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Pakistani Scientist Among 10 Global Thematic Icons of the Decade 2001-2010

Your conclusion is erroneous and based on oversimplification of my statement.

btw Check this on the Express Tribune article. Fishy no ? :coffee:

I no need to check ok? because he is a great scientist,
You go & put case in the court & then shut your mouth,
Why U want to zip your self, Mr Stumper Don't zip your self, I think your research looks Null to me,
come to me I'll fill your blanks & i will salve your problem, Don't worry I'll send to you my direction,

Hey Mr stumper What is your problem? Why you are coming from different names? In TRIBUNE web by the name Ali, faraz, Farrukh, Siddiqui, Tahir Siddique, Ruszn & Yousaf Khan? Stumper, H2O3C4Nitrogen & IndianOptimist, & posting your comments,
Now in this web you posted comments by different names like Stumper, H2O3C4Nitrogen & IndianOptimist,
What is the name I should give you? Mr CV, Jungle Khan, Jumper, Dumper, Jealous woman, or jealous Gay, Your CV problem I’ll salve, Come to me I’m living in Singapore,
My address is Marin Parade No.25 D.block, Han when you get down to airport, ist you get a train to Unios & from Unios station you get a bus no.13 to Marin Parade Than you can Reach me, I’m in knight sitting in National park front of beach, I will waiting for you, Now you must cool down your self & close your big mouth, because I’m going to salve your problem,
I’m not a Pakistani But i salute to him, because he don a great work & he is a great scientist,
If you want to know any thing more & wanna do some more research then I’ll give you my N.I.C no. & my passport number, pleas find my CV, understand?
You were posted comments to smoe1 here that in your family 2persons are Phd holder, If not you give me there CV number because i wanna do research in there CV,
Why U want to zip your self, Mr Stumper Don't zip your self, I think your research looks Null to me,
come to me I'll fill your blanks & i will salve your problem, Don't worry I'll send to you my direction,

Hey Mr stumper What is your problem? Why you are coming from different names? In TRIBUNE web by the name Ali, faraz, Farrukh, Siddiqui, Tahir Siddique, Ruszn & Yousaf Khan? & posting your comments,
Now in this web you posted comments by different names like Stumper, H2O3C4Nitrogen IndianOptimist, & justanobserver,
What is the name I should give you? Mr CV, Jungle Khan, Jumper, Dumper, Jealous woman, or jealous Gay, Your CV problem I’ll salve, Come to me I’m living in Singapore,
My address is Marin Parade No.25 D.block, Han when you get down to airport, ist you get a train to Unios & from Unios station you get a bus no.13 to Marin Parade Than you can Reach me, I’m in knight sitting in National park front of beach, I will waiting for you, Now you must cool down your self & close your big mouth, because I’m going to salve your problem,
I’m not a Pakistani But i salute to him, because he don a great work & he is a great scientist,
If you want to know any thing more & wanna do some more research then I’ll give you my N.I.C no. & my passport number, pleas find my CV, understand?
You were posted comments to smoe1 here that in your family 2persons are Phd holder, If not you give me there CV number because i wanna do research in there CV, I'll see you soon If you a man,
Hey Mr stumper What is your problem? Why you are coming from different names? In TRIBUNE web by the name Ali, faraz, Farrukh, Siddiqui, Tahir Siddique, Ruszn & Yousaf Khan? & posting your comments,
Now in this web you posted comments by different names like Stumper, H2O3C4Nitrogen IndianOptimist, & justanobserver,
What is the name I should give you? Mr CV, Jungle Khan, Jumper, Dumper, Jealous woman, or jealous Gay, Your CV problem I’ll salve, Come to me I’m living in Singapore,
My address is Marin Parade No.25 D.block, Han when you get down to airport, ist you get a train to Unios & from Unios station you get a bus no.13 to Marin Parade Than you can Reach me, I’m in knight sitting in National park front of beach, I will waiting for you, Now you must cool down your self & close your big mouth, because I’m going to salve your problem,
I’m not a Pakistani But i salute to him, because he don a great work & he is a great scientist,
If you want to know any thing more & wanna do some more research then I’ll give you my N.I.C no. & my passport number, pleas find my CV, understand?
You were posted comments to smoe1 here that in your family 2persons are Phd holder, If not you give me there CV number because i wanna do research in there CV, I'll see you soon If you a man,

Dude are you okay ? :what:
I'm alright, I think you should consult the doctor & salve your problem

Brother, I understand. You tried searching but could not find any info. Neither could I. So just chill, as rest of pakistani members are doing. Also, please show the right flag.

