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Palestine: Two-State Solution of Hamas or wait for the Caliphate


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Two-State Solution of Hamas or wait for the Caliphate
By Yamin Zakaria
June 17, 2010


Isalmic Caliphate

Hamas, the elected government of Palestine recently stated that it is prepared to accept the two-state solution(1), according to the UN resolution, which demands total withdrawal of Israeli troops to the 1967 borders, and the implementation of resolution 194, meaning repatriation of the Palestinian refugees. East Jerusalem with the holy cites of Masjid Al-Aqsa would be under the control of Hamas. The other major party, the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) (Al Fatah – ed note), also concurs on this viewpoint; thus, a two-state solution seems to be representative of the vast majority of Palestinians living in the occupied territories.

This is contested by the minority view that opposes any form of agreement with Israel, and calls for a military solution: removal of Israel as an entity going back to pre 1948 borders. In practical terms, only a state can remove another state. To match the strength of Israel backed by the mighty US forces will require a strong unified state or an alliance of Muslim states. In Arab-Islamic history, such unity existed only under the Caliphate; the current nationalistic and secular regimes have been a total disaster in terms of confronting Israel.

The military solution via the Caliphate is merely wishful thinking; those who are vocal about this are not living in Palestine facing the daily Israeli oppression. None of the Muslim countries are prepared to give military support to the Palestinians, this makes resisting Israeli occupation very difficult, let alone liberate Palestine. Furthermore, the re-establishment of Caliphate to liberate Palestine as a long term solution requires one to overcome several major hurdles:

There is no visible mass movement in the Muslim countries calling for the re-establishment of the Caliphate. Nobody knows when the Caliphate will return. It could be tomorrow or it could take a thousand years, by that time there might not be any Palestinians left in the region.
If the Caliphate is established, it would need to maintain its existence in the initial period and grow in strength, before it can help others. That could take substantial amount of time, and the task of liberating Palestine would be difficult, especially if it is established in distant lands. Like Muslim Spain, the Palestinians might be eradicated, if they simply continue to wait for the Caliphate to rescue them.
The Caliphate would need to unify the various Muslim countries to gain strength, which is a very difficult task, because each nation seeks to preserve its national identity. This is not something new, even from the early period of the Caliphate the presence of nationalism was visible and remained throughout its history. The ruling body of the Caliphate was confined to each dynasty, the Ottomans never produced an Arab ruler, and the Arab dynasties never produced a leader of non-Arab origin.
One has to consider, the Caliphate may collapse after it's re-established. The West destroyed the Caliphate once, and they can do it again. The gap between the Muslim countries and the West in terms of military strength continue to increase, this is a fact.
We see politically naive, hyper Islamic activists in distant West, waving the Caliphate as the 'solution'. If a solution exists, why is not being applied to rescue Palestine? Because, the 'solution' is only theoretical at the moment, they have not even managed to cross the first hurdle of establishing the Caliphate. Moreover, if they only reflected on history, they would have seen that Spain was lost in the presence of the Caliphate, so was Palestine for approximately 100 years before it was liberated by Salahuddin Ayubi. Then the bloody Mongol invasion of Baghdad, the entire city is destroyed, the Khalif is executed. The Ottoman Caliphate gradually lost all its territories, until it was dismantled completely in 1924. Hence, the Caliphate is not a guarantee to solve all problems. One has to keep all options open.

Therefore, what should the isolated Palestinians in the occupied territories do now, in terms of dealing with Israel? They are the ones living under bombs, bullets and sanctions, facing systemic eradication; it is a matter of survival for them as a nation. It is their prerogative to decide which direction they should take. Should they resist the Israeli occupation or make a truce or should they confine to the effort of re-establishing the Caliphate?

Palestine is not going to be suitable place for the re-establishment of the Caliphate, as it is under occupation; they can do very little to rebuild the state elsewhere being imprisoned, and fighting for survival, trying to meet the basic necessities of life. Maybe those hyper activists living comfortably in the West should migrate to places like Gaza with their families, and live there for a while, and contribute to this process of dealing with the Israelis, demonstrating how many real 'solutions' they can deliver.

More than likely, once they get glimpse of the real hardship, and face the Israeli firepower, they would run back to the West with a wiser head. Over the years, how many of them have gone to Palestine and lead by example to show how the Palestinians should not have truce, and continue to resist the Israelis on their own. Can you name one equivalent hyper Islamic-activist to the likes of Rachel Corrie? It was the collective effort and sacrifice of non-Muslim and Muslim peace activists, carrying aid to Gaza that brought it to world's attention once again. No matter how many aid ships leave from the West, none of these hyper Islamic-activists will be on board or provide any help to raise funds, as they sit in the West, confine their 'radical' solution to talking about the Caliphate.

