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In a secret meeting, Pakistan’s powerful military ordered the press to stop covering Imran Khan

Examples of Satire

If voting changed anything, they would make it illegal. (This uses sarcasm to undermine democracy.) Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation. (This uses exaggeration to highlight the vices of politicians.)

This is so true for Pakistan...

The actual words said by the general is not reported.

Said, he, implying IK, is our enemy, either you are with us or against us.

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I do think the article looks suspect, the Waqas guy can sometimes seem to eager to give false news. Haqqani story was the only one that checked out, and that too because he knew Haqqani.

Ab fauj ka koi mole Maj Col waghaira Waqas ko to inside scoop dene say raha.
Whinning little sissies 😂. Are they handpicked morons?
No, they go through the moronification process at kakul.. every one of them.
They get taught about everything like how to sit at tables, hold their cups, do the splits over their heads, stupid motions at ceremonies, only thing they don’t get taught is to think objectively.. that is drummed out of them from day one..
There are some rare gems who fail the programming and mutate into beings capable of independent thought.. and don’t conform and take in the programming, however they are quickly removed to prevent infecting others and either made to disappear or go through a process called premature or early retirement..
There's no grey areas, this time around.

I guess this is all white, then...


Nope. Sorry. Couldn't find a shit to give. On that note, I bid thee farewell. There's only so much brain cells I can waste on one topic, esp one where you should have acknowledged your mistake rather than going "It's big brain time". If you ever miss me, I post pretty often and there's other topics. toodle-oo! :)

Don't worry, bub. I know better than to argue with a cultist, heh!
Heinous propaganda against the Pakistani institutions continue to gather momentum.
Not sure if the news is true. If true, then no words.

Lets hope the Generals come back to their senses and submit themselves to the constitution. Their engineering of Pakistan to fit their myopic view has to end.
I feel this is same as what happened to Trump in 2016 election, all MSM were calling that Trump cannot win the election and Hilary would be the first female president with various polls and charts showing majority of americans supporting her but we all knew what really happened and in this way even if they form new parties people are going to vote for IK because he is the brand, all others the got into parliament was through vote for IK not them
Not sure if the news is true. If true, then no words.

Lets hope the Generals come back to their senses and submit themselves to the constitution. Their engineering of Pakistan to fit their myopic view has to end.
They are not coming back to senses, or rather, this is calculated and deliberate and it will be followed through to its end.
These guys kicked out a PhD from a head in FIA and also threw a whole province into an insurgency just for one person.
Brother its not just one person ... its not about imran khan ... its about a person represneting civlians dominating the foreign , economic and interrior policy of Pakistan ... they never let anyone to control them but previous parties were easily manageable due to corruption but this time imran khan is not controllable and thats why they are fully exposed ..
No matter if it is imran khan even nawaz of zardari ... they dont care ... they just want someone who let them looting the country's wealth via DHA, Askari, Fauji foundation and military budget and they dont want to share the absoulte power with anyone ... we were blinded by patriotisim ...

Thanks to Allah and imran khan now we know who is the culprit

These guys kicked out a PhD from a head in FIA and also threw a whole province into an insurgency just for one person.
They also tortured another phd ... a professor and LUMS ...

Due to moron like these our professional class is leaving
It's interesting (not in a good way), how the military dismantled the party. Arrest the leader, anger his followers causing them to riot for a day, allow the riots to fester and then arrest the leaders, make them resign and maybe open a way to ban the party. Who would've thought that's how this will go down? But it will be very weird if IK ends up winning the next general election in a landslide, I think he will eventually make peace with the establishment after all it's the most powerful empire in the country.
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