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Pentagon opposes Pelosi's Taiwan trip due to Chinese warning

Russians have lost at least 5000 vehicles in Ukraine (visually confirmed so more is out there) while controlling less of Ukraine today than they did three months ago.

Now they are suffling troops between front trying to stop Ukrainians from advancing, and let's not forget this is an invasion what Russians thought would be over in less than a week, but now are on +160 days with no end in sight.

Russia already has lost well over 150 BMP-3's out of 650-720, significant portion of their upgraded T-72 /T-80 tanks and are increasingly deploying T-72B tanks, and now Russian regular troops are seen using non-upgraded BMP-1's instead of BMP-2's due heavy losses.

Citing biased Ukrainian/Western figures is not evidence, it's propaganda. Visually confirmed? Where on twitter? Give me a break. Russia never claimed it will be over a weak either. At least have the gall to provide some sources. Either way, Russia is fighting the west in Ukraine and seem to be on course to achieving their objectives. Welcome to a multipolar world.

Hmm well trust me bro source said otherwise lol
Neither of you two pa*eets have provided any evidence so...hypocrisy runs deep in your dna. Non-binary mess lol
Russia controls less territory than it did in April and hasn't moved in a month.
so what % of Afghanistan was your country controlling right before it decided to abandon the occupation? Amt of territory occupied doesnt really matter if the local population hates you, and your military + govt have no good plan for future development of controlled territories. Russia doesnt have this issue so far IMO..
They can do, they sure does have the resources to do it as well, but thing is that if China wants to become a Global super power and make the world fear them they have to fight a war, practice and exercise wont cut in. Having fancy and new weapon system will do them no good, because with the combine resources of NATO Americans will outmatch them for next 50 years easily. China is literally just issuing threats while no major action has been taken by them, I mean look at Russians their economy was worse than China, their military condition/equip was old as Qaim Ali shah and yet they Attacked Ukraine, yes they are paying heavy price for it but they will earn the respect from their enemies (NATO/America), the lack of fighting will is why western countries although say they are worried about China's rise but no one take China Seriously.
Great points you make, but i wanted to add something o nthe topic of China and fighting will - China might have a fighting will issue now, but i dont believe its just because China military lacks the will, i think China lacks the will to fight WHEN timing for fighting isn't right, especially according to CCP.

But i completely agree with your points - dont make noise if you wont do anything, because the world is watching everything public now.
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Lol cool story bro.

Russia is practically ruined by proxy war. Brilliant move by Americans. Ccp seems going same way. Too bad. Hats off to the deep state lol.
u sound like a LOST Immigrant.

Beijing, which regards Taiwan as part of its territory, has promised "grave consequences" 🤣 for the visit by the highest-ranking US official in a quarter century.​

TAIPEI, Taiwan — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) arrived in Taiwan late Tuesday, defying Chinese warnings 🤣against visiting the self-ruled island that Beijing claims as its territory and setting the stage for a sharp escalation in tensions between China and the United States.

China has blocked imports of citrus, fish, and other foods from Taiwan in retaliation for a visit by the top American lawmaker......🤣🤣🤣
There will be economic consequences that's for sure. AMD lost 2 points on EFT markets today.
What’s more dangerous is that Pelosi triggered tensions which have consequences for Taiwan more than the United States right now.
But as the Chinese conduct exercises which in turn have heightened Taiwanese forces to intercept and shadow them raises risks. Even in an exercise environment when military forces from hostile sides are operating so close in a congested environment things may be able to get out of hand very quickly
China has blocked imports of citrus, fish, and other foods from Taiwan in retaliation for a visit by the top American lawmaker......🤣🤣🤣

Hahaha ha... Very soon another final warning incoming.
China has blocked imports of citrus, fish, and other foods from Taiwan in retaliation for a visit by the top American lawmaker......🤣🤣🤣
Lol they won’t ban the chips though

mighty Winnie the Pooh and ccp only throwing temper tantrum. Better ignore it.
Hahaha ha... Very soon another final warning incoming.
All of these were instigated by the US the West was laughing at Russia too, expanding NATO while saying Russia won't dare attack. In the end, Ukraine is nearly destroyed..... I pray that people take the security interests of others carefully.
Nancy visit was very unresponsive we are at the gates of WW 3 all such mistakes can lead us to total inhalation of humanity if war broken between two super powers there will be nothing left to fight for
Are you a child?! Do you think it's over? It's actually the beginning of things to come. China said there will be consequences is she lands, it never said she will be stopped. China has given US enough rope to hang itself.

Luckily back in the 1950's Mao just rolled over and never said anything about consequences...oh wait I think he did dozens of times.
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The Americans are taking our warnings seriously apparently. I remember they had to cancel Pompeo's visit last minute.

Ah the usual Chinese pom pom cheerleader hard at work...pumping up the crowd with a post about a win ...for a losing game.
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