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Pakistani response to Indian allegations in UN

1. distorted facts ? Which one ?
2. Do get tempted.
3. Which personal attack ? I will explain likewise if you are a 12 year old.
4. Again, you have anything to contradict me, or add ?

You know how an idiot person reacts? Well how would you know. But anyhow let me be courteous enough and tolerate the sheer idiocy here and gently explain it to you, buddy when someone tags other people and refers them to your post it means he is asking for more knowledgeable posters than him to participate in this discussion, what was so difficult there to cope with? but if some idiot makes it a matter of scoring points, proving his superior intellect and throwing personal attacks like what is your age, comprehension fail etc................... then sadly it reflects very unprofessional of that person. You want me to honor you with a vir bakra or something in successfully defending honor of your country and proving me a child and wrong?
Janab new picture and videos coming from the Azad Kashmir pakistan occupied kashmir is telling some other story. The kashmiri people living in pakistan occupation sorry pakistan rule are started to stand against them and some of them are saying that India is far better.

Nawaz Shariff with 4 point resolution and india have ease it just 1 point resolution i.e stop spreading terrorism and come to the table to discuss something substantial.
Janab new picture and videos coming from the *** pakistan occupied kashmir is telling some other story. The kashmiri people living in pakistan occupation sorry pakistan rule are started to stand against them and some of them are saying that India is far better.

Nawaz Shariff with 4 point resolution and india have ease it just 1 point resolution i.e stop spreading terrorism and come to the table to discuss something substantial.
Loadshedding protests and protests by a dinosaur political party called jklnf I am from Ajk I know about my state
Acknowledgment that u r grateful to Jinnah, that he divided India into pieces in 1947.
Jinnah divided what was British India and I think I had been telling the same for last three posts ? Both the Indian and Pakistani leaders decided to do the same. What makes you think anyone has the high ground there ?
And it does matter what the reasons were, because of Hindus criminal aggressions.
Can you relate criminality with religion ? Post reported.
You r first Indian celebrating India getting divided in 1947 by Jinnah and Brit's plan. What about the Sikh part of Mountbatten Plan??? where is Khalistan, come on give Sikhs the independent khalistan land, with a acknowledgement like that? :agree:
Not only me. Most of Indians this date do.

Also, did you just related Khalistan with Government of India act ? Do you have an iota of idea what you are talking about ? Are you educated enough to talk about that ? I have my serious doubts now.

Quoting directly from the source :

4. The Punjab

(1)As from the appointed day—

(a)the Province of the Punjab, as constituted under the Government of India Act, 1935, shall cease to exist; and

(b)there shall be constituted two new Provinces, to be known respectively as West Punjab and East Punjab.

(2)The boundaries of the said new Provinces shall be such as may be determined, whether before or after the appointed day, by the award of a boundary commission appointed or to be appointed by the Governor-General in that behalf, but until the boundaries are so determined—

(a)the Districts specified in the Second Schedule to this Act shall be treated as the territories to be comprised in the new Province of West Punjab ; and

(b)the remainder of the territories comprised at the date of the passing of this Act in the Province of the Punjab shall be treated as the territories which are to be comprised in the new Province of East Punjab.

(3)In this section, the expression " award," means, in relation to a boundary commission, the decisions of the chairman of that commission contained in his report to the Governor-General at the conclusion of the commission's proceedings.

Oh what about the 635 princely status which were given independent status by Mountbatten plan???
Yeah, what about them ? Do enlighten us all!!
The state of Jammu and Kashmir, which was expected to accede to Pakistan on account of its 77% Muslim majority and its cultural and commercial links to West Punjab Pakistan but whose Hindu ruler chose to accede to India, became a disputed territory. The states of Junagadh and Hyderabad, with majority Hindu populations but with Muslim rulers, were merged into India soon after Lord Mountbatten left India in 1948.

Who expected ? Under which provision, under which understanding ?
Do you Indian lies and deceit here? Pathetic Indians !!!
Point it out to me with sources. Clear and concise.