Appears to be another attempt at self aggrandizement.
But I am also thinking, can I open a blog and declare me among the "10 most influencial persons ever walked on earth".
wow its great news, Pakistan need scientist like you, come on all Pakistanis we should salute to him:pakistan:
Your conclusion is erroneous and based on oversimplification of my statement.

btw Check this on the Express Tribune article. Fishy no ? :coffee:

Hey Mr khan whats wrong with you? & why crying?
you can't make fool any one by this type of mails, I also can make some this type of mail, don't try this & don't waist your time coz this is 2011,
hey guys this type of peoples don't have sense of shame and honour.

Before jumping the gun .. have a relook at the original post once again. As pointed out by one of the member, this article was a paid advertisement.

About PRWeb (as quoted on its web site)

PRWeb gives you everything you need to get attention, improve search engine rankings, and drive more business to your door.
You create an announcement about your organization. We send it across the Web and around the world

Your country already has intellect's like Dr.Abdus Salam, Pervez Hoodbhoy .... you need to be proud of it.
Brother, I understand. You tried searching but could not find any info. Neither could I. So just chill, as rest of pakistani members are doing. Also, please show the right flag.

Appears to be another attempt at self aggrandizement.
But I am also thinking, can I open a blog and declare me among the "10 most influencial persons ever walked on earth".

I no need any objection from you, your details are fake, thats it
I think we should do research together, because i have some peoples in your family to do research on them, can you send to me there Phd CV?

Before jumping the gun .. have a relook at the original post once again. As pointed out by one of the member, this article was a paid advertisement.

About PRWeb (as quoted on its web site)

Your country already has intellect's like Dr.Abdus Salam, Pervez Hoodbhoy .... you need to be proud of it.
What do you want to say from it?
Ok now this surely smells of a well made hoax.

Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM)
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is a sovereign entity according to international law, but is actually used as a classic example of an entity which is sovereign (like a country) but is not a country. It does not have a territory, and therefore, it does not live up to the requisites of a country. A sovereign entity does not have to be a country. SMOM is an example of this. For sovereignty, it is generally considered that the entity should be recognized as such by other sovereign entities.
Literature on the subject: R.M.M. Wallace: "International Law", Sweet & Maxwell, 2nd edition, London 1992, page 76.
Elias Granqvist, 14 March 2001

The case of the SMOM is an interesting matter. Different books on international law give different explanations. Some countries consider it as a sovereign organization, others consider it as a country without territory, others consider it as the world's smallest country
. Whether it is a country or not depends on the status of the headquarters of SMOM (a building and a garden - 6000 square meters). The headquarters have an extraterritorial status, but it is not clear whether it is the territory of the SMOM or it is the embassy of SMOM in Italy. In any of the two cases, I think that the SMOM should be considered as a country, as it has many of the functions of a country: it has diplomatic relations with many countries, issues passports (only countries, the Red Cross, and the UN issue passports), and it's a member of a few international organizations.
Ivan Marinov, 14 March 2001

This is brilliant ! I thought it was based in the UK, so you could at-least ask the UK gov about the award. But this is really clever !
Is'nt it obvious? ... It's a paid advertisement. The guy is a con.


(Why U want to zip your self, Mr Stumper Don't zip your self, I think your research looks Null to me,
come to me I'll fill your blanks & i will salve your problem, Don't worry I'll send to you my direction,)

Didn't you remember these words?
I think you very jealous, why its so,
(Why U want to zip your self, Mr Stumper Don't zip your self, I think your research looks Null to me,
come to me I'll fill your blanks & i will salve your problem, Don't worry I'll send to you my direction,)

Didn't you remember these words?
I think you very jealous, why its so,

sorry mistake.... Remember this one, it was nice answer to you,
Dont burn your self
(OK what i concluded from your comment upon pr web is that by tomorrow you can also pay to pr web & let them publish the news for being you the new president of Singapore; ....Is it so?)
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