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Palestine call for Pakistan army and Muslim countries for help

little Ten year-old girl is shot by Israelis


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Then why are you taking out each of those Gulf countries one-by-one using your underhandedly sponsored ARAB SPRING?

First Palestine, then Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Now syria.
Did anyone see that horrible video of Gadaffi's lynching by a mob (NATO soldiers wearing masks)
Later on, Obama admitted that the Arab Spring was all conspired by the US and Israel to take out Arab countries one-by-one.

The Arab Spring: Made in the USA
by Stuart Jeanne Bramhall / October 25th, 2015

book: L’Arabesque Américaine. It concerns the US government role in instigating, funding and coordinating the Arab Spring “revolutions.” Obviously most of this history has been carefully suppressed by the western media.The new book devotes much more attention to the personalities leading the 2011 uprisings. Some openly admitted to receiving CIA funding. Others had no idea because it was deliberately concealed from them. A few (in Egypt and Syria) were officially charged with espionage. In Egypt, seven sought refuge in the US embassy in Cairo and had to be evacuated by the State Department.

Democracy: America’s Biggest Export

MENA Arab Spring revolutions have four unique features in common:

  • None were spontaneous – all required careful and lengthy (5+ years) planning, by the State Department, CIA pass through foundations, George Soros, and the pro-Israel lobby.1
  • All focused exclusively on removing reviled despots without replacing the autocratic power structure that kept them in power.
  • No Arab Spring protests made any reference whatsoever to powerful anti-US sentiment over Palestine and Iraq.
  • All the instigators of Arab Spring uprisings were middle class, well educated youth who mysteriously vanished after 2011.
Nonviolent Regime Change

Introducing non-violent guru Gene Sharp (see The CIA and Nonviolence), his links with the Pentagon and US intelligence, and his role, as director of the Albert Einstein Institution, in the “color” revolutions.2 in Eastern Europe and the attempted coup against Hugo Chavez in 2002.))

The US goal in the Arab Spring revolutions was to replace unpopular despotic dictators while taking care to maintain the autocratic US-friendly infrastructure that had brought them to power. All initially followed the nonviolent precepts Sharp outlines in his 1994 book From Dictatorship to Democracy. In Libya, Syria and Yemen, the US and their allies were clearly prepared to introduce paid mercenaries when their Sharpian “revolutions” failed to produce regime change.

Follow the Money

Relying mainly on Wikileaks cables and the websites of key CIA pass through foundations every State Department conference and workshop the Arab Spring heroes attended, the dollar amounts spent on them by the State Department and key “democracy” promoting foundations3, the specific involvement of Google, Facebook, Twitter and Obama’s 2008 Internet campaign team in training Arab Spring cyperactivists in encryption technologies and social media skills, US embassy visits, and direct encounters with Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, John McCain, Barack Obama and Serbian trainers from CANVAS (the CIA-backed organization that overthrew Slobodan Milosevic in 2000).
It focuses most heavily on the Tahrir Square uprising in Egypt. The Washington Post has estimated approximately 10,000 Egyptians took part in NED and USAID training in social media and nonviolent organizing techniques. For me the most astonishing information in this chapter concerned the role of an Egyptian exile (a former Egyptian policeman named Omar Afifi Suleiman) in coordinating the Tahrir Square protests from his office in Washington DC. According to Wikileaks, NED paid Suleiman a yearly stipend of $200,000+ between 2008-2011.

When Nonviolence Fails

In Libya, there are Eleven key US assets who engineered the overthrow of Gaddafi. Some participated in the same State Department trainings as the Middle East opposition activists and instigated nonviolent Facebook and Twitter protests to coincide with the 2011 uprisings in Tunisian and Egypt. Others, in exile, underwent guerrilla training sponsored by the CIA, Mossad, Chad and Saudi Arabia. A few months after Gaddafi’s assassination, some of these same militants would lead Islamic militias attempting to overthrow Assad in Syria.

Between 2005 and 2010, the State Department funneled $12 million to opposition groups opposed to Assad. The US also financed Syrian exiles in Britain to start an anti-government cable TV channel they beamed into Syria.

A handful of Syrian opposition activists who received free US training in cyberactivism and nonviolent resistance beginning in 2006. One, Ausama Monajed, is featured in the 2011 film How to Start a Revolution about a visit with Gene Sharp in 2006. Monajed and others worked closely with the US embassy, funded by the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI). This is a State Department program that operates in countries (such as Libya and Syria) where USAID is banned.

