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Pentagon opposes Pelosi's Taiwan trip due to Chinese warning

WTF?? Since when is the Atlantic Council think tank some official voice of any world government?????

Try Google-searching harder please...geez...like quotes from NATO or a government...not some opinion piece written by "Harlan Ullman"...some nobody.
It's not just one article, US President was very pissed with EU leaders and even Zelensky because they didn't believe Russia would attack. Hence the laissez-faire attitude. But it was US plan to goad Russia into attacking, the same with China now, Stoke the fire and let it burn. Peaceful my arse, to you its juts some yellow people dying but those Taiwanese are Chinese by blood, same as Ukrainians for Russians.
It's not just one article, US President was very pissed with EU leaders and even Zelensky because they didn't believe Russia would attack. Hence the laissez-faire attitude. But it was US plan to goad Russia into attacking, the same with China now, Stoke the fire and let it burn. Peaceful my arse, to you its juts some yellow people dying but those Taiwanese are Chinese by blood, same as Ukrainians for Russians.

Thank you for admitting you lied about NATO or EU members saying "Russia wouldn't dare attack Ukraine".

I didn't think you'd find an article to back up your claim...and it looks like as usual I was correct. Since you have completely given up looking for one and are going on some new tangent.
Thank you for admitting you lied about NATO or EU members saying "Russia wouldn't dare attack Ukraine".

I didn't think you'd find an article to back up your claim...and it looks like as usual I was correct. Since you have completely given up looking for one and are going on some new tangent.
I didn't lie, I said Europeans did not believe it, It was US drumming it and it came through after they made Zelensky fck up the negotiations.

If you happen to read global news, you would know Europeans did not really believe Russia would invade Ukraine, even Zelensky didn't believe it.

The same with China now, nobody believes China will invade Taiwan, I don't either, at least not yet. US is goading and provoking China to invade so that they can reset the global economy and write off their debt.
Wait..let me add the usual stock answer

The US Navy Chinese Airforce saw the Chinese ships Air Force One and turned and ran away.

My quote above talking about the usual PDF response whenever there is an issue in Taiwan

Ah your comments aged badly. Taiwan is surrounded as we speak and US Navy is running to Japan looool

..and sure enough we finally have our local weak-minded parrot...on cue repeating the usual response line everytime there is some Taiwan issue.

U.S. House Speaker Pelosi arrives in S. Korea​

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My quote above talking about the usual PDF response whenever there is an issue in Taiwan

..and sure enough we finally have our local weak-minded parrot...on cue repeating the usual response line everytime there is some Taiwan issue.
You gotta admit, I didn't expect US to be so docile. We blatantly violated Taiwanese airspace and fired a missile over Taiwan. And where is the US Navy? 25 years ago, 2 carriers sat in the middle of the Taiwan Straits. Wtf is Biden doing? Fckers in Washington is keeping quiet as if afraid of our fury. Dude, this is just typical Chinese overreaction to get bargaining power and also concessions. If you go to Chinese markets, they will sell something at 3x the price for you to bargain. So if a dumbfck buys at 2x the price, he is already having profit. For gods sake it's a 82 year old hag trying to get attention..... You guys always fall for this warnings trick. Lolol. And how many fcking times does US need to repeat like a parrot, There is only one China and Taiwan is part of China. Its like we trained the US gov to repeat it and will show an angry face if they don't say it. You still can't see the irony! Why is China so special that US needs to repeat this parrot talk. Why does US need to give in to Chinese tantrums. Lol
You gotta admit, I didn't expect US to be so docile.

LOL! I love how Nancy Pelosi flew right through the supa-dupa Chinese blockade without China doing anything.

I totally expected China to be docile...but not that docile. China let her through without a peep! But hey all that shootdown talk by PDF armchair warriors was just talk.

Pelosi getting off the plane in South Korea after shrugging off talks of any China induced delay.

You may continue with your supa-dupa show of Naval strength. Glad you bowed deeply to the US.

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LOL! I love how Nancy Pelosi flew right through the supa-dupa Chinese blockade without China doing anything.

I wasn't expecting China to let her through without a peep! But hey all that talk was just talk.
Actually if she did, I would have been proud, the problem is she flew around the exercise zone, delayed her flight due to safety fear and instead of flying direct to Korea passing the East China Sea in fcking International waters, she went along the Japanese Ryukyu coast. Lololol. Wtf man. Stop giving in to Chinese overreaction. Its a fcking gimmick.

Who the fck can stop a 82 old lady on an 'unofficial' trip? And who is China to stop her, why does US need to care about Chinese feelings?