If I thought the decision of Hamas to have a two-state solution was prohibited by Islam, I would first seek clarification from them. They also have learned Scholars amongst them. It is easy to shout from a distance that it is prohibited to agree any truce where it acknowledges the right of Israel to exist, when you are not the one with burden of responsibility and actually suffering; thus the Palestinians take a different view. They will no doubt argue it is one of necessity for them and the armchair critics residing in the West have no appreciation of the real situation to pass such a verdict in the first place.

If there was a truce with the Israelis, the Palestinians can get some breathing space to flourish, focus on building the society and wage a demographic war as they continue to increase their population, and concurrently try to convert the Jews and the pseudo-Jews of occupied Palestine. The truce does not prevent those working for the long term solution of the Caliphate to continue and if they can establish the Caliphate, the treaty is not binding on them, as they were not a party to the contract in the first place.

In addition, the truce can always be repudiated in the future when the facts on the ground change. When the Caliphate becomes strong, a pretext can always be construed with a little imagination. Thus, a truce does not mean the occupied land is being given up permanently.

Yamin Zakaria – Palestine: Two-State Solution of Hamas or wait for the Caliphate | Sabbah Report
In addition, the truce can always be repudiated in the future when the facts on the ground change. When the Caliphate becomes strong, a pretext can always be construed with a little imagination. Thus, a truce does not mean the occupied land is being given up permanently.
Ah...So the author is basically advocating deceit for the short term.
The khilafat Is Very near Insha Allah.......... the signs of the age of Imam Al Mahdi , Hazrat Isa (AS) and Dajjal have been fulfilled... If you ask any Islamic Scholar who have studied the signs of the arrival of Imam Al Mahdi , Hazrat Isa (AS) and Dajjal , he will undoubtedly say that we are living in their age..... WE ARE LIVING IN THE AGE OF IMAM AL MAHDI AND HAZRAT ISA (AS) AND DAJJAL...

So Israel will never accept independent Palestine.. Wait and see ... It will wage a big war in near future on the muslim world Insha ALLAH and US and UN will just watch it as if they are watching the movie.......

The Arrival Of Imam Al Mahdi is very near.....

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Who is going to be the Khalifa?

Will it be a voting system by representatives from each Muslim country?

What will he do? Will he unite the countries that are able to unite? What will be his responsibilities?
The Ottoman Caliphate rejected any two-state solution for Palestine. The Ottomans explicitly endorsed Palestine as the Jewish National Home in case the Empire collapsed. And the Jewish National Home they eventually endorsed included not just most of Palestine, but all of modern-day Jordan as well.
The Ottoman Caliphate rejected any two-state solution for Palestine. The Ottomans explicitly endorsed Palestine as the Jewish National Home in case the Empire collapsed. And the Jewish National Home they eventually endorsed included not just most of Palestine, but all of modern-day Jordan as well.

Source please, Mr. Soloman II, especially the part about "... in case the Empire collapsed". Not often did empires throughout history leave a "living will".

And this Jewish national home you speak of - the one promised by none other than the Sultan himself - is it not a one-state that encompasses everyone?

Or did the Sultan "promise" that the non-Jewish residents of this "National Home" would have no status?

Anyhow, except for the "return of refugee" bit, everything else about the two-state is as good as it gets ...
The Ottoman Caliphate rejected any two-state solution for Palestine. The Ottomans explicitly endorsed Palestine as the Jewish National Home in case the Empire collapsed. And the Jewish National Home they eventually endorsed included not just most of Palestine, but all of modern-day Jordan as well.

i dint get a word!makes no sense to me..
ottoman empire disintegrated in1924...holocaust in ww-II..jewish state established..1948
can u plz join the dots?
Two-State Solution of Hamas or wait for the Caliphate
By Yamin Zakaria
June 17, 2010


Isalmic Caliphate

Hamas, the elected government of Palestine recently stated that it is prepared to accept the two-state solution(1), according to the UN resolution, which demands total withdrawal of Israeli troops to the 1967 borders, and the implementation of resolution 194, meaning repatriation of the Palestinian refugees. East Jerusalem with the holy cites of Masjid Al-Aqsa would be under the control of Hamas. The other major party, the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) (Al Fatah – ed note), also concurs on this viewpoint; thus, a two-state solution seems to be representative of the vast majority of Palestinians living in the occupied territories.

This is contested by the minority view that opposes any form of agreement with Israel, and calls for a military solution: removal of Israel as an entity going back to pre 1948 borders. In practical terms, only a state can remove another state. To match the strength of Israel backed by the mighty US forces will require a strong unified state or an alliance of Muslim states. In Arab-Islamic history, such unity existed only under the Caliphate; the current nationalistic and secular regimes have been a total disaster in terms of confronting Israel.

