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Pakistani response to Indian allegations in UN

tell me one "just cause" for them that unites them despite all reservations towards there own state , its institutions and state of affairs in there country :azn:

Pakistan has lost so much in the last 70 years due to Kashmir, fought 4 wars with India, lost their economy, made Pakistan a security state. So much mayhem and violence in the last 15 years. Even now they think eat and live Kashmir.
There is nothing to discuss. My post is a statement depicting facts. Can you or your friends contradict any one single line ?

If there is nothing to discuss then why ask me contradict the facts that exist in your mind? If I could discuss this better with you I would not have tagged more knowledgeable guys to your post. Be patient bro let these guys discuss it out with you. The money that Maharaja or Raja took from India to hand over Kashmir is not wasted yet. :D
Thats a very good way for acknowledging that you have run out of gas.... when India was broken, divided and dismantled into pieces, you start smiling in admission on that very fact, while you know that it cannot be ever undone... Pakistan cannot be ever undone...and Indians know they can't do it...they are too weak compared to Pakistanis.

What acknowledgement ? Reading between the lines a bit too much ?
I have already given the history of Kashmir, how India illegally occupied it....donot want to repeat it.....the very fact remains, Pakistan took half of Kashmir, and the current business is that the rest part is to be rejoined with remaining Kashmir.
What ? Clearly state it here..What illegal occupation ?
Questions, and answer them directly.
1. did Pakistan not conform to Mountbatten plan/ Government of India act ?
2. Did it not have the clause for accession ?
3. Show me how it is factually wrong.
So if u do want to know, history, who ran to UN with its dhoti between its legs when the remaining Kashmirs was becoming part of Pakistan, and begged UN to stop the Pakistani invasion.....UN ordered you to do Plebiscite, a Referendum in the kashmir valley according to wishes of kashmiris....so if u r so confident, y stopping that to happen, I ll tell u because Kashmirs hate to be part of India....they hate to be called Indians....they never celebrate Indian independence of 1947, when India was broken by Jinnah and Brits.
As I said, very much glad that the cancerous part is gone, which was an impediment to our development. It is something, we duly acknowledged in our constitution.
It is a fact that India lost all wars, tell me when has India, which was divided so many times as actually be the same India before in 1947 ???? tell me did Bangladesh became same as before 1947 ??? what r they gains of 1947/48 kashmir war? what did u achieve in 1965? according to ur Indian General he wanted to have bear and lunch in Lahore?? where is Lahore since 1965 ? Does Bengalis want to be part of India ??? Bengalis hate you Indians to the core ? 1999 Kargil war, who owns the mountain peaks and valleys ? Has India got back A total of around 140 Indian Army posts in Kargil area of J&K which were taken by the Pakistan Army?
Wars are fought on the basis of objectives. India has achieved all it's objectives.

Come on just because through out 1000 year history do not talk or chest thumb to much about victories and wars, doesn't mean ur lies, and facts you start to reverse as you start doing reversing India history through Modi rule....the history cannot be changed....
Your history is of 70 years period....
India for Pakistanis is one loser, divided and invaded land with some temples filled with rats and slums smell, with artificial makeup of shinny incredible Indian cloak...from inside Indians are weak, miser and empty...period.

Aww..do you know the difference in GDP ? Did you know, Indian military budget only is more than Pakistan's entire federal budget ?

If there is nothing to discuss then why ask me contradict the facts that exist in your mind? If I could discuss this better with you I would not have tagged more knowledgeable guys to your post. Be patient bro let these guys discuss it out with you. The money that Maharaja or Raja took from India to hand over Kashmir is not wasted yet. :D

You can only contradict if there is something to discuss. I thought that was implied. comprehension fail.
Pakistan has lost so much in the last 70 years due to Kashmir, fought 4 wars with India, lost their economy, made Pakistan a security state. So much mayhem and violence in the last 15 years. Even now they think eat and live Kashmir.
give me one good reason why they will ever change there stance/stand towards kashmir :azn:
And the whole world knows which country has 'elected' a terrorist as prime minister :)

How is that relevant to this thread? Obama elected for second tenure its purely US people choice ,how come you blame it?. Whole world viewing muslims are threat to peace , thus Obama killed lots muslims for the betterment of people. For his remarkable attempt he got the Nobel peace prize . I agreed.....US humiliated Pakistan in many ways(including op.Geronimo) even their army killed Pakistanis on regular basis via drones/air attacks etc . Due to those reasons calling Obama as a terrorist is ridiculous...... try use your brain.
As I said, looking at the present circumstances, will be forever grateful to Jinnah for what he did, does not matter whatever may be the reasons.