And Mr Yoon ain't meeting her for fear of pissing China. Why does everyone need to give in to China. Its the right of any nation to meet anybody. Same with Philippines tejy don't allow her plane to fly through their airspace.
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..and sure enough we finally have our local weak-minded parrot...on cue repeating the usual response line everytime there is some Taiwan issue.

U.S. House Speaker Pelosi arrives in S. Korea​

And we have our paid shill sitting in mothers basement simping for an aggressive and oppressive empire. South Korea is irrelevant, why even bring it up?...
And we have our paid shill sitting in mothers basement simping for an aggressive and oppressive empire. South Korea is irrelevant, why even bring it up?...

LOL! I don't see any Chinese or US flags next to your name...who exactly is the paid shill making comments about countries that don't pertain to them.

By the way I doubt you are even British...you sound like some perpetually bitter Iranian whose grandparents fled to the West after the Shah's fall to me. So that makes you a double-irrelevancy. Loser!
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Ok so your so-called airspace blockade isn't really much of a blockade as it has more holes in it than Swiss cheese.

Since when was it a blockade. It was just an exercise which affected 300 flights, rerouted 7 ports. That's all mate. Blockade meant war, but what if a missile suddenly hit a tanker? You think any commercial vessel will come to Taiwan anymore? Just saying. And a dozen ballistics missiles fired accross Taiwan.

What I don't understand is why all this fear of Chinese reaction. It's not like a US president went to Taiwan or something. I look at the press today, all were shitting in their pants about Chinese reaction. They won't be a war for gods sake. Nobody is gonna nuke Taiwan because of an old lady.
You have a short term memory, either because of a genetic defect or out of desperation. You chose to reply to my comment about China never claiming to do anything to Pelosi's entourage...and you said "I think Global Times..." bla bla. And after asking for the source and whether it was referencing a Chinese official you're now crumbling, flip flopping and changing the goalposts. How pathetic! Either way, the comment which you mistakenly replied to still stands supreme. China never claimed to do anything to plane, anything after that comment is just derailment by a professional troll such as yourself.

Case closed.

Yes you are.
You have comprehension problem,

Since when "Think Global Times said..." is equate to "Think Chinese Official said"? Hell, since WHEN DID YOU EVEN SAY CHINESE OFFICIAL in your post to begin with.

So I can't make my own point to reply to your post?? Or you are confused with Global times begin Chinese Official. Well, if that is the case, that's your problem, not mine.

I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT CHINESE OFFICIAL, and NEITHER HAD YOU, if you ask whether or not Chinese Official said anything about doing to Pelosi Plane, that is another question altogether.

Also, Pelosi left 2 days ago, what China can do is literally just throwing a very expensive tantrum. They don't even do what the Russian do and fly close to 12nm international border with Taiwan ala the UK and Alaska.

LOL! I don't see any Chinese or US flags next to your name...who exactly is the paid shill making comments about countries that don't pertain to them.

By the way I doubt you are even British...you sound like some perpetually bitter Iranian whose grandparents fled to the West after the Shah's fall to me. So that makes you a double-irrelevancy. Loser!

lol, I don't think he even understand English

The Man think I said Chinese Official claim they will shot down Pelosi Plane when I said Global Times upfront, and then come back and ask me for evidence on where Chinese Official said that......lol

Either that or he is pissed beyond belief that his beloved China did jack shit about this.
How close did the Chinese missiles buzz the Taiwan airspace?? Why didn't Patriot batteries swing into action??
I blame China for making this visit a huge issue, if Chinese just ignored her visit and did not issue those threats then no one would be talking about it, and I said in a different post, that I knew that she will land in Taiwan and Chinese will just watch, if they attack Pelosi than its War with America, but if they Attack Taiwan soon than the world will sit back and watch, and if any country threat China to attack than threat them back with Nukes, learn something from Putin.
Knowing Pelosi, if China would just let it go from the beginning, she would most likely drop the trip and don't visit Taiwan.

Many punters in the US said Pelosi is basically forced by China to go because China have been threatening her in both overt and subtle way, if she doesn't go, that not just mean she is chicken shit, but also means US is somehow kowtowing to Chinese threat. Politics is like playground science, the more you don't want me to do something, the more I want to do it.

Remember nothing is going to change with US Number 3 visit Taiwan other than offering moral support, now the threat that China issue to US and Taiwan, those are going to change the equation on US relationship vis-a-vis Taiwan, now US are going to be more willing to sell Taiwan stuff, not at the F-35 level but it will also not be the hand me down shit it had before.

How close did the Chinese missiles buzz the Taiwan airspace?? Why didn't Patriot batteries swing into action??
Not even close to have Taiwan intercept the fighter or missile.

China crossed the median line (The line between the two in Taiwan strait) which were unofficially promise never to go across for anything, but not as close to just 12 nm outside the border like what the Russian used to do with UK and Alaska.
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