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Pakistani patients facing heavy odds in India



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Apr 9, 2011
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Pakistani patients coming to India for treatment of different ailments are facing heavy odds as two women died within a span of ten days under difficult situation who came here for liver transplant surgeries. Besides seeking treating in other diseases, the Pakistani patients in large numbers come to India for liver transplant due to lack of such facility at home.

They faced hardships with regards to obtaining Indian visas, transfer of huge money for meeting various expenditures, travelling and long stays along with their attendants in hotels or flats.The death of two women Bhushra Raqib (49) and Mrs. Sheran Begum (48) recently and heavy amount being spent on such surgeries necessitated the need to set up liver transplant centres in Pakistan on urgent basis to catering the need of millions of Pakistanis facing liver-related ailments including liver cirrhosis which demand transplant surgery available only in India, China, Malaysia and Singapore in the surrounding countries.

Bushra Raqib expired before the surgery while Mrs. Sheran Begum died after the liver transplant surgery.In India, the expenditure on liver transplant surgery ranges between Rs. seventy and eighty lakhs as Rs. 32 lakhs are required for payment for the surgery only in addition to costly tests, post-surgery examination and stay of donors and attendants.
The Pakistani patients generally approach two hospitals in Delhi. Ganga Ram and Apollo for liver transplant. About 100 Pakistanis undergo liver transplant surgeries every year in these two hospitals.

When contacted Surgeon Subash Gupta of Apollo hospital told state news agency said that he conducted liver transplant surgeries to 46 Pakistanis during the last one year.He informed that the liver transplant surgery was not so complicated and he was ready to impart training to Pakistani doctors in this field.When contacted, Pakistani patients in both the centres said there was urgent need to set up liver transplant units in Pakistan as Pakistani patients can not afford such a huge amount required for such surgery. They said Pakistanis spend about Rs. 800 million in India every year for liver transplant surgery. Such an amount can be spent for establishing units at home, they observed.

Pakistani patients facing heavy odds in India - Pakistan News
Its sad to hear about all this-

Firstly- Pakistani Patients going to India for treatments because of inadequate facilities back home-
Secondly- The death of two patients- even after spending that much-
Its sad to hear about all this-

Firstly- Pakistani Patients going to India for treatments because of inadequate facilities back home-
Secondly- The death of two patients- even after spending that much-

Yeah...spending such big amount and end result is death of the patient...hurtful..
The dead was due to delay in treatment:...........had they got it in time they wouldmhad been alive
I am sure india can send a couple of doctors to train the personell at similiar pakistani establishments. Its sad the stringent visa rules are applicable even when the seeker is terminally ill and requires immideate attention. Advanced indian medical facilities are state of the art....the patients usually expire during the 'waiting period' for visa and other 'formalities'.

Either streamline/fast track visa procurement procedure for the terminally ill or set up training facilities in pakistan. Human life takes precence over border dispute.
I agree hospitals in india are very good but the thing is will our doctors be safe if they go to pak to train doctors back there it will be better if they come here
liver transplant is a very complex procedure.....sad to know the news...
Man! 32 Lakhs? If someday I need my liver to get transplanted, I would have to sell both my kidneys first. Damn! #2 Lakhs is some amount. On top of that, taxes on medications and diagnosis have increased.
Medical visa arrangement could be put in place. I mean how hard could it be let few sick people in the country as quick as possible and the patients be allowed to make money transfers and keep a track of them (if thats what the Indian authorities are worried about). If one thing I could change in India it would be this bs official "processing".

Patients are not for doctors to make money. We are not a capitalist country. That kind of cost is totally unseasonable. Who can pay that kind of money? The rich maybe, but it is not only the rich who need liver transplants. This is a sector which is totally unregulated. The govt should step in immediately and put a stop to this non sense. Apollo, I can understand but why Ganga Ram is so expensive is beyond belief. I had a lot of faith in Ganga Ram, they have some of the best facilities and doctors in India, but they used to be very patient friendly.
The world is fastly moving towards whats shown in the movie- Repo Men


Spoiler Alert

et in the near future when artificial organs can be bought on credit, it revolves around a man who struggles to make the payments on a heart he has purchased. He must therefore go on the run before said ticker is repossessed.

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