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Pakistan's Shan Spices taste success in India

I guess you also have a sweet tooth like me ..:)

Our south Indian recipes 're a little different so I dont use shan spices on a daily basis but I do use their aamchur powder, paav bhaji masala,chicken broast masala & butter chicken masala.Thats all I use!
Rest of the powders 're all Indian brands or bought from flour mills here.

So you can cook?:azn:
Of which,,MDH? Btw these are famous on all india. Not just in south.

@levina even maggi masala is famous,, here in delhi.
Shan has also introduced middle eastern food spices recently looks like they wanna diversify , saw a khabbsa rice spice pack a few days ago
Do the grow all the spices (like pepper) in Pakistan or import and mix/blend?
I have heard National Spices are famous in punjab region while Shaan is more famous in Karachi.
I only know about the biryani bit.
My mother makes the best biryani and she uses National !
I use HABIB curry king, Nihari and chicken hara masala
Certified Iron chef,
Seriously?? :girl_wacko:

FaujHistorian said:
based on all the food prep videos I watch. :lol:
Seriously I can whip up some killer dishes like chicken salan and black-daal flavored with secret (not shaan) spices.

FaujHistorian said:
Dang! Looks like it.

I don't know how to describe it though.
some kind of mates
may be simply sweet-preference mates.

kheer-mates actually :angel:

FaujHistorian said:
We need to make sure to overpower those delicious southern dishes with bad-@rse terrible stuff like chicken makhani. Not! hahahaha.
I'm not sure if you've tried any south-Indian dishes. :-)

Of which,,MDH? Btw these are famous on all india. Not just in south.
nai not MDH.
There 're some south Indian brands like Brahmin's and double-horse (famous among the keralites )

kaku1 said:
@levina even maggi masala is famous,, here in delhi.
@Dem!god told me about it. :D
For most regular Indian cooking, the masalas used are MDH's .. Shan is making inroads in non veg cooking.. quite popular here in US..
Haven't seen this brand here(Cochin).
There are Non-Veg masala's available (A lot of brands from Kerala). But, our cuisine(meat items) are different from northern ones. Double Horse, Eastern are the common brands.
I could always go for some of that sour spicy potatoes on the Indian menu. Beats anything we have by a mile.
That's really cool term. you must be a poet in your prior incarnation.
If so I would 've been "dhabba" in the name of a poet. :P

FaujHistorian said:
I am not that dangerous. perhaps 7 on the danger scale of 10, that's all.
Same pinch :D
I'm just as good as you, recently I was frying green chillies in my laboratory when 2 of 'em caught fire..i mean literally..I thanked my stars that I wasnt standing too close to the cooking range. Gosh!!

FaujHistorian said:
Would Idli and Massala dosa count?
Hmmm... not really :) ... its too common, in north India the sambar and chutney they serve with idlli and dosa 're not even close to the authentic south Indian food.
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