In February 2011, these groups posted a call on Twitter and Facebook for a Day of Rage. Nothing happened. When Sharpian techniques failed to produce a sizable nonviolent uprising, as in Libya, they and their allies (Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Jordan) were all set up to introduce Islamic mercenaries (many directly from Libya) to declare war on the Assad regime.

  1. I was astonished to learn that Forum Fikra, a forum for Arab activists working against authoritarian governments, was mainly funded by the Nathan and Esther K Wagner Family Foundation. The latter also funds numerous pro-Israel groups and projects, as well as the Washington Institute for Near East policy (a pro-Israel group with close ties to AIPAC).
  2. The color revolutions were CIA-instigated uprisings that replaced democratically elected pro-Russian governments with equally autocratic governments more friendly to US corporate interests:
    Serbia (2000) – Bulldozer Revolution
    Georgia (2002) – Rose Revolution
    Ukraine (2004) – Orange Revolution
    Kyrgyzstan (2005) – Tulip Revolution
  3. Democracy promoting foundations (as used here, “democracy” is synonymous with capitalism, ie favorable to the interests of US investors). Here are seven of the main ones involved in funding and training Arab Spring activists:
    USAID (US Agency for International Development) – State Department agency charged with economic development and humanitarian aid with a long history of financing destabilization activities, especially in Latin America.
    NED (National Endowment for Democracy) – national organization supported by State Department and CIA funding dedicated to the promotion of democratic institutions throughout the world, primary funder of IRI and NDI.
    IRI (International Republican Institute) – democracy promoting organization linked with the Republican Party, currently chaired by Senator John McCain and funded by NED.
    NDI (National Democratic Institute for International Affairs) – democracy promoting organization linked with the Democratic Party, currently chaired by Madeline Albright and funded by NED.
    OSI (Open Society Institute) – founded by George Soros in 1993 to help fund color revolutions in Eastern Europe. Also contributed major funding to Arab Spring revolutions.
    • Freedom House – US organization that supports nonviolent citizens initiatives in societies were liberty is denied or threatened, financed by USAID, NED and the Soros Foundation.
    CANVAS (Center for Applied Non Violent Action and Strategies) – center originally founded by the Serbian activists of Otpor who the US funded and trained to over throw Slobodan Milosevic and who were instrumental in training Arab Spring activists. Funded by Freedom House, IRI and George Soros
Dr. Bramhall is a retired American psychiatrist and political refugee in New Zealand. She has published a free, downloadable non-fiction ebook 21st Century Revolution. Her first book The Most Revolutionary Act: Memoir of an American Refugee describes the circumstances that led her to leave the US in 2002. Email her at: stuartbramhall@yahoo.co.nz. Read other articles by Stuart Jeanne, or visit Stuart Jeanne's website.

This article was posted on Sunday, October 25th, 2015 at 10:06pm and is filed under Book Review, CIA, Egypt, Espionage/"Intelligence", Israel/Palestine, Jordan, Libya, Media, Mossad, Propaganda, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Social media, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, WikiLeaks, Yemen.
Nothing you wrote down is true
Brother, you actually believe in conspiracy theories
The Arab spring, for example, happened because of al-Jazeera with the addition of Obama's lack of understanding in the Middle East and you got a mess,
And you still linked Israel to this, Israel in general supports stability in the Arab world so that Israel will have a partner against Iran.

A few years later after illegally taking over more land, you Will invent a new explanation for what was promised to you. And feed the holocaust to the Western populace to justify your means to your end.
Specifically, a Jewish political entity can have only two claims to a right (permanent or temporary) over a certain area.
The Land of Israel - an eternal right
Area occupied in a defensive war - a temporary right
As soon as these two conditions are not fulfilled we have nothing to talk about.

The talk about the Holocaust does not help us, on the contrary it bothers us,
For the simple reason that there are elements in Europe who want to turn us into monsters and thus justify the Holocaust.
If Israel will cause the Europeans too many feelings of guilt, it will turn against us and act against us (this is already happening in reality), and in Israel they know this and try to be in proportion, But of course you will recite slogans that you have heard from some self-appointed expert
This is a test for pakistan.
Will it be a man and support palestine with more than words ?
I have my doubts.
Not everyone can take on the dragon like india is doing to support his tibetan and bhutanese friends.
Go and live in your basket.
little Ten year-old girl is shot by Israelis
Look at the picture on the right, the girl on the floor is a 16 year old terrorist who came to stab a policeman, she managed to stab but the policeman shot her and wounded her moderately, then evacuated her to the hospital, today she is still alive (unfortunately)
The weapons are aimed at her because she was not neutralized
The police could have killed her and did not kill, people could have lynched her but they did not.

