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PDF Annual Awards 2013

I'm going to mention some names not in line with the OP's ideas. But I think this presents a good opportunity.

First of all, my fellow mods all deserve some praise, for they are few and with their relentless work against the relentless hordes at PDF.

A big shout out to @WebMaster for the hard work put in making the big changes on this forum.
Seriously guys, it wasn't just some change of skins and layout, this was huge.

Webby changed the forum from the bottom up. Set up web app. Set up many member committees in charge of various different rackets and many other things. All pretty much single handedly.

Another noteworthy group of people are the Jr TT lot.
I feel like we should be paying them for their duties and the work they do.

@jaibi has ran the show tirelessly, and has done well with the amount of work and organising people and their skill sets to tasks. His work is leading PDF to going from just a huge forum, to a kickass database on all things Pakistan Defence.

@Slav Defence has posted some awesome, detailed articles with regards to the above. A very noteworthy an hard working member.

@Alpha1 @Secur (and anyone else I've missed from Jr TT) Same goes for the rest of you Jr TT lot, keep up the good work.

The Research and Dev lot also showed their quality on an individual level. @TheOccupiedKashmir

@RiazHaq journalistic work and his analysis' are noteworthy.

Our Think Tank and Professional lot have also been at work aiding the Jr TT, doing their own thing and also some of them posting their own work and generally contributing massively to what wealth of information we do have here at PDF. @jhungary @Developereo @muse @Dazzler @fatman17

Then there are my general list of favourite members from different nations:

Pakistan: @Aeronaut @FaujHistorian @RescueRanger @Armstrong
India: @KRAIT @sandy_3126 @AUSTERLITZ
China: @Wholegrain @Chinese-Dragon
Turkey: @Sinan @cabatli_53
BD: @Loki

Many names I've missed, apologies if you're name wasn't mentioned in some categories.
@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Imran Khan......
Thankyou so much for 'encouraging our souls':D
I feel that it would be unfair to miss our most important class of PDF 'professionals'
I thank to all my well-wishers and my silent supporters as well,who encouraged me at every single step..and for backing me up.
All contributors deserve 'reward' for their untiring work and restless effort including mods,@WebMaster @jaibi and @Secur.
It is really easy to point your fingers at anyone,but most difficult work is to 'organize things'
I assure you that it is great fun when you become a part of such great 'journey',when strangers from different 'areas' and 'skills' join their hands together and plan to bring something great..
@WebMaster initiated a journey and we all joined him to make this website as 'authortive source'
so,I request you all,.try to look at each other with different sight,please come out from this 'jew/israel/zionist/hindu baniya/anti Arab etc paranoia against each other..and join us to bring PDF to whole new level...I appreciate all mods and professionals such as @jhungary ,@asad71 and other professionals to give us quality work and all TTAs and TTCs...such as @Xeric @fatman17 and all star members.
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I don't think it is a good idea to give people "labels" on a site which is quite political motivated. It is not a good idea, rather a stupid one, apparently suggested by an Indian.
I don't think it is a good idea to give people "labels" on a site which is quite political motivated. It is not a good idea, rather a stupid one, apparently suggested by an Indian.
My vote is for you. :D
I like all posters who fight on this forum but don't make personal comments on family and don't disrespect soldiers.

I hate @sancho and @Abingdonboy @Penguin Their technical talks totally goes over my head. :hitwall: :haha:

I'm hated by one side for being a "flamer" and the other for being "too technical"- I can't win with you people!!! :P
I like all posters who fight on this forum but don't make personal comments on family and don't disrespect soldiers.
lolz jo maza maan behen program main hai wo or kisi cheez main nhi. ever you hear abut our BD section full action dog fight ? 100 members 2396293 guests a ker dekhty hain live show :rolleyes:
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