical attacks, responding "proportionately", thereby ceding some "success" to its asymmetrical enemy, be it the Taliban or the Quds Forces. HOWEVER, if the USA gets really, really mad, it will respond in a devastating fashion; for example, completely destroying the Iranian navy, casualties be damned. Asymmetrical attacks only work when the vastly stronger opponent has moral restraint.
Total war with the US vs anyone in the world is likely to end this way, sir; so, I'm not sure if we should entertain this possibility as a realistic scenario. Just my view.
The only reason that Iran has any strength whatsoever in a potential conflict with the USA is that the USA exercises moral self-restraint. That is, the USA accepts asymmetrical attacks, responding "proportionately, thereby ceding some "success" to its asymmetrical enemy, be it the Taliban or the Quds Forces. HOWEVER, if the USA gets really, really mad, it will respond in a devastating fashion; for example, completely destroying the Iranian navy, casualties be damned. Asymmetrical attacks only work when the vastly stronger opponent has moral restraint.
My point of starting this thread were to bring such information out, sir.
great job then

The only reason that Iran has any strength whatsoever in a potential conflict with the USA is that the USA exercises moral self-restraint. That is, the USA accepts asymmetrical attacks, responding "proportionately", thereby ceding some "success" to its asymmetrical enemy, be it the Taliban or the Quds Forces. HOWEVER, if the USA gets really, really mad, it will respond in a devastating fashion; for example, completely destroying the Iranian navy, casualties be damned. Asymmetrical attacks only work when the vastly stronger opponent has moral restraint.

plus that Iran has something that US will never have and that is religion which makes it gather large numbers of soldier millions of them and that will give them even bigger army the pint is every day passed IRGC will be more powerful with long range missiles and other weapons Quds Force is only one small branch of IRGC when they have universities that mean there thousand of soldiers will shape another Quds Force every time one soldier is killed i think you get where i'm going with this all responses will be temporary except a full out war.
The thing to note - America will over power the Iranians in terms of technology to weapons BUT than on the ground they will most certainly fail in invasion or staying for prolonged periods of time as they retreated in Iraq, Afghanistan & Vietnam eventually.
Taliban used to attack American bases in Afghanistan Iranians has only fired few missiles for face saving.
Only a moron would compare Taliban's hit and run attacks (which US retaliates openly), with Iran's attack against US bases.

Iran discovered and captured US stealthy RQ170 and all they could do was to hopelessly ask it back.
Iran shot down US MQ4C and all they could do was to claim a cyber attack, which never happened in reality.
Iran (as they call it) attacked Saudi Arabia's most important oil facilities, and all US air defenses could do was to shut the f@ck up.
Iran targeted US military bases, and they said we are good, lol.

American and it's troll army need to save face, nod Iran.
Iran can't differentiate between a cruise missile and civilian airplane, meaning they lack basic military competence and does not have the resources to support any military effort.

You keep talking about the might of Iran, which failed at its first real test.

Ignoring delusions and fantasies of grandeur, on paper, Iranian forces are very weak and outdated.
Used the org title of the source article,
Iran can't differentiate between a cruise missile and civilian airplane, meaning they lack basic military competence and does not have the resources to support any military effort.

You keep talking about the might of Iran, which failed at its first real test.

Ignoring delusions and fantasies of grandeur, on paper, Iranian forces are very weak and outdated.
They killed Iranian general and Iran couldn't do anything against Americans. Iran is no match to America entire world knows this including Iranian PDF members.

I have told you before. Satan and Mullah need each other. They work in tandem and work towards a common goal.

Stop teasing mighty Iranians here.
Iran can't differentiate between a cruise missile and civilian airplane,

Refrain from commenting on such topics please if you are not aware of details.

1-The tor-m1 system that downed the plane does not perform RCS calculations i.e cannot differentiate between such targets well.
2- The operators were told to expect an imminent cruise missiles attack
3- The operators were not informed the civilians planes were not grounded
4- Operators had only a limited "10 second" window
5- Attempt was made by operator to contact higher up the chain but could not and this resulted in this incident

This had nothing to do with Iran not being able to differentiate between cruise missiles or planes. That is just childish.

meaning they lack basic military competence and does not have the resources to support any military effort.

Apparently the Americans also lack such competence given they shot down civilian planes as well.

You keep talking about the might of Iran, which failed at its first real test

Airbase being targeted with extreme accuracy disagrees with you.

Ignoring delusions and fantasies of grandeur, on paper, Iranian forces are very weak and outdated.

Didn't Iran humiliate the saudis just a few months ago by easily bringing 50% of your oil production to a stand still? Not only did you not do anything about it, you could not even figure out how the attack was done.

Lets be honest, Iran is stronger and far more competent that what your military has demonstrated.
True. But even if their missile shields had a 100% success rate (which is way beyond the truth), Iran relies on saturations attack, i.e firing great number of missiles. All it takes is a few missiles/systems to do the job. Look at the attack on oil fields in Saudi Arabia, even though that attack involved drones and cruise missiles.

Attack on abqaiq was done through kamikaze drones, air defence network was also down, so iran was "allowed" to get through.
Yes saturation is there, but attack on csg will not work unless you have counter EW on your shoulder that is something i would say unknown.
Some of the BM failed to explode in recent iraq attack, so for iran to succeed, they will have to fire multiple salvos against single target to neutralize it.
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