Those israhell are even worst than animal.
Look at the picture on the right, the girl on the floor is a 16 year old terrorist who came to stab a policeman, she managed to stab but the policeman shot her and wounded her moderately, then evacuated her to the hospital, today she is still alive (unfortunately)
The weapons are aimed at her because she was not neutralized
The police could have killed her and did not kill, people could have lynched her but they did not.
@ Mountain Jew

I got to admit that's a very convincing fairytale you've come up with. such tales are very persuasive when it comes to creating empathy among the western audience.
any thoughts on this soccer game of kids?

Israel’s advocate general’s office said the attack, which led to the death of four boys aged between nine and 11 was a “tragic accident”.

An account of the investigation, an Israeli army representative said the strike had targeted a “compound” which had been known as belonging to Hamas’s Naval Police and Naval Force (including naval commandos)”.

But journalists who examined the place of the incident in the immediate aftermath of the attack – including a reporter from the Guardian – saw a small and dilapidated fisherman’s hut containing a few tools where the children had been playing hide-and-seek.

Mohammad Ramiz Bakr, 11, Ahed Atef Bakr and Zakariya Ahed Bakr, both 10, and Ismail Mahmoud Bakr, nine, were killed when they were hit by explosive rounds. Three of them died as they sought to flee the beach after the first child was killed.

Three other people were injured in the attack: Hamad Bakr, 13, was hit by shrapnel in his chest; his cousin Motasem, 11, injured in his head and legs, and Mohammad Abu Watfah, 21, who was hit by shrapnel in his stomach.

The conclusion of the Israeli military investigation comes while the Israel is under an Investigation by Human rights watch to establish whether war crimes were committed during the Gaza war – both by Israel and Hamas. The finding will inevitably raise questions over the way in which Israel investigates incidents in which civilians were killed.

Israel’s conduct in last summer’s war was thrown under a harsh spotlight last month with the publication of the testimonies of dozens of soldiers who served in Gaza, collected by the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, which included allegations that Israel did not meet the obligations to protect civilians in wartime.

According to the UN, 2,200 Palestinians were killed in the 50-day conflict, of whom 1,492 were civilians, 605 militants and 123 unverified.

Thursday’s statement by the Israeli Forces said the conclusion came at the end of an “extensive criminal investigation”.

“During the investigation,” it added, “testimonies were collected from a large number of IDF soldiers and officers who were involved in the planning and execution of the attack.”

The statement continued: “Additionally, an extensive number of documents relating to the attack were reviewed, along with video footage documenting the attack in real time, as well as media images and video footage which documented parts of the incident.

“Efforts were made to collect the testimonies of Gaza strip residents who were, allegedly, witnesses to the incident. In this context, the collection of testimony from three witnesses was coordinated. Regretfully, despite the prior coordination, the witnesses eventually declined to meet the investigators, and instead provided affidavits in regard to the incident.”

Although the attack was witnessed by a Guardian reporter, no attempt was made by the Israeli military investigators to seek a statement.

The IDF statement continued: “From the factual findings collected by the investigators, it revealed that the incident took place in an area that had long been known as a compound belonging to Hamas’s Naval Police and Naval Force (including naval commandos), and which was utilized exclusively by militants.”

The hut, however, was in plain sight of nearby hotels housing international journalists, none of whom described seeing militants in the area at the time of the attack.

Continuing its statement the Israeli military continued: “The compound in question spans the length of the breakwater of the Gaza City seashore, closed off by a fence and clearly separated from the beach serving the civilian population.

“It further found in the course of the investigation (including from the affidavits provided by Palestinian witnesses), that the compound was known to the residents of the Gaza Strip as a compound which was used exclusively by Hamas’s Naval Police.

“The IDF carried out a number of attacks on the compound in the days prior to the incident. In the course of one such attack, which took place on the day prior to the incident (15 July 2014), a container located inside the compound, which was used to store military supplies, was attacked.”

The Israeli claims appear at odds in several details with what journalists were able to see at the time.

