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People please stop dreaming of india as a powerful nation or superpower

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What @Tallboy is saying is very important for a few reasons:
1) The role of religion or lack of thereof in general in countries
2) Rarely, at least in this forum, we see Indians being so introspective and self-critical.

It is good to self-flagellate, once in a while. As my favorite philosopher Nietzsche says, 'even in a wound there is power to heal'. Pakistanis are experts in self-flagellation.

Anyway, what @Tallboy says above has been echoed by the right-wing Indian parties. I think I have seen similar attitudes by RSS/Bajrang Dal like voices. Now, one may be willing to dismiss such voices as 'loonies' because they sound so political incorrect. Just like the idea of Caliphate in Pakistan. But, beyond fora like these where we all interact and learn from each other, there are millions who think of 'pure India' being a Hindu India and the rule of Sharia in Pakistan.

Also, more than a few times, I have seen folks at Bharat Rakshak thinking along the same line: 'Dharmic' nations like India and Sri Lanka being essentially different from the 'Abrahamic' nations. I can conclude that they would like a vocal, expressive 'Dharmic' face of India. And folks at BR are a highly educated lot. We can't dismiss them.
I am not sure if India is ever going to be a superpower. It has many necessary ingredients but, perhaps, not enough. To be a 'superpower' or even a 'regional' power one needs the ruthlessness of Americans, Chinese, Israelis, Russians, and (pre-WW 2) Japan. India does not have it in its stomach. Neither does Pakistan, btw.

I will try to expound the last para later. But let's not shoot down the OP. It is an important debate.
World makes fun of Gandhi, because he was a low level Racist and he had perversive sexual habits. :welcome:

he too is a pakistani . Why do Pakistanis even hate gandhi ? he was pro-muslim . I mean the hate against indians and hindus has to stop somewhere right ?
What @Tallboy is saying is very important for a few reasons:
1) The role of religion or lack of thereof in general in countries
2) Rarely, at least in this forum, we see Indians being so introspective and self-critical.

It is good to self-flagellate, once in a while. As my favorite philosopher Nietzsche says, 'even in a wound there is power to heal'. Pakistanis are experts in self-flagellation.

Anyway, what @Tallboy says above has been echoed by the right-wing Indian parties. I think I have seen similar attitudes by RSS/Bajrang Dal like voices. Now, one may be willing to dismiss such voices as 'loonies' because they sound so political incorrect. Just like the idea of Caliphate in Pakistan. But, beyond fora like these where we all interact and learn from each other, there are millions who think of 'pure India' being a Hindu India and the rule of Sharia in Pakistan.

Also, more than a few times, I have seen folks at Bharat Rakshak thinking along the same line: 'Dharmic' nations like India and Sri Lanka being essentially different from the 'Abrahamic' nations. I can conclude that they would like a vocal, expressive 'Dharmic' face of India. And folks at BR are a highly educated lot. We can't dismiss them.
I am not sure if India is ever going to be a superpower. It has many necessary ingredients but, perhaps, not enough. To be a 'superpower' or even a 'regional' power one needs the ruthlessness of Americans, Chinese, Israelis, Russians, and (pre-WW 2) Japan. India does not have it in its stomach. Neither does Pakistan, btw.

I will try to expound the last para later. But let's not shoot down the OP. It is an important debate.

Secularism may be a matter of debate in Pakistan but it is not in India. Its in our blood now . Those who don't believe in it need to be thrown out.Its a part of our national consciounce and yes those pople who talk about hindu india are loonies.

Indian constitution calls india a secular republic .That is how we want to run this country, the majority atleast. The constitution in India is the supreme law of the land.full stop , debate over.
Guys i opened this thread to put my thinking infront of u...

If u dont like,just dont bother to reply....But i am telling wat i think is truth

Guys let me tell u frankly.....

India will never be a powerful nation.....
With this secularism curse,it can never....

Secularism will divide this country....

External forces will exploit this secularism curse to divide India...write it down

Only country having atleast 95% people having single religion will prosper,there will be no clashes...no religious drift....

In this growing country,different religion will try to dominate other which will result into conversion and finally rift and clashes

U guys better enjoy this moment,future is very bad in india...this religion diversity will eat india...

India had divided kingdoms ,which was exploited by british and our ancestors were ruled for 200 years...

The US or Russia or UK does not have this diverse religion...so they had their own time of great powers........

China on the other hand ,has buddhism or taoism or atheists which are not so diverse as muslim ,christain, or hindu......
Their economy is growing..they are binded by one/similar religion...there are no religious clashes...

example :-
christian missionaries(it's happening currently)
first they start a small missionary to serve people...they will get money from foreign source....

Then they ask people to convert to christianity in return they will give them cash....
if any one opposes it they will use the secularism card......Any one can practice any religion...

