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PCB bosses give thumbs down to ‘Big Three’ proposal

1. I am talking about ICC with Big-3, as it's Big-3s who are threatening to part away or twisting arms of countries like Bangladesh

2. I have no problem of changing the formula of revenue sharing, I am raising voice against replacing current democratic system and introduction veto powers and guess what world's so called largest democracy is coming up with this retarded idea, and new rules which will not apply on Brahmin's of cricket and they will decide everything.

Even well educated Indians supporting it tell what kind of mindset is prevalent in India.
Its actually about the money most importantly.
The rest is almost sure to be whittled down.

Either the money comes back to us, or in return for the money we get compensated by additional powers. You cannot have it both ways.
world's so called largest democracy is coming up with this retarded idea

BCCI doesn't represent India. Your statement would have been correct if it was GoI instead of BCCI.
Even well educated Indians supporting it tell what kind of mindset is prevalent in India.
money is mata. money is lakshami. money is pita. money is their bhagwan and they can do anything for it right or wrong. They see only money but have no clue about concept of fairness
Its actually about the money most importantly.
The rest is almost sure to be whittled down.

Either the money comes back to us, or in return for the money we get compensated by additional powers. You cannot have it both ways.

BCCI is trying for both and want to use money factor to become Brahmin of cricket world.
Some one was here talking about Jinnah-Mandella or may be Rajpaksa series ....

I was surprised by PCB reaction ... poor fellas can not even outright rejected the proposal..showing only 'serious concerns'.

Indian takeover of ICC is inevitable...although test status of Bangladesh should be preserved.
we have seen how rich fellows performed even after having all the money and resources they were beaten by no 8 poor rank team lol . Money talk but talent is not always depend on money
1. I am talking about ICC with Big-3, as it's Big-3s who are threatening to part away or twisting arms of countries like Bangladesh

2. I have no problem of changing the formula of revenue sharing, I am raising voice against replacing current democratic system and introduction veto powers and guess what world's so called largest democracy is coming up with this retarded idea, and new rules which will not apply on Brahmin's of cricket and they will decide everything.

Even well educated Indians supporting it tell what kind of mindset is prevalent in India.

Array BCCI dont want to come under RTI,the GOI has been trying to bring them under RTI,Its a powerfull body,you will see the heads of each state board is from different political party and you will see them talking in one single language when it comes to BCCI,sorry bhai if you are feeling like an untouchable.
BCCI is trying for both and want to use money factor to become Brahmin of cricket world.

Truly speaking ..even I did not like the idea of BCCI taking over ICC key decision making system. BCCI is too corrupt to do that.Our supreme court has to put boot on the throat of BCCI to pay taxes.

I just supported the idea when i see Pakistan was resisting the change. You know that evil satisfaction which comes out of embarrassing your key enemy!:devil:

For you guys , this is just formal stamp. BCCI is imposing itself over ICC from last decade covertly as seen issues like WADA,UDRS system and umpire selection.
Array BCCI dont want to come under RTI,the GOI has been trying to bring them under RTI,Its a powerfull body,you will see the heads of each state board is from different political party and you will see them talking in one single language when it comes to BCCI,sorry bhai if you are feeling like an untouchable.

Whatever it is in India - but at international level it is representative of India and team it select represents India not BCCI
Truly speaking ..even I did not like the idea of BCCI taking over ICC key decision making system. BCCI is too corrupt to do that.Our supreme court has to put boot on the throat of BCCI to pay taxes.

I just supported the idea when i see Pakistan was resisting the change. You know that evil satisfaction which comes out of embarrassing your key enemy!:devil:

For you guys , this is just formal stamp. BCCI is imposing itself over ICC from last decade covertly as seen issues like WADA,UDRS system and umpire selection.

Frankly, BCCI killed cricket. When I was in teen, I was a die hard fan of Cricket. Now I don't even know who plays in Indian cricket team.

Whatever it is in India - but at international level it is representative of India and team it select represents India not BCCI

If Indian government has the way, the 'India' would be taken out BCCI

Ministry may take 'India' out of BCCI - Criclounge.com
we have seen how rich fellows performed even after having all the money and resources they were beaten by no 8 poor rank team lol . Money talk but talent is not always depend on money
BCCI is trying for both and want to use money factor to become Brahmin of cricket world.
Its about how Pakistan and other boards are using free money practically donated by us. None of you want this free money to end - a little bit like the want of perpetual aid.

I dont understand how you folks defend your nations which are acting like blood suckers on money earned off other people's backs.

The veto system will most likely be dropped in negotiations. The negotiations always start with big demands. The idea is to either get our money back or our money's worth - not charity for other nations like Pakistan.

Either of the two will satisfy BCCI.

Lastly - no BCCI does not represent India. GoI has been trying for ages(unsuccessfully) to put these sports bodies(BCCI among others) under Govt control - they had been made autonomous long back in the hope that they would do something good, they have become too powerful, arrogant and most important - unaccountable.
Truly speaking ..even I did not like the idea of BCCI taking over ICC key decision making system. BCCI is too corrupt to do that.Our supreme court has to put boot on the throat of BCCI to pay taxes.

I just supported the idea when i see Pakistan was resisting the change. You know that evil satisfaction which comes out of embarrassing your key enemy!:devil:

For you guys , this is just formal stamp. BCCI is imposing itself over ICC from last decade covertly as seen issues like WADA,UDRS system and umpire selection.

I hope PCB will stand (even alone) against it, doesn't matter that it will make any difference or not but at-least it should fullfill it's responsibility to stand for principle --- but with India friendly takla PM, i doubt it will.

But one thing is sure, India have screwed up a beautiful sport.
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