The breakwater is both easily accessible from a side lane and also is located on one of the busiest parts of the public beach in Gaza port and accessible not only to the fishermen who use it, but local Palestinians who come to sunbathe and swim within feet of it.

The container described in the Israeli finding also appeared to contain no military equipment.

Describing the moment of the attack the Iisraeli military continues: “On 16 July, aerial surveillance identified a number of figures entering the compound at a running pace.

“These figures entered a shed adjoining the container which had been attacked the day prior. Against the backdrop of the aforementioned intelligence assessment, these were believed to be militants from Hamas’s Naval Forces, who had arrived at the compound in order to prepare to execute the aforementioned military activity against the IDF. It should be stressed that the figures were not identified at any point during the incident, as children.”

“In light of the above, it was decided to conduct an aerial attack against the figures which had been identified, after all the necessary authorizations for an attack had been obtained, and after a civilian presence in the area had been ruled out.

“When one of the identified figures entered into the remains of the container which had been attacked on the day prior to the incident, one missile was fired from the air towards the container and the adjoining shed. As a result of this attack, it appeared that one of the figures identified was hit. Following this attack, the rest of the figures began to run in the direction of the compound’s exit. Shortly before their exit from the compound, an additional missile was fired from the air towards them, which hit the figures in question after they had exited the compound.”

What is not clear from the Israeli report is why Israeli targeters had failed to identify that children had been playing on the beach prior to the attack.

(I'm not allowed to link external sources on this website for some reason otherwise I could have shown the video of how the Israeli soldiers enjoy killing children and mocking them)
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@ Mountain Jew

I got to admit that's a very convincing fairytale you've come up with. such tales are very persuasive when it comes to creating empathy among the western audience.
any thoughts on this soccer game of kids?

Israel’s advocate general’s office said the attack, which led to the death of four boys aged between nine and 11 was a “tragic accident”.

An account of the investigation, an Israeli army representative said the strike had targeted a “compound” which had been known as belonging to Hamas’s Naval Police and Naval Force (including naval commandos)”.

But journalists who examined the place of the incident in the immediate aftermath of the attack – including a reporter from the Guardian – saw a small and dilapidated fisherman’s hut containing a few tools where the children had been playing hide-and-seek.

Mohammad Ramiz Bakr, 11, Ahed Atef Bakr and Zakariya Ahed Bakr, both 10, and Ismail Mahmoud Bakr, nine, were killed when they were hit by explosive rounds. Three of them died as they sought to flee the beach after the first child was killed.

Three other people were injured in the attack: Hamad Bakr, 13, was hit by shrapnel in his chest; his cousin Motasem, 11, injured in his head and legs, and Mohammad Abu Watfah, 21, who was hit by shrapnel in his stomach.

The conclusion of the Israeli military investigation comes while the Israel is under an Investigation by Human rights watch to establish whether war crimes were committed during the Gaza war – both by Israel and Hamas. The finding will inevitably raise questions over the way in which Israel investigates incidents in which civilians were killed.

Israel’s conduct in last summer’s war was thrown under a harsh spotlight last month with the publication of the testimonies of dozens of soldiers who served in Gaza, collected by the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, which included allegations that Israel did not meet the obligations to protect civilians in wartime.

According to the UN, 2,200 Palestinians were killed in the 50-day conflict, of whom 1,492 were civilians, 605 militants and 123 unverified.

Thursday’s statement by the Israeli Forces said the conclusion came at the end of an “extensive criminal investigation”.

“During the investigation,” it added, “testimonies were collected from a large number of IDF soldiers and officers who were involved in the planning and execution of the attack.”

The statement continued: “Additionally, an extensive number of documents relating to the attack were reviewed, along with video footage documenting the attack in real time, as well as media images and video footage which documented parts of the incident.

“Efforts were made to collect the testimonies of Gaza strip residents who were, allegedly, witnesses to the incident. In this context, the collection of testimony from three witnesses was coordinated. Regretfully, despite the prior coordination, the witnesses eventually declined to meet the investigators, and instead provided affidavits in regard to the incident.”

Although the attack was witnessed by a Guardian reporter, no attempt was made by the Israeli military investigators to seek a statement.

The IDF statement continued: “From the factual findings collected by the investigators, it revealed that the incident took place in an area that had long been known as a compound belonging to Hamas’s Naval Police and Naval Force (including naval commandos), and which was utilized exclusively by militants.”

