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Palestine call for Pakistan army and Muslim countries for help

That RJAF don't claim that it was a Pakistani so you failed.

I shared wiki and PAF website and a renowned website while you shared wiki.

I made a claim and you questioned it but couldn't ridicule it.

You failed as always and embarrased yourself. Practically if you question someone and say that it didn't happened than you have to provide proof to ridicule it and if you can't than you need to shut up and don't cray like a baby.

No, I did not say it did not happen.
I said it is questionable.
The RJAF proves that further investigation is needed for Your claim to be proven true.

You showed a credible website confirming kills.
You showed no credible website confirming no losses.

You keep on forgetting what was said in the thread.
You make claims that I said thing, which a kid reading the thread realizes I did not say.

I let the thread speak for itself
No, I did not say it did not happen.
I said it is questionable.
The RJAF proves that further investigation is needed for Your claim to be proven true.

You showed a credible website confirming kills.
You showed no credible website confirming no losses.

You keep on forgetting what was said in the thread.
You make claims that I said thing, which a kid reading the thread realizes I did not say.

I let the thread speak for itself

I am gonna put you on ignore list because I can't tolerate a kiddo anymore.
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This seems to be more like an ethnic Arab vs Jewish conflict, we shouldn't get involved as its got nothing to do with us. Muslim countries like Turkey etc. have already recognized Israel and so should we.

What a despicable attitude. I guarantee if Pakistan was in Palestines position you would have a completely different tune.

If Pakistan recognises Israel, I'm throwing my NADRA card out the window.
What a despicable attitude. I guarantee if Pakistan was in Palestines position you would have a completely different tune.

If Pakistan recognises Israel, I'm throwing my NADRA card out the window.
We don't need your recognition. You're talking as if you think you are superior to us.
Mate, The life expectancy at birth in Pakistan is 67.05 while in Israel it is 81.28
The number of deaths of infants under one year old in a given year per 1,000 live births in Pakistan is 57.48 while in Israel it is 3.98
The GDP per capita in Pakistan is $3,100 while in Israel it is $36,200
7.80 in every 100,000 people are murdered annually in Pakistan compared to 1.70 in Israel
How are you in any was superior?
We don't commit ethnic cleansing or steal other people's land.
Others would argue that PAKistan is an artificial entity created by two colonial powers (British and Islamic) on Indian lands...
The sane would argue that Pakistanis being natives to the land and not foreigners have just as much right to it as the Indians.
Where are our Arab "brothers" when Muslims in our country are slaughtered by hindu fanatics?

They are more busy hugging and taking selfies with you-know-whom.

They don't care about us. I feel nothing for them.
Yes Israelis are definitely the natives that's why they came flocking from Europe and the rest of the Middle East after the holocaust. Honestly you are thick.
Yes, the "Palestinians" are definitely natives,they(most) came in the last 100-150 years(as the jews) from:
Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Caucasus, Bosnia, India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Kurdistan
But of course they are "natives"
Yes, the "Palestinians" are definitely natives,they(most) came in the last 100-150 years(as the jews) from:
Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Caucasus, Bosnia, India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Kurdistan
But of course they are "natives"
More native than the Jews that's for sure.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Defence.pk mobile app
More native than the Jews that's for sure.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Defence.pk mobile app
No way
Jews have been present in the Land of Israel for 3300 years in a row
There is no more indigenous population than us, and even if all the Jews suddenly disappear
So the Samaritans are the "next generation", they have been here 2700 years in a row
No way
Jews have been present in the Land of Israel for 3300 years in a row
There is no more indigenous population than us, and even if all the Jews suddenly disappear
So the Samaritans are the "next generation", they have been here 2700 years in a row
Blah blah blah
ews have been present in the Land of Israel for 3300 years in a row

that is bullshit.. our real view is this this land does not belong to palestinians or arabs or europeans it belongs to muslims:

Musa A.S was a muslim.. a beliver, gods prophet.. so since we muslims are beliver he is one of our forefathers in belief that means we were there when he got out of egypt too :)
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