Dude, I donot know what makes u comprehend things, point (1) & (2) am giving u reasons behind the making of Mountbatten Plan, Mountbatten Plan never existed had Jinnah, All Pakistan Muslim League's own independent plan - i.e the plan to divide and build a separate Muslim nation out of Indian Subcontinent for themselves.
If Pakistan conformed to the plan, then what gives it the authority to lay claim on a state that rightfully acceded ?
Hence the question. Can you answer ?
(3) It is factually wrong, because Radcliffe line did not cover Kashmir, because Kashmir was run by Hindu Maharaja while it was all Muslim population in Kashmir? Muslim Kashmir was left as it is given dominion status meaning autonomous community status...while Kashmir wanted to join Pakistan, the ruler did not sign the mountbatten act. Same is the case with Junagragh and Hyderabad, they all wanted or were part of Pakistan under illegal criminal occupation by India.

Kashmir wanted to join Pakistan ? Haha... They taught you that ? Source ??

Kashmir wanted to remain independent and did not want to join any side to begin with. Hari Singh hated to be part of Pakistan and despised Nehru, because he feared land reforms, which is, in fact one the first things Nehru did in India, again which is something that never properly happened in Pakistan. You have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about.
Hyderabad wanted to be part of Pakistan ? Are you even remotely aware that Nizam fought a war for 'independence' there ? Again - what led you to believe so ? Source ??

Junagadh ? The rule fled with command in the hands of the civil servants. You seriously need to go back to school. Source ??

what Objectives???, that 1947, Gandhi failed to stop Indian dismantlement or the failed objective that of all of Kashmir never became of India, or those Objectives that 1971, East Pakistan never became part of India, rather became a new muslim nation called Bangladesh, or those objectives that mountain peaks and Indian army posts are still under Pakistan now?? or 1965 Indian General dream of having whisky and lunch in Lahore ??? Objectives that u supported Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and later Pakistan, but yet defeated badly....or those objectives of India that it wanted a tamil Hindu rule in Srilanka, but with help of Pakistan, Srilankans defeated India and killed the LTTE Hindu leader.

Was it Gandhi who was becoming the Prime Minister of India or was it Nehru ? Who were the party to the implementation ?
The rest of your gibberish has more holes than a sieve just like all you have written so far....Brilliantly stupid and ignorant actually.

Irrelevant to this this thread, I can thrash you an day what your might military budgeted Army has done, other than terrorism inside Pakistan.

The same way LTTE is irrelevant to the thread ? And of course, if you can launch nukes off the internet, I'm sure you can do a hell lot of other things too.
Come again, poor weak divided Indians :laugh::laughcry::laughcry:

Agains, last time I checked, it was 90K Pakistanis surrendering to Indians, and losing half the country in the process. Denial ? Yes ?

You know how an idiot person reacts? Well how would you know. But anyhow let me be courteous enough and tolerate the sheer idiocy here and gently explain it to you, buddy when someone tags other people and refers them to your post it means he is asking for more knowledgeable posters than him to participate in this discussion, what was so difficult there to cope with? but if some idiot makes it a matter of scoring points, proving his superior intellect and throwing personal attacks like what is your age, comprehension fail etc................... then sadly it reflects very unprofessional of that person. You want me to honor you with a vir bakra or something in successfully defending honor of your country and proving me a child and wrong?

Which part of my brief questions you did not understand there ?

1. distorted facts ? Which one ?
2. Do get tempted.
3. Which personal attack ? I will explain likewise if you are a 12 year old.
4. Again, you have anything to contradict me, or add ?
Janab new picture and videos coming from the *** pakistan occupied kashmir is telling some other story. The kashmiri people living in pakistan occupation sorry pakistan rule are started to stand against them and some of them are saying that India is far better.

Nawaz Shariff with 4 point resolution and india have ease it just 1 point resolution i.e stop spreading terrorism and come to the table to discuss something substantial.