The hut, however, was in plain sight of nearby hotels housing international journalists, none of whom described seeing militants in the area at the time of the attack.

Continuing its statement the Israeli military continued: “The compound in question spans the length of the breakwater of the Gaza City seashore, closed off by a fence and clearly separated from the beach serving the civilian population.

“It further found in the course of the investigation (including from the affidavits provided by Palestinian witnesses), that the compound was known to the residents of the Gaza Strip as a compound which was used exclusively by Hamas’s Naval Police.

“The IDF carried out a number of attacks on the compound in the days prior to the incident. In the course of one such attack, which took place on the day prior to the incident (15 July 2014), a container located inside the compound, which was used to store military supplies, was attacked.”

The Israeli claims appear at odds in several details with what journalists were able to see at the time.

The breakwater is both easily accessible from a side lane and also is located on one of the busiest parts of the public beach in Gaza port and accessible not only to the fishermen who use it, but local Palestinians who come to sunbathe and swim within feet of it.

The container described in the Israeli finding also appeared to contain no military equipment.

Describing the moment of the attack the Iisraeli military continues: “On 16 July, aerial surveillance identified a number of figures entering the compound at a running pace.

“These figures entered a shed adjoining the container which had been attacked the day prior. Against the backdrop of the aforementioned intelligence assessment, these were believed to be militants from Hamas’s Naval Forces, who had arrived at the compound in order to prepare to execute the aforementioned military activity against the IDF. It should be stressed that the figures were not identified at any point during the incident, as children.”

“In light of the above, it was decided to conduct an aerial attack against the figures which had been identified, after all the necessary authorizations for an attack had been obtained, and after a civilian presence in the area had been ruled out.

“When one of the identified figures entered into the remains of the container which had been attacked on the day prior to the incident, one missile was fired from the air towards the container and the adjoining shed. As a result of this attack, it appeared that one of the figures identified was hit. Following this attack, the rest of the figures began to run in the direction of the compound’s exit. Shortly before their exit from the compound, an additional missile was fired from the air towards them, which hit the figures in question after they had exited the compound.”

What is not clear from the Israeli report is why Israeli targeters had failed to identify that children had been playing on the beach prior to the attack.

(I'm not allowed to link external sources on this website for some reason otherwise I could have shown the video of how the Israeli soldiers enjoy killing children and mocking them)

The Israeli investigation was based on the statements of human rights organizations and journalists.
Israel under pressure did not examine what really happened and decided to rely on foreign sources,
Israel then opened a criminal investigation into whether the incident was a mistake or not.
Concluded that this could not have happened deliberately because the documents from the planes, the UAV and the communications network indicate that the planes did not fire because they identified them as uninvolved, which led Israel to end the investigation and announce that the incident was not deliberate.
What Israel did not examine (out of great pressure from the world) is whether Israel is the one who killed the children or not,
In other words, in Israel they assumed that there was an explosion and they accused us, so we apparently fired.
The main thing is to provide an explanation for the world, not to strive for truth.
There was no professional investigation despite similar incidents in the past that turned out to be Hamas propaganda, Hamas kills children and then accuses Israel of killing them.
Investigators who were not connected to Israel then investigated the incident and concluded that it was Hamas who was accused of killing the children, not Israel.
A similar incident from 2006

The full movie

The full investigation
You obviously need proofs for legitimizing shooting down little babies. No wonder you can come up with so many. Imagine for once if you saw your own baby boy/girl squirming to death in front of you. how would you feel? Digesting 1 little kid's death is a heart-cracker, leaves a permanent scar on one's heart for life. And Israel has taken the lives of thousands of little innocent babies? Were they all killed by Hamas?
What are you jews doing here in the first place? Did Mossad assign you the task of infiltrating Pakistani Army websites and make sure Pakistan stays out of the Palestine issue?

It's very easy to find some random guy and having him testify in your favour either by force or by bribing him, like the video you linked.
Our political parties do this all the time to win the elections.