They keep on doing this using Secular right as a shield
after christians are majority in kerala,they will start a political party.....
They will get elected ,erase hinduism from kerala.....
and spread it like cancer to whole india

And this will lead to instability,economy down,and a failed nation....

Wat is the main reason for this problem..Secularism.....

And the number of increasing illegal bd muslims,which will create a political instability in WB...

To solve this problem,we indians have to follow one religion or be atheists that will bind us together,but that will never happen

Secularism will eat this country.....

And don't dream of any superpower $hit stories

people who think like you are a threat to indias very security the indian govt should get rid of people who think like you ASAP
Dude, you're sick. Just go to the doctor next week before he leaves for the weekend. I was gonna say a lot of things like we don't care what religion people follow as long as they are Indians.. or we may not be the superpower but at least we would not end up broken due to religious differences... but I'm sure you would not understand this.. you need medical attention.
Dude, you're sick. Just go to the doctor tomorrow before he leaves for the day. I was gonna say a lot of things like we don't care what religion people follow as long as they are Indians.. or we may not be the superpower but at least we would not end up broken due to religious differences... but I'm sure you would not understand this.. you need medical attention.
I really don't understand you, are you advocating genocide? I am proud of india's secularism. It was founded as such and shall continue to be the source of strength in the future. Just look at the country- Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jains all living together, all working together all Indian. What the hell happened to you to propose such a thing? It is small, narrow mindedness and ignorance that has asked this Q- why do you only see division? This kind of talk is what has led to problems in Pakistan, Iraq, Bosnia etc. And what religion are you advocating? Hinduism? Are you calling for forced conversion? What would make you better than the Indian Moguls? Wouldn't forced conversion bring more violence and division? I know the Muslims and certainly the Sikhs aren't going to go down without a fight. And anyways India is a DEMOCRACY with freedom of religion so why can YOU dictate a person's personal belief?

It seems whenever India looks to be on the up idiots like you get involved and set things back immeasurably.

I am disappointed in you, I didn't think you were like this. And more importantly I'm disappointed you even call yourself Indian, India does not stand for the BS you preach.
Indians should never think about changing secularism, it will be a disaster for their country.. right now, the approach of GoI and people is towards development and economy, the moment religion became a "ruling" issue, all these are gonna get destroyed, it'll take a couple of decade to change the face of the country and within that time, country is gonna get destabilized..

We already have Afghanistan in disastrous situation, Pakistan is fighting its survival war, we don't need another destabilized country in this region..
I think perhaps we should address the underlying thesis in the original post, which is that a country's progress is hampered if there are strong competing ideologies. Religion is just one ideology and the op seems to think that everything will be fine once that ideological divide is eliminated.

However, even if you do that and impose Hinduism as the 'official' religion, other ideological divides will emerge: hardcore communists v/s socialists v/s capitalists; militant environmentalists v/s materialists. The list goes on, and these ideologs can be just as intolerant and militant as the worst of religious fanatics.

There will always be competing ideologies in any sufficiently large group of people, and the trick is to accept and manage differences rather than trying futilely to homogenize everything.
Everybody is a born Hindu. Hinduism is a way of life and supposed to be the most tolerant of all faiths. Its the only religion where you can follow any God, be an atheist, follow a spiritual guru etc. One don't need any special ceremony to become a Hindu. All so called Hindu hardliners are not Hindus and I just feel sorry for their misled rhetoric mind. @OP Try to first follow Hinduism in its true spirit and then you can go and change your society.
I think perhaps we should address the underlying thesis in the original post, which is that a country's progress is hampered if there are strong competing ideologies. Religion is just one ideology and the op seems to think that everything will be fine once that ideological divide is eliminated.

However, even if you do that and impose Hinduism as the 'official' religion, other ideological divides will emerge: hardcore communists v/s socialists v/s capitalists; militant environmentalists v/s materialists. The list goes on, and these ideologs can be just as intolerant and militant as the worst of religious fanatics.

There will always be competing ideologies in any sufficiently large group of people, and the trick is to accept and manage differences rather than trying futilely to homogenize everything.

Very nicely put in words.
India won't be a superpower but I think you can safely say that it is going to have some major impact on the world for a long time. For example, it would be foolish to understimate the impact our economy would have on the world. INDIA WILL BE A QUASI-GLOBAL POWER NOT A SUPERPOWER. It's going to have powers similar to that exercised by major European countries. If you wish to dwell in non sense egoistic fantasies then go ahead but I guarantee you reality will sing different tunes.
i am agreed with u ....only one race is superior and that is humanity...superiority lies in righteousness and not in colour of skin or caste....this is why hindus are leaving hinduism and it also cause of people like the OP plagued mind..brain-washed by NDTV

You are the wisest rickshaw driver I've come across, may you continue to speak words of wisdom.
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