The military solution via the Caliphate is merely wishful thinking; those who are vocal about this are not living in Palestine facing the daily Israeli oppression. None of the Muslim countries are prepared to give military support to the Palestinians, this makes resisting Israeli occupation very difficult, let alone liberate Palestine. Furthermore, the re-establishment of Caliphate to liberate Palestine as a long term solution requires one to overcome several major hurdles:

There is no visible mass movement in the Muslim countries calling for the re-establishment of the Caliphate. Nobody knows when the Caliphate will return. It could be tomorrow or it could take a thousand years, by that time there might not be any Palestinians left in the region.
If the Caliphate is established, it would need to maintain its existence in the initial period and grow in strength, before it can help others. That could take substantial amount of time, and the task of liberating Palestine would be difficult, especially if it is established in distant lands. Like Muslim Spain, the Palestinians might be eradicated, if they simply continue to wait for the Caliphate to rescue them.
The Caliphate would need to unify the various Muslim countries to gain strength, which is a very difficult task, because each nation seeks to preserve its national identity. This is not something new, even from the early period of the Caliphate the presence of nationalism was visible and remained throughout its history. The ruling body of the Caliphate was confined to each dynasty, the Ottomans never produced an Arab ruler, and the Arab dynasties never produced a leader of non-Arab origin.
One has to consider, the Caliphate may collapse after it's re-established. The West destroyed the Caliphate once, and they can do it again. The gap between the Muslim countries and the West in terms of military strength continue to increase, this is a fact.
We see politically naive, hyper Islamic activists in distant West, waving the Caliphate as the 'solution'. If a solution exists, why is not being applied to rescue Palestine? Because, the 'solution' is only theoretical at the moment, they have not even managed to cross the first hurdle of establishing the Caliphate. Moreover, if they only reflected on history, they would have seen that Spain was lost in the presence of the Caliphate, so was Palestine for approximately 100 years before it was liberated by Salahuddin Ayubi. Then the bloody Mongol invasion of Baghdad, the entire city is destroyed, the Khalif is executed. The Ottoman Caliphate gradually lost all its territories, until it was dismantled completely in 1924. Hence, the Caliphate is not a guarantee to solve all problems. One has to keep all options open.

Therefore, what should the isolated Palestinians in the occupied territories do now, in terms of dealing with Israel? They are the ones living under bombs, bullets and sanctions, facing systemic eradication; it is a matter of survival for them as a nation. It is their prerogative to decide which direction they should take. Should they resist the Israeli occupation or make a truce or should they confine to the effort of re-establishing the Caliphate?

Palestine is not going to be suitable place for the re-establishment of the Caliphate, as it is under occupation; they can do very little to rebuild the state elsewhere being imprisoned, and fighting for survival, trying to meet the basic necessities of life. Maybe those hyper activists living comfortably in the West should migrate to places like Gaza with their families, and live there for a while, and contribute to this process of dealing with the Israelis, demonstrating how many real 'solutions' they can deliver.

More than likely, once they get glimpse of the real hardship, and face the Israeli firepower, they would run back to the West with a wiser head. Over the years, how many of them have gone to Palestine and lead by example to show how the Palestinians should not have truce, and continue to resist the Israelis on their own. Can you name one equivalent hyper Islamic-activist to the likes of Rachel Corrie? It was the collective effort and sacrifice of non-Muslim and Muslim peace activists, carrying aid to Gaza that brought it to world's attention once again. No matter how many aid ships leave from the West, none of these hyper Islamic-activists will be on board or provide any help to raise funds, as they sit in the West, confine their 'radical' solution to talking about the Caliphate.

If I thought the decision of Hamas to have a two-state solution was prohibited by Islam, I would first seek clarification from them. They also have learned Scholars amongst them. It is easy to shout from a distance that it is prohibited to agree any truce where it acknowledges the right of Israel to exist, when you are not the one with burden of responsibility and actually suffering; thus the Palestinians take a different view. They will no doubt argue it is one of necessity for them and the armchair critics residing in the West have no appreciation of the real situation to pass such a verdict in the first place.

If there was a truce with the Israelis, the Palestinians can get some breathing space to flourish, focus on building the society and wage a demographic war as they continue to increase their population, and concurrently try to convert the Jews and the pseudo-Jews of occupied Palestine. The truce does not prevent those working for the long term solution of the Caliphate to continue and if they can establish the Caliphate, the treaty is not binding on them, as they were not a party to the contract in the first place.

