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PCB bosses give thumbs down to ‘Big Three’ proposal

This raise a valid point that if England and Australian board would have came up with such silly proposal in past then India team would never be test cricket nation and never become strong cricket board in present

You see this. South africa is getting a deal out of remaining 3 so Pakistan and Srilanka are the biggest loosers and cornered.

Question if whether it should be or not ? answer is ..not many Indians are favour of change because sports should be away from political shit. but one can also argue that cricket does not remain as pure sport it become profitable business and commercialized.
You see this. South africa is getting a deal out of remaining 3 so Pakistan and Srilanka are the biggest loosers and cornered.

Question if whether it should be or not ? answer is ..not many Indians are favour of change because sports should be away from political shit. but one can also argue that cricket does not remain as pure sport it become profitable business and commercialized.
so why not apply same criteria to Olympics as the guy said in video?

Its not about picking winning or losing side.. Its about standing for something which you feel is right. If Pakistan(PCB) go for this proposal after getting some incentives i would still feel its wrong and will oppose it because it will kill the sport which i love. There is no limit of greed and next we will have three bigs fighting among each others because on would be getting more share than others
so why not apply same criteria to Olympics as the guy said in video?

Its not about picking winning or losing side.. Its about standing for something which you feel is right. If Pakistan(PCB) go for this proposal after getting some incentives i would still feel its wrong and will suppose it because it will kill the sport which i love. There is no limit of greed and next we will have three bigs fighting among each others because on would be getting more share than others

You obviously have no idea how much lobbying and politics goes on in olympics
Right from host city to number of events.
Why do you think swimming has so many olympic medals?
Its because US insistence has an abundance of natural water.Most middle class families in US have swimming pools in their homes.Contrast this with India or Pak which are water stressed countries.
Expect number of swimming events in olympics to go down in the future as USA looses global influence.

Politics pervades everything in this world, whether we like it or not.

In short there is no thriving sporting franchise that is not commercialized.The ones which are ot commercialized are slowly dying out.I 'll throw you a gauntlet-name just one global sporting franchise which is not commercialized
If you can not do it then I expect you to stop this sanctimonius bull that you are peddling here.
so why not apply same criteria to Olympics as the guy said in video?

Answer is simple .. Internatinal olympic commitee does not primarily depend on one country for resources.Where as ICC's 80% of resource comes from one country only .. that is India.
Answer is simple .. Internatinal olympic commitee does not primarily depend on one country for resources.Where as ICC's 80% of resource comes from one country only .. that is India.
We also have big three or four in Olympics(china, Russia, USA, Britain) who bring most of the money but if they apply same formula then Indian will never get any opportunity to progress in Olympics. How Indian cricket board became strong board under current rules and now they are saying these rules are not fair because they are in stronger position now lol.
We also have big three or four in Olympics(china, Russia, USA, Britain) who bring most of the money but if they apply same formula then Indian will never get any opportunity to progress in Olympics. How Indian cricket board became strong board under current rules and now they are saying these rules are not fair because they are in stronger position now lol.

No .. IOC don't need big four or three .. that is not correct . go to wikipedia and search IOC.

The Olympic Movement generates revenue through five major programmes. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) manages broadcast partnerships and The Olympic Partner (TOP) worldwide sponsorship programme. The Organising Committees for the Olympic Games (OCOGs) manage domestic sponsorship, ticketing and licensing programmes within the host country under the direction of the IOC. The Olympic Movement generated a total of more than US$4 billion, €2.5 billion in revenue during the Olympic quadrennium from 2001 to 2004.

where as ICC is a rubber stamp body.
I am talking about distribution of funds. ICC can work like that if cricket boards don't dictate it

Revenue Sources and Distribution | Olympicorg

I think we are missing a point here . Since finace of IOC does not come from primarily one country so it can distribute as long it wish.

Cricket is becoming more like basketball.It means it does not matter if other countries are playing or not till USA is playing game will flourishes.

P.S.: If you have any information of football federations .. share with us .
Three idiots has changed the definition of ICC

ICC = International Chamber of Commerce, no?

I would not blindly believe that 80% money for cricket come from India without asking for any evidence or written documents but still its wrong to say that BCCI generates 80% of cricketing revenue but you can say that 80% of money in cricket is because of huge interest by 1B+ Indians.

This big three proposal states that the ICC {through IDB) is merely an organisation leveraging the rights for and on behalf of the Members by conducting events. It would be inconceivable that any other global governing body in sport should be described by those who purport to lead it in such narrow and reductive terms. What about its fiduciary responsibility for the health of the game? For its development and good governance? But for the Gang of Three it's exclusively about the money, of which they are determined to grab as much as they can.

Let the BCCI take their bat and ball and go home. Cricket is a strong enough game to survive without the stalinist paternalism of BCCI . It did fine job in the past when India was not dictating this sport and it could do fine job in future as well
Ohh man ..carry on !
Cry me a river !
Takeover plan would be signed on the dotted line anyway .:dance3:

Three idiots has changed the definition of ICC

ICC = International Chamber of Commerce, no?

I would not blindly believe that 80% money for cricket come from India without asking for any evidence or written documents but still its wrong to say that BCCI generates 80% of cricketing revenue but you can say that 80% of money in cricket is because of huge interest by 1B+ Indians.

This big three proposal states that the ICC {through IDB) is merely an organisation leveraging the rights for and on behalf of the Members by conducting events. It would be inconceivable that any other global governing body in sport should be described by those who purport to lead it in such narrow and reductive terms. What about its fiduciary responsibility for the health of the game? For its development and good governance? But for the Gang of Three it's exclusively about the money, of which they are determined to grab as much as they can.

Let the BCCI take their bat and ball and go home. Cricket is a strong enough game to survive without the stalinist paternalism of BCCI . It did fine job in the past when India was not dictating this sport and it could do fine job in future as well
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