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People please stop dreaming of india as a powerful nation or superpower

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Disagree ....on both points -- turning into an atheist should not be considered progress . Its certainly moral and spiritual degeneration. Though such opinions differ from person to person.

and citizens of the current superpowers -- U.S and European countries are slowly turning to a more holistic way of living . Fed up with relentless materialism in their homelands many of them travel to places in the east and India too in search of spirituality and peace .

This is delusional. Just because a handful of people go to India to join the Hindu faith, doesn't mean your way of living or religion is superior. Going by that metric, Islam and Christianity is a far 'superior' religion having been spread to all corners of the world while Hinduism is still confined to the sub-continent.
We will be called super power when all of our people will be out of poverty.
China on the other hand ,has buddhism or taoism or atheists which are not so diverse as muslim ,christain, or hindu......
Their economy is growing..they are binded by one/similar religion...there are no religious clashes...

What the fck.... ajfdsfjajfwaonfklsdnacsdw :suicide2:
We have to eradicate poverty first then have the dream of super power.
This is delusional. Just because a handful of people go to India to join the Hindu faith, doesn't mean your way of living or religion is superior. Going by that metric, Islam and Christianity is a far 'superior' religion having been spread to all corners of the world while Hinduism is still confined to the sub-continent.

They dont just go to "my" country ...and certainly don't go to join "my" particular faith ( Hinduism )-- they go to many far eastern countries like Japan , etc ...even your country China --- because of their urge towards spiritualism , to seek out gurus for guidance . They are much more than a handful of people and they are equally likely to be inclined towards say Tibetan Buddhism or the spirituality of Shaolin as they are to several places here.

Plus your point about thousands people converting to Islam in the west kind of validates my point about people seeking spirituality and solace in religion rather than turn atheistic ----vis a vis the original poster .

You misinterpreted my post almost in entirety.
Typical fear mongering and a lack of general comprehension of what SECULARISM is.

It is not:

1. Being anti-religion
2. Being anti-any religion
3. Appeasing minority religions

India's secularism revolves around points 1,2,3 and hence often gives uneasy nights to its hardline right wingers who see it as a tyranny of the minority over the majority. However its a problem of perception and internal politics which packages and sells secularism under a definition not held by the English Language.
Mr. Tallboy123,

What have you been eating recently? I see a lot of posts from you bordering troll-ish (I'm not saying troll because of the curb on troll fatwas as per forum rule, other-wise, you have crossed the line many times)? Have you been well? Are you getting up from the right side of the bed recently?

You see, India cannot be super-power because of number of reasons including presence of right winger and tunnel visions like you. Our present per capita income is 1500$ and you talk about Hindu-domination and super-power-dom. There are 600 millions Indians living under Rs 20 per day income, and you talk about super powerdom and religious division? You live in Bangalore and probably work in an glittery job in IT and you talk about super power-dom and religious divide. Shame on you and your kind of religious bigots. Thank god that there are not many like you in India (apparent from the number of thank you got in this thread and number of thank given to people who does not subscribe to your ridiculous ideology).

I hope we start our path to homogeneous progress by secretly eliminating bigots like you. I for one will vote for BJP if they promise to get rid of you.
Mr. Tallboy123,

What have you been eating recently? I see a lot of posts from you bordering troll-ish (I'm not saying troll because of the curb on troll fatwas as per forum rule, other-wise, you have crossed the line many times)? Have you been well? Are you getting up from the right side of the bed recently?

You see, India cannot be super-power because of number of reasons including presence of right winger and tunnel visions like you. Our present per capita income is 1500$ and you talk about Hindu-domination and super-power-dom. There are 600 millions Indians living under Rs 20 per day income, and you talk about super powerdom and religious division? You live in Bangalore and probably work in an glittery job in IT and you talk about super power-dom and religious divide. Shame on you and your kind of religious bigots. Thank god that there are not many like you in India (apparent from the number of thank you got in this thread and number of thank given to people who does not subscribe to your ridiculous ideology).

I hope we start our path to homogeneous progress by secretly eliminating bigots like you. I for one will vote for BJP if they promise to get rid of you.

old figures dude but whatever ... your point is correct .
The day India lost it's secularity, it would cease to be India.
We're all Indians irrespective of our place of worship. Poverty and illiteracy are the only problems we face.
Our values are more important than becoming a so called "superpower", which is why we are slower than competition.
India's true strength is in it's foundation. I'm really disappointed by the thread starter.
Dude I, like, totally agree with tallboy123.....

We should totally, like, line up all the evil Buddhists and blow them up! And while we are at it, poison all the Christians and their missionaries as well. Oh and not to forget those Parsis, they are a spawn of the devil himself, what with causing riots left right and centre.

And of course the Sikh's and Jains, those nasty minions of Satan, no good can come out of these people! And then there are the Muslims, they too are heinous and creative ways must be found to kill them. And not to mention the godless B@st#$%s that are atheists, corrupting the pure land of India!

After we commit mass genocide of all the above people, and forced conversion and expulsion, only then can India be great and peaceful and pure again for all the hindus to live in. I agree, this is totally what the freedom fighters were aiming for when they liberated the country.

PS: no offence meant to any religion or followers!
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