How ironical Nawaz Sharif himself happens to be a Kashmiri origin Punjabi. Better luck next time, but still a nice try at propaganda, oh sorry Indian facts that nobody can add to or deny.
Nope. I think it was how Pakistan planned it and it was a good plan. BJP and India are big mouth and arrogant and this gets you no where in diplomacy. Look how heavy players play diplomacy. They never show arrogance. India play big mouth for its domestic population. It sells well with Indian public but on international stage it can get you trapped. When a blind bull charges in arrogance, it is a good move to make way for it and let it end up in a cage. At the moment Pakistan should focus on attacking Indian credibility and this is exactly what they did. India had same old narrative. Pakistan had antidote this time.

So agreee with what u said..... so well-analyzed.

On topic:

Very nicely worded response. Our diplomats must keep emphasizing on the period of terror india has unleashed on kashmiris and for so long now.
Which part of my brief questions you did not understand there ?

1. distorted facts ? Which one ?
2. Do get tempted.
3. Which personal attack ? I will explain likewise if you are a 12 year old.
4. Again, you have anything to contradict me, or add ?

Get well soon buddy, get well soon.

@Irfan Baloch you are an active mod who often addresses complaints in real time. I am having a problem here, this poster is continuously tempting me to engage in personal attacks. According to him it seems replying to someone like "What is your age" "Comprehension fail" "Comparing to a 12 year old" etc etc are normal way of discussion and don't mean personal attacks. The Indian posters have this habit of provoking and when they get replied to they run and report, it happened before too and I had to give you a detailed explanation of my reply, I don't want that to happen again. So can you please help here thanks.
India has made a mockery of herself in front of world by rebuffing Pakistan's proposals at UNGA

India looks bad rebuffing Pakistan peace overture

India has much to gain by taking up Pakistan’s specific proposals on Kashmir and demanding commitments for them to ease tensions between the two nuclear powers in the disputed region, says Shivam Vij.

In his speech at the United Nations General Assembly yesterday, Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif made a direct proposal to India to normalize relations. India immediately and summarily rejected his overture, blaming Pakistan for terrorism and taking strong exception of his description of Indian-administered Kashmir as a foreign occupied territory.

In the never-ending saga of India-Pakistan relations, it is usually Pakistan that looks like the party that does not want peace. It is Pakistan that gets blamed for terrorist attacks in India, heightened military confrontation on the disputed Kahsmir border, or militant incursions. Now, with New Delhi not responding even to very specific Pakistani proposals for reducing tensions, India risks being seen as the party that is shunning dialogue and peace.

The Pakistani prime minister proposed putting into a signed document the 2003 ceasefire agreement. Back then, India and Pakistan did not sign that agreement due to diplomatic differences over phraseology. Nevertheless, the 2003 agreement did result in substantially reducing tensions on the disputed Kashmir border, at least until 2013. Over ten years, a lot of military and civilian lives and property were saved. Signing such an agreement can only be in India's interest.

DW correspondent Shivam Vij

India instead blamed Pakistan for ceasefire violations. It is true that Pakistan's ceasefire violations in Jammu and Kashmir are often aimed at helping militant incursions, but it is not as if India doesn't respond to them.

An objective outsider can never tell what the two armies - standing eye to eye on a volatile disputed border - are up to. That is why the monitoring mechanism of the United Nations Military Observers Group in India and Pakistan, better known as UNMOGIP, can only be to India's advantage. While Pakistan wants an enhanced role for UNMOGIP, India would rather have UNMOGIP's international observes pack up and go home.

India says that Kashmir and other disputes are strictly between India and Pakistan, and that the two countries signed an agreement in 1972 that there would be no third party.

However, Nawaz Sharif did not seek the UN's intervention in mediation, or dispute resolution. Indeed, India is missing the departure from the strict Pakistani line that Kashmir needs a plebiscite under the UN Security Council resolutions. That is the usual Pakistani rhetoric meant to go nowhere.

But Nawaz Sharif this time tried to show meaningful intent by proposing that India and Pakistan reaffirm that they will not use, or even threaten to use, force against each other. India could take this up and demand commitments from Pakistan on terrorism, asking Islamabad to walk the talk and bring to justice the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai in 2008. India could also ask Pakistan to reciprocate India's commitment to not be the first to use nuclear weapons.

