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Pashto Corner

Thats what i said ..........."We are not bitches of you Mohajirs, dont expect us to be".........
Every "true" Pashtun will agree with me on that. You wont because you are not Pashtun , thats what you revealed about yourself in another post,

Now have some self respect for yourself and bugger off, or you will find place in my ignore list where i have put all the rest of Indian Mohajirs on this forum.

Whatever , you can call yourself Urduspeaker or Karachiite or Mohajir, the breed remains same..............Take your Urdu Corner some where else. Urdu aint our mother tongue. Let me repeat myself, "Urdu was imported from U.P and Delhi, and is a variant of Hindi language".We have no obligation to speak it in its correct accent........Moreover Pashtuns are not producing any urdu poets while there the Pashto poets in every corner, enough to indicate how much regard we have for this imported language.

Who are you to decide who a "true" pashtun is?.
Your race will never make you superior to anyone. Maintain a healthy discussion on the thread. If thats too hard do the Quaid a favour.
Who are you to decide who a "true" pashtun is?.
Your race will never make you superior to anyone. Maintain a healthy discussion on the thread. If thats too hard do the Quaid a favour.
Why would he an outsider and not a real pakistani,an afghani would care abt quaid.
Quaid is for us pakistanis. Hence, u can see the shameless racism in him
No one is talking about superiority of one race over another, its about identity. You aint Pashtun if you dont speak Pashto. So i can talk about "we", you cant.

Mr.Jinnah is not my Prophet that i have to follow his sayings like hadith........my views on Urdu language remains the same, its just a communication language for me. Miss @Shamain expects us to speak urdu in accurate accent of ahle-zuban if we are real pakistanis, thats very fascist thinking.

I never said i expect anyone to speak in perfect urdu accent. I had just said pure urdu accent sounds great. Secondly, iwas only talking to sage ,not u,idont even care abt u as well as an afghan like urself who calls himself pakistani. A fake pakistani.
Just dont put words in my mouth. I had shared my view and thats all,didnt ask anyone to do anything. And u will be the last of all iwud care to ask.
No one is talking about superiority of one race over another, its about identity. You aint Pashtun if you dont speak Pashto. So i can talk about "we", you cant.

Mr.Jinnah is not my Prophet that i have to follow his sayings like hadith........my views on Urdu language remains the same, its just a communication language for me. Miss @Shamain expects us to speak urdu in accurate accent of ahle-zuban if we are real pakistanis, thats very fascist thinking.
You still dont represent all the pashtuns, you only represent yourself.
And as for the Quaid as long as you live in Pakistan and as long as there's Pakistan written on your NIC and Passport the man's authority comes a noch below of that of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Maintain a healthy discussion.
For gods sake when did i say if someone is a real pakistani he shud speak urdu in immaculate accent. Such liar.
Dont agree with that , as a muslim. Our Qaid-e-azam i.e greatest leader is Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H, not Mr.Jinnah. Jinnah was a civilian dictator , usurped the powers of prime minister, dissolved NWFP assembly unconstitutionally and imposed Urdu on Bengalis, which eventually led to 1971 episode. He had some virtues but not of level to put him a noch below of a Prophet.

Personally i am not a type of person who is into Shakhsiat-parasti. I find Jinnah-ists, Bacha-Khanists, Bhutto-ists and Altaf-ists, very annoying and mediocre mindsets.

This is very fascist thinking.

Jinnah was a Governor General -_-. By constitution he had the right to do so.
This is very fascist thinking.
Lolzz what loser....just highlighting a part of my post to show that i am saying what u are trying to project ,what lowlife liar.
Do some study, Governor General had powers of same level as President of today, constitutionally PM was powerful. Thats why Nehru of India operating under same 1935 constitution, was PM and Mount Baiton was Governor General. Mr.Jinnah was supposed to give G.G seat to Lord Mount Baiton as a gesture of good will, but he refused rudely and earned the animosity of Viceroy who shifted his favours to nehru and gave him Kashmir indirectly by awarding Gurduspur to India....... it reveals jinnah's bad political acumen.

Your sentiments are hurt and you are just making girlish hurt-butt sounds......No offense but you seem like a very young individual, judging from your online display of immaturity.

