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Pentagon opposes Pelosi's Taiwan trip due to Chinese warning

You mean it took a Pelosi visit to make China actually make a knee-jerk reaction and start doing something instead of the usual nothing they have been doing for the last 70 years.

Or is this not a knee-jerk reaction and is something that has actually been long planned out and simply accelerated…

It sounds to me like she got China to show one of its playing cards…
Whether it was planned or not, the facts are that the reality has changed in China's favor after her trip.
You are not Chinese? Cheng is a Chinese surname? She came and took a dump and then wht? It's all drama and China won't attack. We need at least 6 EMALS carrier and 400 J35s as airwing. A dozen 095 and 096,will take at least a decade. RMB digitalisation just started, CIPS trading just started. And we need to dump US treasuries. So it's just an excuse to extend the escalation line, now China is training 10miles off Taiwan, no retaliation at all.

There is not only 1 china there is also Taiwan

World knows it and so does china

If not the 7th fleet is not far away
There is not only 1 china there is also Taiwan

World knows it and so does china

If not the 7th fleet is not far away
1 China means one sovereign China but can have 2 different or 3 different governments. Our principle is China must never be broken again. 7th fleet? There is a hundred DF21s nearby too guided by Beidou. Lolol.
You are not Chinese? Cheng is a Chinese surname? She came and took a dump and then wht? It's all drama and China won't attack. We need at least 6 EMALS carrier and 400 J35s as airwing. A dozen 095 and 096,will take at least a decade. RMB digitalisation just started, CIPS trading just started. And we need to dump US treasuries. So it's just an excuse to extend the escalation line, now China is training 10miles off Taiwan, no retaliation at all.

Yes, China is all huff and no puff. No fire in this dragon. :D

I will take China seriously if and when it actually dumps US Treasuries. Please do it!
Is it common in usa to send ur grandma, or gf or children etc, to confront ur opponent but when he comes at u instead, u run away ? lol
Yes, China is all huff and no puff. No fire in this dragon. :D

I will take China seriously if and when it actually dumps US Treasuries. Please do it!
Yes you are Chinese or Yes you are not Chinese. Chinese is an ethnicity and civilization, you can be ethnic Chinese living in China Taiwan or HK. You can be ethnic Chinese living in PRC or ROC. But you can't erase your blood. You can be democratic or communist, you are still Chinese. But seems to me the Taidu propaganda is now equating being Chinese as Communist and creating a Taiwanese ethnic group. Your ancestors must be rolling in their grave.
Yes you are Chinese or Yes you are not Chinese. Chinese is an ethnicity and civilization, you can be ethnic Chinese living in China Taiwan or HK. You can be ethnic Chinese living in PRC or ROC. But you can't erase your blood. You can be democratic or communist, you are still Chinese. But seems to me the Taidu propaganda is now equating being Chinese as Communist and creating a Taiwanese ethnic group. Your ancestors must be rolling in their grave.

So when is China dumping US treasuries? That is the important consideration here.
1 China means one sovereign China but can have 2 different or 3 different governments. Our principle is China must never be broken again. 7th fleet? There is a hundred DF21s nearby too guided by Beidou. Lolol.

No Taiwan is a independent country who decides his own future

Keep crying
So when is China dumping US treasuries? That is the important consideration here.
Not until China is strong enough. The CIPS says ten just started and digital rmb also just started. Will take at least 10 years but the biggest strategic mistake the West made was pushing Russia to China, Russia is the worlds largest resource base, as long as they use Rmb. The future is limitless.

No Taiwan is a independent country who decides his own future

Keep crying
Well that's where you don't understand, Taiwan's constitution prohibits the dismantling of China and also Taiwan is a province in ROC as per their own constitution. Lolol
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