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Pentagon opposes Pelosi's Taiwan trip due to Chinese warning

Knowing Pelosi, if China would just let it go from the beginning, she would most likely drop the trip and don't visit Taiwan.

Many punters in the US said Pelosi is basically forced by China to go because China have been threatening her in both overt and subtle way, if she doesn't go, that not just mean she is chicken shit, but also means US is somehow kowtowing to Chinese threat. Politics is like playground science, the more you don't want me to do something, the more I want to do it.

Remember nothing is going to change with US Number 3 visit Taiwan other than offering moral support, now the threat that China issue to US and Taiwan, those are going to change the equation on US relationship vis-a-vis Taiwan, now US are going to be more willing to sell Taiwan stuff, not at the F-35 level but it will also not be the hand me down shit it had before.

Not even close to have Taiwan intercept the fighter or missile.

China crossed the median line (The line between the two in Taiwan strait) which were unofficially promise never to go across for anything, but not as close to just 12 nm outside the border like what the Russian used to do with UK and Alaska.

To be honest, we very much hope that the USA will sell F35 to Taiwan.

If you Google Taiwan news, you will find that many senior military officers in Taiwan will go to the mainland to serve as military advisers after retirement. Our spies are everywhere in Taiwan's army.

For example, this person, Justin Yifu Lin. He is a Taiwanese and a postdoctoral fellow in economics at Yale University in the USA.
He swam 18 kilometers from Taiwan to China and joined the CCP. Now he is vice president and chief economist of the world bank.

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To be honest, we very much hope that the USA will sell F35 to Taiwan.

If you Google Taiwan news, you will find that many senior military officers in Taiwan will go to the mainland to serve as military advisers after retirement. Our spies are everywhere in Taiwan's army.
The reverse also true. Espionage are everywhere, if you expect China does not have Taiwanese spies, you probably need to think again.

If you know anything about intelligence, or more precisely, counterintelligence, you know there are no stopping your enemy to infiltrate or penetrate your intel network, all you can do is to limit the dissemination of the info so even Chinese spies in Taiwan can't get the whole picture. And when you don't have the whole picture, that render any type of information you get from espionage useless. That's why it's called sensitive compartmentalised information (SCI).

On the other hand, US will never sell F-35 to Taiwan, maybe PAC-3 but not F-35. They may help Taiwan on something along the KF-21 program the Korean did to the Indonesian, that's about it.
The reverse also true. Espionage are everywhere, if you expect China does not have Taiwanese spies, you probably need to think again.

If you know anything about intelligence, or more precisely, counterintelligence, you know there are no stopping your enemy to infiltrate or penetrate your intel network, all you can do is to limit the dissemination of the info so even Chinese spies in Taiwan can't get the whole picture. And when you don't have the whole picture, that render any type of information you get from espionage useless. That's why it's called sensitive compartmentalised information (SCI).

On the other hand, US will never sell F-35 to Taiwan, maybe PAC-3 but not F-35. They may help Taiwan on something along the KF-21 program the Korean did to the Indonesian, that's about it.
The USA might as well let Israel sell kipat Barzel. PAC-3 is useless.

Taiwan is only 130km away from Chinese Mainland, and the whole territory of Taiwan is within the range of the mainland's long-range rockets. If the PLA launches an attack, the first wave must be the destruction of all known targets by rockets.
The USA might as well let Israel sell kipat Barzel. PAC-3 is useless.

Taiwan is only 130km away from Chinese Mainland, and the whole territory of Taiwan is within the range of the mainland's long-range rockets. If the PLA launches an attack, the first wave must be the destruction of all known targets by rockets.
I don't even know what to response.......

Missile barrage is USELESS. Had you not watched the Russian invasion in Ukraine? Russian lobbed over 4000 missiles (Half their entire stock) and how much damage was done to Ukrainian warfighting power? And you are talking about Ukraine, which on paper is not a peer enemy to Russia.

There is hardened target, mobile target and also anti-missile system you need to get thru. It's all but impossible for any country to neutralise all their enemy known target by rockets, like you said. I mean, if you think this will works, then I will say there is a surprise waiting for you.
She came, took a dump and left. Pretty much her MO wherever she goes. The bitch is toxic.

Regardless of whether it was you or someone else who cleaned her toilet, she did exactly what she said she would do, to highlight US support for Taiwan. All the commie boombastic claims went nowhere, as will their threats.
Regardless of whether it was you or someone else who cleaned her toilet, she did exactly what she said she would do, to highlight US support for Taiwan. All the commie boombastic claims went nowhere, as will their threats.
Really no change? Patrols up to the coast of Taiwan will be normalized and depending on America’s stupidity, military takeover of Taiwan is still on the table. So what did America get out of this other than Pelosi filling her pocketbooks?
Regardless of whether it was you or someone else who cleaned her toilet, she did exactly what she said she would do, to highlight US support for Taiwan. All the commie boombastic claims went nowhere, as will their threats.
Ok that’s nice but the control of the surrounding waters have completely shifted. But yeah she got her photo op. Good job.
I thought the century of humiliation had passed ?

Chinese is behaving like a another N Korea

Don't get to complacent our 3 quarters of a century history in Pakistan is by far the worst humiliation.
Sure it is. Let China try it and see. :D
You are not Chinese? Cheng is a Chinese surname? She came and took a dump and then wht? It's all drama and China won't attack. We need at least 6 EMALS carrier and 400 J35s as airwing. A dozen 095 and 096,will take at least a decade. RMB digitalisation just started, CIPS trading just started. And we need to dump US treasuries. So it's just an excuse to extend the escalation line, now China is training 10miles off Taiwan, no retaliation at all.
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Ok that’s nice but the control of the surrounding waters have completely shifted. But yeah she got her photo op. Good job.

You mean it took a Pelosi visit to make China actually make a knee-jerk reaction and start doing something instead of the usual nothing they have been doing for the last 70 years.

Or is this not a knee-jerk reaction and is something that has actually been long planned out and simply accelerated…

It sounds to me like she got China to show one of its playing cards…
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