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Pentagon opposes Pelosi's Taiwan trip due to Chinese warning

China leadership is different than American leadership.

China will simply use this opportunity in its own cold calculated way, without doing stupid stuff. After all the Taiwanese are their own kind.

China will bide time. This visit really dosent mean anything other than show off on paper. Because there is really nothing that has changed fundamentally in the calculus.

They have been doing that since the 1950's. Remember we had U2s flying over China launched from Taiwan. Things were a lot worse.

We sold them F16's...

We built a huge early warning radar on one of Taiwan's highest mountains so we could spy on China.


Now Pelosi is somehow the last straw?
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They have been doing that since the 1950's. Remember we had U2s flying over China launched from Taiwan. Things were a lot worse.

So youre saying China wont respond because America will always be superior … or something along those lines?

That dosent makes any sense. Because China itself deems it isnt yet ready to take Taiwan by force. And it would be far more beneficial for China to integrate Taiwan peacefully.

In 2030 China likely will have far more carriers, figher jets, subs and amphibian landing boats. In 2040 even more.
China can really just sit and wait. 10-15 years is nothing.
I blame China for making this visit a huge issue, if Chinese just ignored her visit and did not issue those threats then no one would be talking about it, and I said in a different post, that I knew that she will land in Taiwan and Chinese will just watch, if they attack Pelosi than its War with America, but if they Attack Taiwan soon than the world will sit back and watch, and if any country threat China to attack than threat them back with Nukes, learn something from Putin.

This trip is to do exactly that. They want China to get upset and lash out and show a deep ugly side to the world over a trip by a US official.
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This trip is to do exactly that. They want China to get upset and lash out and show a deeply ugly side to the world over a trip by a US official.

That is very irrational.. it smells the Scientology Church.. What a dumb idea.. China is very patient and rational.. but it can be very mean to the US.. let alone with Russia. SCO and BRICS.. and many more..

What does have Biden or Pilosi to loose.. since they know they are near death anyway.. HaHaHJa!

Maybe you are an old menopaused lady.. but youth want to leave on..LOL
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The US is spending 3.3-3.5% of its GDP on defense, less than the 6% of GDP during the Reagan years. The US could easily spend another $500B on defense and be comfortable.

US ISR capabilities are expanding and quickly, especially as the SDA constellation of satellites begin to launch this fall. The likelihood China will be able dismantle US ISR capability is minimal.

In 10-15 years, the US will likely have 15,000-20,000 mix of cruise and ballistic missiles, and 5,000+ antiship missiles.

With so many new systems coming to the US military (B-21, NGAD, etc) US capability will be overwhelming.

Many….many Chinese will die to the point where the Russia-Ukraine war will look like child’s play.
True, ISR capabilities are about to grow orders of magnitude more then they currently are, but this is true on both sides. Same goes for the weapons arsenals. This also applies to the nuclear arsenal. As the US Arsenal modernizes, probably maintaining the current stockpile of some 5550 warheads (active and reserves) the Chinese will probably numbers and capabilities by 2049.

Two factors will come to play, how many American lives will we be willing to risk if the Chinese don’t directly first attack our troops?

And what geopolitical events will be happening (that will be preoccupying us) at the time China decides to make its move? An example might be an invasion of Venezuela to take out the Madero regime and restore a supplier of oil as millions of barrels of Russian crude become unavailable when their pipelines are failing without western maintenance due to their war in Ukraine.
starting right now with china is the best thing America can do
If China is left a little longer The US's superiorty will get minimized at a faster rate than it already is
Any irrational decsion will cause the downfall of china
expanding NATO while saying Russia won't dare attack. In the end,

More Chinese lies. We were the ones WARNING about a Russian invasion of Ukraine..it was the Chinese who said all the talk about Russia wanting to invade Ukraine was ridiculous and they have no reason to attack.

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The Pentagon must have known what China can do if provoke enough without the need to declare war if she shows up.

More Chinese lies. We were the ones WARNING about a Russian invasion of Ukraine..it was the Chinese who said all the talk about Russia invading was ridiculous and they have no reason to attack.

Putin gave a lot of warning about Ukraine joining NATO, US and co decided it was all a bluff and so he invaded.
More Chinese lies. We were the ones WARNING about a Russian invasion of Ukraine..it was the Chinese who said all the talk about Russia invading was ridiculous and they have no reason to attack.

It was EU saying Russia won't attack and US goading Russia to attack. It was cheerleaders here saying China won't attack while deepstate is goading China to. Attack. They want us to attack to decouple and relaunch the dollar.

Ah the usual Chinese pom pom cheerleader hard at work...pumping up the crowd with a post about a win ...for a losing game.
Ehhh cheerleaders are back. Pink? Lol. I was surprised by the amount of fear and anxiety by the American press and government for Pelosi. Abit weird but now we know it's just showmanship and US is bent on creating conflict like Ukraine. Fighting till the last Ukrainian and just like Ukraine US will fight till the last Taiwanese. World peace my arse, US is creating conflicts around the world and cheerleaders like you atr cheering for it. In both cases, US won't send in boots and start the sanctions war which is what they are good at.
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It was EU saying Russia won't attack

LOL! Please post that "fact" about EU NATO members saying Russia wouldn't dare attack Ukraine. I really want to see it.

Anyways nice cheerleader OP about how "Americans are taking our warnings seriously".

Now you have to deal with 20 pages of PDF members laughing at China in the thread you started.

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LOL! Please post that "fact" about EU NATO members saying Russia wouldn't dare attack Ukraine. I really want to see it.

Not sure if you had short term amnesia it was US shouting all along that Russia will invade, Macron, Sholtz and gang didn't take it seriously. And US was making sure Zelensky fck up the negotiations to antagonise Russia further. The same thing is happening now in Taiwan. Btw, weren't you the cheerleader who cheers on floods in China? Lol
USA is collapsing, while China is on the rise.

USA desperately needs China to fall into conflict.

There are two benefits USA can get if China falls into conflict:

1. USA can keep becoming Superpower status as China collapse.

2. USA can get China's money to save itself with sanctions under the name of human rights.

What USA fearest is if China just ignores it and does nothing toward Taiwan.

I do believe USA will force China into conflict whatever the cost and how laughable to reason.

Because for USA, it's a matter of living and dead.

Not sure if you had short term amnesia it was US shouting all along that Russia will invade, Macron, Sholtz and gang didn't take it seriously. And US was making sure Zelensky fck up the negotiations to antagonise Russia further. The same thing is happening now in Taiwan. Btw, weren't you the cheerleader who cheers on floods in China? Lol

WTF?? Since when is the Atlantic Council think tank some official voice of any world government or NATO?????

The writer of that article (Harlan Ullman) is just another paid flunky the Chinese Government paraded on tv (just like their paid Youtube propaganda crew) to mislead people into thinking Russia wouldn't invade.
In reality Putin did the exact opposite of what this guy was trying to sell.

Try Google-searching harder please...geez...you know like quotes from NATO or a government...not some opinion piece written by "Harlan Ullman"...somebody not even holding any government position.

You going to quote somebody's GrandMa next and say that somehow covers things??

We are all waiting...
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