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Pakistani response to Indian allegations in UN

The world will now understand India is state sponser of terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Funding and providing intelligence/logistical support to some of the most violent child killing/molesting militants in the world.
Oh so u donot accept UN now....
When did I say that ?

the same UN India is begging with full zoor to become permanent membership....
India is staking its claim being a rightfully eligible country. Even Pakistan can try :p:

.India ran to UN/US/Soviets in 1965
You must have learned it through Pakistani history book :p:

India ran again for Kashmir when Pakistan took half of kashmir in 1947,
Pakistan did take GB and other parts of Kashmir it was the only success of Pakistan.
But stupid Nehru who wanted to be a World leading Statesman instead of beating Pakistan back (ignoring Sardar Patel) took this matter to UN. Indians still regret that :hitwall:

India ran again in 1971 and then India ran to UN in Kargil ....u lie but the facts are facts....losers
My advice : Stop reading Pakistani history textbooks :p:
Looks like Pakistanis are not going to spare India, khoob ley raha hai.

The Indian terrorism, Water Terrorism dossier evidence and Kashmir issue should be passed to each and every country in the world and each and every media, internet channel they could find.

Pakistan should also prepare for short limited war.
Add cricket terrorism too.....After all PCB is on the verge of collapse because of India..Isnt it...
Statement by Mr. Bilal Ahmad, Counselor Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations in Exercise of Right of Reply
(2015-10-01) Mr. President,

We have requested for the floor in response to India's statements in this debate.

India's attempts to deny its illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir are a travesty of history. To perpetuate its occupation, India has deployed over seven hundred thousand security forces in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Only the occupier would oppose the implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions that promised self-determination to the people of the disputed State of Jammu and Kashmir. Over 100,000 Kashmiris have been killed, thousands of women widowed and raped, and children orphaned by this brutal occupation and the most egregious form of state terrorism by India. Independent human rights organizations have confirmed the existence of over 6000 unnamed mass graves in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

If India had respect for international law and moral courage, it would end its reign of terror, withdraw its troops and let the Kashmiris freely decide their future in the UN mandated plebiscite as promised to them by the UNSC resolutions.

UN Security Council Resolutions 47 of 21 April 1948, 51 of 3 June 1948, 80 of 14 March 1950, 91 of 30 March 1951, 122 of 24 January 1957 and the Resolutions of UNCIP of 13 August 1948 and of 5 January 1949 declare that the final disposition of the State of Jammu and Kashmir would be made in accordance with the will of the people expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nations. The people of Jammu and Kashmir await fulfillment of that promise.

The core issue of Jammu and Kashmir cannot be cast aside by empty rhetoric. It has been and will always be on top of the agenda of any talks between India and Pakistan. This is because durable peace and stability in the region depends on a just and lasting settlement of this dispute in accordance with the resolutions of the UN Security Council.

It is therefore disingenuous of India to ignore the serious peace initiative proposed by the Prime Minister of Pakistan from this august forum.

While proclaiming its willingness to talk, India has imposed pre-conditions, knowing that these would be unacceptable to Pakistan.

India's insistence on limiting the talks to a one point agenda proves that it is neither interested nor serious in engaging in a genuine dialogue. Using the terrorism bogey, India has not only stalled the bilateral dialogue but also vitiated the overall atmosphere between the two countries.

Pakistan's commitment, and its role and sacrifice in the fight against terrorism, including the success of our ongoing counter-terrorism operations, have been acknowledged and praised by the entire international community.

The entire world is also united in unequivocally condemning terrorism, except India. This country is insensitive to the tragic human dimension of terrorism. India seems to suggest that acts of terrorism in Pakistan are acceptable. By doing so, India in fact seeks to mask its own support and sponsorship of terrorism in Pakistan.

India has also failed to bring to justice the perpetrators of terrorism against innocent civilians in the 2007 Samjhota Express bombings. The decision of the Indian Government not to challenge the bail granted to Swami Aseemanand, the main accused in the case, raises serious doubts about India's willingness to convict its nationals involved in terror incidents against the Muslims. This is a continuation of the sad saga of the massacre of Muslims in Gujarat.

I would like to inform that Pakistan has today handed over to the UN Secretary-General dossiers containing evidence of Indian involvement in terrorism and fomenting instability in Pakistan. The dossiers include details of Indian interference and support for terrorism in Balochistan and Karachi as well as its security and intelligence agencies' link with the TTP especially in FATA.

Mr. President,

The international community supports dialogue between India and Pakistan.

Despite India's hostile attitude, it remains our desire to move forward in an open and constructive manner.

The Prime Minister's peace initiative is in line with his vision of a friendly neighbourhood that he enunciated immediately after taking office, two years ago.

We hope that India will respond positively in the interest of peace and prosperity, the cherished collective objective of our peoples.

