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Palestine call for Pakistan army and Muslim countries for help

I say that he may, or may not be Pakistani, and until we know,
we also do not know if a Pakistani was shot down.
For that opinion, I do not need any source.
The glaring lack of any source either way is enough.

You say he was not Pakistani, without any credible source.

It is not productive for You to keep asking for source.
You fail in logical thinking.

I shared sources and none said Pakistan suffered any loss even Israel don't claim of any loss to PAF. PAF don't say it. Global security don't say it.

You say that PAF suffered loss and you don't provide any source and says that I failed in logical thinking?
Man are you high???
Isn't the commander to blame for that?

Technically true.

But, just as you cannot make a car fly, you cannot take someone ill disciplined by nature and lacking
in training to behave like professionals.
Since they think the Shiite's blood is najis, i think we should let Pakistanis to help them.
The wiki page of Azam says:

On June 5, 1967, he was called to defend Jordan's main base at Mafraq from the Israeli Air Force's Dassault Super Mystère aircraft. One of four Hunters flown by Pakistanis, Azam shot down 2 Israeli fighter and damaged another. On June 6, 1967, he was transferred to the Iraqi Air Force and was in western Iraq when four Israeli Vatourbombers escorted by two Mirage fighters attacked the airbase. One Mirage pilot, Captain Gideon Dror, shot down one Iraqi fighter including Azam's wingman, but was in turn shot down by Azam. Azam also shot down a Vatour bomber flown by Captain Golan. Both of them were taken as prisoners of war.

RJAF confirms something was shot down.

There are three alternatives.
  • A Pakistani Wingman got shot down
  • Azam flew with a Pakistani wingman on the 5th, but not on the 6th - Why
  • The wiki page is incorrect.

Until the identity of the pilot shot down is known, the statement that no Pakistani was
shot down is in doubt.

And Norse Mythology implies that all Muslims will die at Ragnarök,
so the future is not promising.

Who the are you ? I don't believe on future i belive on Allah and what the prophet says. i don't need any shitty argument or damn reports or whatever people guess of muslim future. I had strong belief on what prophet says.
Who the are you ? I don't believe on future i belive on Allah and what the prophet says. i don't need any shitty argument or damn reports or whatever people guess of muslim future. I had strong belief on what prophet says.

Let's hope for Your sake that your belief is well founded. Otherwise You are toast.

I shared sources and none said Pakistan suffered any loss even Israel don't claim of any loss to PAF. PAF don't say it. Global security don't say it.

You say that PAF suffered loss and you don't provide any source and says that I failed in logical thinking?
Man are you high???
You again fail, now in comprehension what I wrote.
Palestinians are being punished by Allah. There's nothing you can do to help them. :)
Palestinians are being punished by Allah. There's nothing you can do to help them. :)
"Helping" them materially makes it harder for Palestinian Arabs to change their aggressive mindset, since from their point of view they keep being rewarded for it. Perhaps less like religion and more like what happens in any neighborhood that's heavily supported by welfare payments: lacking competition via jobs people compete on pride and aggression instead.
Palestinians are being punished by Allah. There's nothing you can do to help them. :)
They, you know who, destroyed Ottoman empire then invaded Palestine, the Turks who believe in Ottoman empire must be the number one protectors of Palestine! We are suffering from that lack!!!
They, you know who, destroyed Ottoman empire then invaded Palestine, the Turks who believe in Ottoman empire must be the number one protectors of Palestine! We are suffering from that lack!!!
Palestinians revolted against Ottomans. Which is fine. But, why must we protect Palestine?
The Palestinians had the chance to fight their "'invaders" but they did nothing, this is their fault.
Palestinians revolted against Ottomans. Which is fine. But, why must we protect Palestine?
The Palestinians had the chance to fight their "'invaders" but they did nothing, this is their fault.
They need equipment, rock cannot defeat Tank and F-16. It is the incompetency of Muslim world
They need equipment, rock cannot defeat Tank and F-16. It is the incompetency of Muslim world

It's not really the 'Muslim world'. It's about tribal thinking. Jews, Turks, Arabs have backwards thinking due to their tribal nature.
They need equipment, rock cannot defeat Tank and F-16. It is the incompetency of Muslim world
They could have still fought.
They either didn't care for being ruled by British invaders, or happy for it.
Don't know why we should care?

It's not really the 'Muslim world'. It's about tribal thinking. Jews, Turks, Arabs have backwards thinking due to their tribal nature.
Least we were not ruled over others. :)
They, you know who, destroyed Ottoman empire then invaded Palestine, the Turks who believe in Ottoman empire must be the number one protectors of Palestine! We are suffering from that lack!!!
It's Israel that offers great hope to the Muslims, not Israel's enemies. You're still being played in the post-colonial game the Brits set up during WWII, diverting Muslims away from natural allies into serving Europeans instead.
It's Israel that offers great hope to the Muslims

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