In addition, the truce can always be repudiated in the future when the facts on the ground change. When the Caliphate becomes strong, a pretext can always be construed with a little imagination. Thus, a truce does not mean the occupied land is being given up permanently.

Yamin Zakaria – Palestine: Two-State Solution of Hamas or wait for the Caliphate | Sabbah Report

realistic enough!
the map is really intersting..thnx for sharing..
Who is going to be the Khalifa?

Will it be a voting system by representatives from each Muslim country?

What will he do? Will he unite the countries that are able to unite? What will be his responsibilities?

your answers ....

answer to question 1

Imam Al Mahdi will be the Khalifa Insha Allah ..... Prophet (SA) said

"he will fill the world with peace and justice as it will have been full of injustice and tyranny"
(tirmizi, Abu Dawood)

With big struggle and sacrifices, He and his army will prepare the world for the arrival of Hazrat Isa (AS) , so that he may come and rule the world from Jerusalam as he is the true Messiah....

answer to question 2

he will not be chosen by so called elections and votings......

He is a common man and in Masjid Al Haram about 300 muslims will recognize him as the Mahdi...

please study Hadiths of Prophet (SA) in which he have stated the signs that will indicate that The arrival of Mahdi is very near..

some of signs include that a ruler (most probably of Saudi Arabia as indicated in hadiths) and their will be great conflicts regarding the succession.... Another sign states there will be a lunar eclipse in the beginning and a lunar eclipse at the end of Ramadan and one solar eclipse in the mid of Ramadan... Another sign state that their will be killing and robbing of muslims while performing Hajj obligations in Arafat ... theses are few ... their are many other signs .. so search on internet the books about the signs of Mahdi's arrival.. in the year in which these signs will be fulfilled Insha Allah, Holy Prophet (SA) said Imam Al Mahdi will come in THE SAME YEAR

At first he will not accept their claim that he is in fact the Mahdi.. but later on forcing he will accept it and all of them will start the struggle for Islam....

answer to question 3

As stated above in the hadith , he and his army will struggle to finish injustice...... His main responsibilities will be Insha Allah to unite the MUSLIM UMMAH and to continue the already started Jihad against the non muslims who are doing cruelty and terrorism on muslims... He will fight great battles...

Pease read the book on Imam Al mahdi , Dajjal and Hazrat Isa (AS).... these are very easily available on internet....
Source please, Mr. Soloman II
I'm having a tough time finding a non-subscription link to the sources I want, but the Wikipedia entry on Abdul Hamid II contains this unattributed quote (I think it is from the diary of Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism) of the Caliph's reply to Herzl request that he endorse the return of Jews to their ancestral home:
...to have the scalpel cut my body is less painful than to witness Palestine being detached from the Khilafah state and this is not going to happen ...let the Jews keep their millions and once the Khilafah is torn apart one day, then they can take Palestine without a price -
Herzl thought it was a refusal. Yet it was not, for once the Ottoman Empire disintegrated, Caliph Muhammed VI explicitly endorsed Palestine as a Jewish National Home in Article 95 of the Treaty of Sevres. The terms regarding Palestine were incorporated into the British Mandate of Palestine by the League of Nations.
i dint get a word!makes no sense to me..
ottoman empire disintegrated in1924...holocaust in ww-II..jewish state established..1948
can u plz join the dots?
Xenia, the establishment of Palestine as a Jewish National Home was chartered by the Mandate of the League of Nations after World War I. It was all part of the re-formation of the three defeated empires - Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and Russian - into separate nation-states.

The British dithered (to put it mildly) in fulfilling the purposes of the Mandate. The United Nations (the League of Nations' successor) finally voted to on a plan to partition Palestine into separate Jewish and non-Jewish states in 1947. The Holocaust made the world community recognize that a Jewish State was a necessity, not an option.
Xenia, the establishment of Palestine as a Jewish National Home was chartered by the Mandate of the League of Nations after World War I. It was all part of the re-formation of the three defeated empires - Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and Russian - into separate nation-states.

The British dithered (to put it mildly) in fulfilling the purposes of the Mandate. The United Nations (the League of Nations' successor) finally voted to on a plan to partition Palestine into separate Jewish and non-Jewish states in 1947. The Holocaust made the world community recognize that a Jewish State was a necessity, not an option.

but the balfour declaration, later incorporated in treaty of sevres n LON's mandate explicitly declared the safety of rights of non-jews plus it was necessarily a two-state solution..

Originally Posted by Solomon2
The Ottoman Caliphate rejected any two-state solution for Palestine. The Ottomans explicitly endorsed Palestine as the Jewish National Home in case the Empire collapsed. And the Jewish National Home they eventually endorsed included not just most of Palestine, but all of modern-day Jordan as well.
i got the impression that ottoman wanted one state for jews!
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