Thank you Mr. President

New York
01 October 2015

This time around Pakistan had prepared well on diplomatic front. The way everything unfurled, I see a lot of work was done by Foreign Office. From what I see from the language, my guess is Dr. Maleeha Lodhi is main architect of this diplomatic offensive. She is one hell of a diplomat and has been in foreign office from young age. Mostly worked in West especially US. She understands diplomacy especially in Western spheres.
Add cricket terrorism too.....After all PCB is on the verge of collapse because of India..Isnt it...

India was never happy with Sri Lankan team visiting Pakistan, and then that attack happened. Interestingly that too when world cup was about to be played in near future. So if you ask me nobody would gain from attacking Sri Lankan team except India. 10 sal say ziyada kay gunah hain munnah tumhari agencies kay itnay aram say Mars pay nahi poncho gay tum log.
This time around Pakistan had prepared well on diplomatic front. The way everything unfurled, I see a lot of work was done by Foreign Office. From what I see from the language, my guess is Dr. Maleeha Lodhi is main architect of this diplomatic offensive. She is one hell of a diplomat and has been in foreign office from young age. Mostly worked in West especially US. She understands diplomacy especially in Western spheres.

The language of this diplomatic response to Indian allegations is good... However i think the language used by PM in his speech at UNGA was very weak... Just compare it to indian foreign minister's speech at how she put allegations on Pak... On the other hand, our PM hardly spoke about indian terrorism in Pak at UNGA.. Infact i think, the dossier should have been provided, prior to PM speech at UN... Then, it would have made more impact... Now Pak has only reacted to Indias offense... It now seems, we also handed over dossier only in response to indian allegations..although it was predecided tht we would present dossier.. Our diplomacy was only reactive... I think we should have adopted a more proactive approach... And this response of Mr Bilal Ahmed, which is a strong response to Indias allegations in UN, is also forced by Indias offense... Otherwise, we on our part did nothing proactively to counter indias propaganda against Pak
The language of this diplomatic response to Indian allegations is good... However i think the language used by PM in his speech at UNGA was very weak... Just compare it to indian foreign minister's speech at how she put allegations on Pak... On the other hand, our PM hardly spoke about indian terrorism in Pak at UNGA.. Infact i think, the dossier should have been provided, prior to PM speech at UN... Then, it would have made more impact... Now Pak has only reacted to Indias offense... It now seems, we also handed over dossier only in response to indian allegations..although it was predecided tht we would present dossier.. Our diplomacy was only reactive... I think we should have adopted a more proactive approach... And this response of Mr Bilal Ahmed, which is a strong response to Indias allegations in UN, is also forced by Indias offense... Otherwise, we on our part did nothing proactively to counter indias propaganda against Pak

Nope. I think it was how Pakistan planned it and it was a good plan. BJP and India are big mouth and arrogant and this gets you no where in diplomacy. Look how heavy players play diplomacy. They never show arrogance. India play big mouth for its domestic population. It sells well with Indian public but on international stage it can get you trapped. When a blind bull charges in arrogance, it is a good move to make way for it and let it end up in a cage. At the moment Pakistan should focus on attacking Indian credibility and this is exactly what they did. India had same old narrative. Pakistan had antidote this time.
Good job, lets see if someone entertains the plea.:tup:

No one wants to enter a plea. You've been check mated. Even POTUS said day before yesterday that India and Pakistan "both parties" need to resolve the Kashmir issue by sitting down. You know what that means in case you want to play stupid??? It MEANS, Kashmir has been accepted as a "Disputed Territory" by the world.

NS put India on the spot, clearly showing peace directive from the highest level inside Pakistan. To follow through with the last punch, per his instructions, RS gave a statement the SAME day that Pakistan Army wishes to establish good relations with India, but not at the cost of our sovereignty. So that showed the world that the Pakistani PM was right and he's got his military under controlled as the Army Chief is saying the SAME thing.

With that, now India of course will reject it. But the world know knows this is a "disputed territory", not an Indian part lol :rofl: :angel:. And that longer lasting peace needs to get this resolved. In the long run, if an event or confrontation took place, TRUST me, the US will push down on both's necks to make peace and sign an accord about Kashmir. You and I both know the US is the Big Daddy, Kerry's two visits to India and Pakistan, with a shut up call, stopped the increasing hostility on the border.

The SAME Army IBG's Modi put to move to get into a "limited scale war", will not attack Pakistan anymore due to Pakistan announcing full spectrum integrated response using Flash lights. And the US immediately jumped in and forced both to stop. So the already mobilized IBG's, will NOW, do "exercises" and will go back to their respective cantonments!! Peace 1, Stupidity and Grandiosity 0.
really, India superpawa is innocent like a baby...India never started any war...India is Holy devi, everyone comes and rapes her.

India cannot ever defeat Pakistan, and to defeat Pakistan u have to take its nukes, missiles and cease Pakistan to exist...LOC is not international boundary anyone can act....but this time Pakistan is going to take Kashmir...
Seriously, you sometimes tend to forget that your country got reduced to half.
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