And your perception about the history of Kashmir is vehemently wrong.

Pakistani militia attacked Kashmir on the dawn of 22nd October, 1947. Till then the Maharaja of Kashmir didn't decide to accede to any, for he equally hated both the idea of Pakistan and Kashmir. Thanks to Pakistani aggression, he decided to accede to India, which he did on 26th October, 1947. That made Kashmir an integral part of India, again, in accordance with Mountbatten plan. That also made the Pakistani attack an attack on Indian sovereignty. As a result of which Indian forces landed on Srinagar only on 30th of October.

Till now, Pakistan has lost all four wars, some 60000 militants have been killed, many of them Pakistani Punjabis, not accounting for the slain Pakistani soldiers who tried to infiltrate India in guise of militants ? All this over a span of 70 years ? Not to mention, you lost half of your country in the process ?

The losses only makes it comparable to Operation Overlord and thereby one of the biggest failures in the recorded history of mankind ?

Just one word... LOL...
He was a Hindu racist tyrant and we the kashmiri muslims rebelled against him
60,000 militants or kashmiri civilians?
You can only contradict if there is something to discuss. I thought that was implied. comprehension fail.

If there is nothing to discuss then why are you even here? Why mention it then? If I were you feeling all confident that my version of history and story is all correct and nothing can contradict it, I would not even bother to post it. Fail yeah sure for a closed system.
What acknowledgement ? Reading between the lines a bit too much ?

What ? Clearly state it here..What illegal occupation ?
Questions, and answer them directly.
1. did Pakistan not conform to Mountbatten plan/ Government of India act ?
2. Did it not have the clause for accession ?
3. Show me how it is factually wrong.

As I said, very much glad that the cancerous part is gone, which was an impediment to our development. It is something, we duly acknowledged in our constitution.

Wars are fought on the basis of objectives. India has achieved all it's objectives.

Your history is of 70 years period....

Aww..do you know the difference in GDP ? Did you know, Indian military budget only is more than Pakistan's entire federal budget ?

You can only contradict if there is something to discuss. I thought that was implied. comprehension fail.

So You admit, India was divided in 1947 by Jinnah's plan after facing aggression from Hindus of Gandhi, giving birth to Mountbatten Plan, and later India tried illegal occupation of Kashmir, and Pak Army / Tribals took half of Kashmir? Have u got East Pakistan, Bangladesh back?

hahaha, Now u coming with GDP, Economy, Objectives, IPL-BCCI budgets what relevance is to this thread hahaha??

Dude it was India that was broken, divided and dismantled many times since 1947 !!! As it will be invaded and divided in the future!
He was a Hindu racist tyrant and we the kashmiri muslims rebelled against him
60,000 militants or kashmiri civilians?
Civilians to whom you gave arms to create mayhem and your friends from Afghanistan.
He was a Hindu racist tyrant and we the kashmiri muslims rebelled against him
60,000 militants or kashmiri civilians?
History does not take sides. Perceptions may differ. But let me state this, I was not much fond of Maharaja Hari Singh as well, in a personal level. However, I will ask you, what led you to your conclusion ?

60K is the figure for the militants only.

So You admit, India was divided in 1947 by Jinnah's plan after facing aggression from Hindus of Gandhi, giving birth to Mountbatten Plan, and later India tried illegal occupation of Kashmir, and Pak Army / Tribals took half of Kashmir? Have u got East Pakistan, Bangladesh back?

hahaha, Now u coming with GDP, Economy, Objectives, IPL-BCCI budgets what relevance is to this thread hahaha??

Dude it was India that was broken, divided and dismantled many times since 1947 !!! As it will be invaded and divided in the future!

Answers to my questions please ?
If there is nothing to discuss then why are you even here? Why mention it then? If I were you feeling all confident that my version of history and story is all correct and nothing can contradict it, I would not even bother to post it. Fail yeah sure for a closed system.

Super comprehension fail. I had something to state, which I did. Beyond which(TIMELINE???), unless you can contradict the facts, there is nothing more to be discussed. How old are you BTW ? I hate spoon feeding basic logic.
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