The viceroy also known as the Governor General had utmost power in British India in accord to the Government Act of India of 1935. It gave G.G or viceroy a power over the local government which was set-up, The powers given to G.G or viceroy are as of the following as said in the modified Government Act of India of 1935:
The Governor of India Act 1935 was adapted as the provincial constitution by a notification in the Gazette of Pakistan on 3 September 1947.This was to be so until a new constitution was framed by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan. But while doing so some fundamental changes were also made in this Act which were:

  • Reference to the British Crown will be discarded;
  • Appointment of the Governors and high court judges will be made by the Governor-General;
  • Our allegiance will be not to the Crown but to the Pakistan Constitution.
  • Governor-General was empowered to see that any provincial ministry does not abuse its powers.
  • Federal Legislature was to elect its Speakers and Deputy Speaker;
  • Salaries of the Governor-General and Governors were decreased;
  • Governor-General was authorised to promulgate ordinances in case of emergencies.
However the power of G.G or viceroy remained the same as in the 1935 act.

BTW. Mountbatten would've chosen India over Pakistan, because of the wide known news that Pakistan would not survive a few months after it's Independence.
You are free to debate on another thread. Or on this one, who am I to care.
I told you folks, he is one those ignorants, who will never listen and understand your views. Moral teachings come from parents and he seriously lacks them. Its best to ignore this rowdy chap and get along with actual thread.
I told you folks, he is one those ignorants, who will never listen and understand your views. Moral teachings come from parents and he seriously lacks them. Its best to ignore this rowdy chap and get along with actual thread.
So true earlier in his post he had used some obnoxious cussword for meap tho edited before she came, then look at his language towards me , do u talk to females like this. Are these terms u use for them?
This alone shows ones class and upbringing. I am so disgusted.
what the hell is going in this thread yar its suppose to be Pushtu thread that's it not place for fight between Pukhton and rest ethnicity we all are Pakistani 1st then we are pathan Sindhi mahajar Punjabi Bolochis etc. thread ka maza nah kharab karo i request all of you. @Shamain troray :D
what the hell is going in this thread yar its suppose to be Pushtu thread that's it not place for fight between Pukhton and rest ethnicity we all are Pakistani 1st then we are pathan Sindhi mahajar Punjabi Bolochis etc. thread ka maza nah kharab karo i request all of you. @Shamain troray :D
No rora ,its basically me and sage were talking abt urdu and pushto accents,then this afghani zabardasti ka pakistanion may ghus kay betha hua samandri unnecessarily jumped into conversatiom and started making racist comments on mohajirs and nonsense abt urdu calling it hindustani lang.yani ab bahir say moonh utha kay aey huay afghans pakistanio kay leay cheezain decide karain gay? And then writing lies abt me as u can go back and see the thread. i was already saying that dont engage the afghan despo. It is for everyone to see how these afghans are such haters and how they create divides amongst us, as it was him constantly yapping away this mohajir pakhtoon nonsense, and me,meap and melbaus were saying the opposite ,as in respect all. U can see his rubbish and then he started saying i am suggesting pushtons must speak pure urdu accent, iwas saying something else and if i have to say, i will say it to our pakistani pakhtoons , tho iwont , and not to a foreigner afghani like himself. And see the abusive lang he was doing on me, as far as i know a real pukhtoon never insults ladies. But then he is a classless person , and in many threads he quotes me unnecessarily and then misbehave karta hai. I will speak to mods now.

Anyways, back to thread topic and pushto discussion.
No rora ,its basically me and sage were talking abt urdu and pushto accents,then this afghani zabardasti ka pakistanion may ghus kay betha hua samandri unnecessarily jumped into conversatiom and started making racist comments on mohajirs and nonsense abt urdu calling it hindustani lang.yani ab bahir say moonh utha kay aey huay afghans pakistanio kay leay cheezain decide karain gay? And then writing lies abt me as u can go back and see the thread. i was already saying that dont engage the afghan despo. It is for everyone to see how these afghans are such haters and how they create divides amongst us, as it was him constantly yapping away this mohajir pakhtoon nonsense, and me,meap and melbaus were saying the opposite ,as in respect all. U can see his rubbish and then he started saying i am suggesting pushtons must speak pure urdu accent, iwas saying something else and if i have to say, i will say it to our pakistani pakhtoons , tho iwont , and not to a foreigner afghani like himself. And see the abusive lang he was doing on me, as far as i know a real pukhtoon never insults ladies. But then he is a classless person , and in many threads he quotes me unnecessarily and then misbehave karta hai. I will speak to mods now.

Anyways, back to thread topic and pushto discussion.
chalo lets start pashtu again mitti pao :D pukhto de singa da os
So true earlier in his post he had used some obnoxious cussword for meap tho edited before she came, then look at his language towards me , do u talk to females like this. Are these terms u use for them?
This alone shows ones class and upbringing. I am so disgusted.

What did he say???
So true earlier in his post he had used some obnoxious cussword for meap tho edited before she came, then look at his language towards me , do u talk to females like this. Are these terms u use for them?
This alone shows ones class and upbringing. I am so disgusted.

Telllllllllllllll meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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