Nawaz Sharif proposed demilitarization of Kashmir, to which India has responded by saying that the real solution is “de-terrorizing Pakistan”. However, Pakistan did not demand demilitarization of only India-administered Kashmir. This would apply to both sides of the disputed border. India knows better than anyone that Pakistan's terrorist infrastructure is centered in Kashmir. India could demand linking demilitarization of Kashmir to Pakistan shutting down Kashmir terrorist groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba.

The Line of Control separates India- and Pakistan-controlled Kashmir

It is bizarre that India is unwilling to seriously talk to Pakistan to achieve peace and stability in the region. Military action against a nuclear-armed Pakistan is not an option for India. Pretending that Kashmir is not a dispute is not viable. Pakistan is India's greatest foreign policy challenge and India's answer seems to be disengagement.

Talks announced in July went nowhere; they were announced clearly under international pressure. India and Pakistan both typically blamed each other for the failure of talks. India said it would not let Pakistan pay even lip-service to the Kashmir issue and won't let Pakistanis meet Kashmiri secessionists.

Now, with Pakistan making specific proposals to bring down tensions, it is looking difficult for India to make Pakistan look like the party that does not want peace. In this game of play-acting before the international community, India thinks it can isolate Pakistan. But, India might be punching above its weight because Pakistan's geographic location makes it important to the international community. To keep the Taliban in check in Afghanistan, the world needs Pakistan. Deepening Pakistan-China relations have also been a cause of concern for India.

Given these circumstances, it would be fruitful for India to accept Nawaz Sharif's overture, sit down for talks, show serious intent, and not put forward unreasonable and pointless demands. Should there be another Pakistan-backed terrorist attack in India, it will be Pakistan, and not India, that will look like the party in the wrong.

Have something to say? Add your comments below.
Get well soon buddy, get well soon.

@Irfan Baloch you are an active mod who often addresses complaints in real time. I am having a problem here, this poster is continuously tempting me to engage in personal attacks. According to him it seems replying to someone like "What is your age" "Comprehension fail" "Comparing to a 12 year old" etc etc are normal way of discussion and don't mean personal attacks. The Indian posters have this habit of provoking and when they get replied to they run and report, it happened before too and I had to give you a detailed explanation of my reply, I don't want that to happen again. So can you please help here thanks.
It's you who accused me of distorting facts right over there, and could not point out any. It's you who has been quoting me for no reason for last three pages, when you clearly have nothing to contribute nor anything to add. And now you play the victim card as well ?
No one wants to enter a plea. You've been check mated. Even POTUS said day before yesterday that India and Pakistan "both parties" need to resolve the Kashmir issue by sitting down. You know what that means in case you want to play stupid??? It MEANS, Kashmir has been accepted as a "Disputed Territory" by the world.

NS put India on the spot, clearly showing peace directive from the highest level inside Pakistan. To follow through with the last punch, per his instructions, RS gave a statement the SAME day that Pakistan Army wishes to establish good relations with India, but not at the cost of our sovereignty. So that showed the world that the Pakistani PM was right and he's got his military under controlled as the Army Chief is saying the SAME thing.

With that, now India of course will reject it. But the world know knows this is a "disputed territory", not an Indian part lol :rofl: :angel:. And that longer lasting peace needs to get this resolved. In the long run, if an event or confrontation took place, TRUST me, the US will push down on both's necks to make peace and sign an accord about Kashmir. You and I both know the US is the Big Daddy, Kerry's two visits to India and Pakistan, with a shut up call, stopped the increasing hostility on the border.

The SAME Army IBG's Modi put to move to get into a "limited scale war", will not attack Pakistan anymore due to Pakistan announcing full spectrum integrated response using Flash lights. And the US immediately jumped in and forced both to stop. So the already mobilized IBG's, will NOW, do "exercises" and will go back to their respective cantonments!! Peace 1, Stupidity and Grandiosity 0.

Offcourse Kashmirs is a dispute, Indian government has said so unequivocally and has asked for earlier handover of P0K from Pakistan.

What is so surprising here?
The world will now understand India is state sponser of terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Funding and providing intelligence/logistical support to some of the most violent child killing/molesting militants in the world.

yes that's why WoT happening in India and US insisting India to take necessary action against terrorists in India. ...
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