I can link a video which clearly shows israeli snipers targeting and shooting nonviolent palestinian families, including women and children just for fun or target practice, but this website does let me use hyperlinks in my posts, wonder why?

launching missiles in a densely populated area like the Gaza strip where the poor palestinian families have been forced into is bound to result in civilians casualties, yet your forces do it deliberately

The only media sources or investigations which have been in support of Israel are either U.S owned or from European pro-jewish lobbies. Most of the media is owned by jews anyway.
But Human rights watch, amnesty intl., and Al-jazeera have time and again exposed israeli crimes against humanity


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Imagine for once if you saw your own baby boy/girl squirming to death in front of you. how would you feel?
I will be sad, and I will check why it happened, and what I can do to prevent it.
For example, if I were an Arab living in Gaza and my son was killed in one of Israel's bombings, I would ask myself why Israel is bombing and why now and not all the time.
I will come to the conclusion that Israel is attacking because Hamas is attacking Israel, the moment Hamas does not attack Israel, there is quiet in Gaza.
Then I will ask myself why Hamas attacks Israel, and the answer will be to destroy Israel and thereby liberate Palestine.
And then if I am not prepared to sacrifice my children for the sake of liberating Palestine, I will accuse Hamas of actually inviting the Israeli air force to bomb,
And if I am willing to sacrifice my children to liberate Palestine, then I will blame Israel.

Digesting 1 little kid's death is a heart-cracker, leaves a permanent scar on one's heart for life.
I agree with you in 100%.

And Israel has taken the lives of thousands of little innocent babies?
Though not intentionally, but yes Israel hit and killed babies.
In a war in a crowded place like Gaza against an organization that uses children as human shields, children will unfortunately die.
Reality hurts.

Were they all killed by Hamas?
Those killed on the beach? Yes
As for the rest of the people, as I explained before, if those people were willing to sacrifice their lives to liberate Palestine then they are to blame and Hamas is actually the one who killed them.
If they were not willing to die for the liberation of Palestine and they did not choose Hamas to rule over it, then Israel can be blamed.

What are you jews doing here in the first place?
Jews have been present in Israel continuously for over 3200 years.
What are we doing here? This is our country.

Did Mossad assign you the task of infiltrating Pakistani Army websites and make sure Pakistan stays out of the Palestine issue?
The Mossad did not recruit me, and will not enlist in the future, I am anti-Israel and anti-Zionist.
Pakistan has no influence on the "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict.
No one in Israel cares about Pakistan except what will happen if terrorists will take over the nuclear weapons.

It's very easy to find some random guy and having him testify in your favour either by force or by bribing him, like the video you linked.
I don't care what you think now and what you will think in the future.
You wrote wrong things and I'm here to fix, I hate things that sin against the truth.
Do not offend, but you specifically, don't interest me at all.

Our political parties do this all the time to win the elections.
It is a worldwide phenomenon.

I can link a video which clearly shows israeli snipers targeting and shooting nonviolent palestinian families, including women and children just for fun or target practice,
So show me,
Look, I'm sure there were dumb soldiers who did dumb things.
Jews are not angels.
And if I will see a video in which the soldiers are guilty I will admit it, and if I will see a video that is false I will prove the lie.

but this website does let me use hyperlinks in my posts, wonder why?
I think it's because you're new.

launching missiles in a densely populated area like the Gaza strip where the poor palestinian families have been forced into is bound to result in civilians casualties, yet your forces do it deliberately
Attacking targets in Gaza on purpose? Yes
Attacking uninvolved civilians on purpose? No
Israel does not have too many choices as soon as missiles are fired at it.

The only media sources or investigations which have been in support of Israel are either U.S owned or from European pro-jewish lobbies.
USA and Australia (partially)
Not Europe
On the other hand, those against Israel will come from the Arab / Muslim world
Or from the global left,
Who sees the world as strong and weak and hates the strong, in the "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict, Israel is the strongest and therefore hated.
In Israel's wars with the Arab states, Israel was the weakest and was popular in the media.

European pro-jewish lobbies.
Most of the lobbies in Europe, which are related to Israel or to the Jews, are anti-Israel/Jews.

Most of the media is owned by jews anyway.
Most of the media in the world? No
Much of the US media? Yes
Nevertheless, most of the media in the US and abroad are against Israel.
A large part of the Jews in the West are leftists, and therefore they don't support Israel, and this is reflected in the media, among other things.

But Human rights watch, amnesty intl., and Al-jazeera have time and again exposed israeli crimes against humanity
Human rights watch and amnesty, they are biased organizations that are caught time and again in lies and falsifications.
Al Jazeera is the most biased media in the world
They support anyone who is affiliated with or supports the Muslim Brotherhood (Qatar, Turkey, Iran, Hamas)
And against the rest of the world (including Israel)
It's All propaganda, you will not find the truth over there.
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